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Foiling Drug Tests

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Don Steiny

Sep 14, 1986, 1:44:17 AM9/14/86

Several people have mentioned various ways causing false
positives on drug tests. Someone mentioned "poppy seed bagels."
They were mentioned in an article I read as "perhaps," but the
article said that "poppy seed cake," was much more likely to cause
a false positive for opiates. There are a few poppy seeds sprinkled
on a poppy seed bagel, but a poppy seed cake has many poppy seeds.

I assume that opiates are found in minute amounts in other
poppy seeds besides opium poppies and that there is too little to have
an effect, but enough to foil drug tests.

I suggest that we all start sending lots of poppy seed cakes
to our representitives, bosses, police officers and others as an
experiment in what happens when the system gets loaded down
with "false" positives.

Don Steiny @ Don Steiny Software
109 Torrey Pine Terrace
Santa Cruz, Calif. 95060
(408) 425-0382

Joseph S. D. Yao

Sep 20, 1986, 6:59:56 AM9/20/86
In article <7...@scc.UUCP> ste...@scc.UUCP (Don Steiny) writes:
> Several people have mentioned various ways causing false
>positives on drug tests. Someone mentioned "poppy seed bagels."
>article said that "poppy seed cake," was much more likely to cause

*sigh* I assume y'all are familiar with poppy seed hamentashen,
which contain a heavy load of poppy seeds. I really like them.
Does this mean I have to give them up if the CIA (or whoever)
start testing all good Amurricans for opiates?

Or ... good heavens, is that WHY I like them so much?

Joe Yao hadron!jsdy@seismo.{CSS.GOV,ARPA,UUCP}
js...@hadron.COM (not yet domainised)

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