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Loss of I.Q.

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Jerry Natowitz

Sep 23, 1986, 5:15:36 PM9/23/86
[I added and]

> "Dr. Carl Faber, in a lecture on pornography aired over KPFK,
> warned listeners that "Your I.Q. drops 40 points when you're
> thinking about masturbating." He didn't say how the research
> was done."
> From The Realist, No. 102, September-October 1986
> (Subscriptions are 12 issues for $23, Box 1230, Venice CA 90294)
> Transcribed by
> Martin Minow
> decvax!minow

Did the good doctor (of what?) say how many points our I.Q.s drop
*while* masturbating? Let's give him a big hand (:-).
Jerry Natowitz (HASA - A division)
Bell Labs HR 2A-214
201-615-5178 (no CORNET)
or ihnp4!opus!jin

Isn't it interesting how the beautiful little red flower in the forest
becomes so ugly when you discover it's a candy wrapper.

Kenn Barry

Sep 25, 1986, 12:45:25 PM9/25/86
From: j...@hropus.UUCP (Jerry Natowitz):

>> "Dr. Carl Faber, in a lecture on pornography aired over KPFK,
>> warned listeners that "Your I.Q. drops 40 points when you're
>> thinking about masturbating." He didn't say how the research
>> was done."
>> From The Realist, No. 102, September-October 1986
>> (Subscriptions are 12 issues for $23, Box 1230, Venice CA 90294)
>> Transcribed by
>> Martin Minow
>> decvax!minow
>Did the good doctor (of what?) say how many points our I.Q.s drop
>*while* masturbating? Let's give him a big hand (:-).

If it's the same Carl Faber I had for Psychology of
Interpersonal Relations at UCLA back in the late 60's, he's a
doctor of psychology. And either that quote is out of context, or
he's changed a *lot* in the last 20 years. His big thing in the
60's was Kundalini Yoga, and he seemed about as sexually
liberated as one could be. Hippy with a capital H. He did always
have a flair for the dramatic statement, though.


Rob Vetter;1044;92-725;LP=A;60YB

Sep 26, 1986, 6:54:42 PM9/26/86
In article <6...@hropus.UUCP> j...@hropus.UUCP (Jerry Natowitz) writes:
>> "Dr. Carl Faber, in a lecture on pornography aired over KPFK,
>> warned listeners that "Your I.Q. drops 40 points when you're
>> thinking about masturbating." He didn't say how the research
>> was done."
>> From The Realist, No. 102, September-October 1986
>Did the good doctor (of what?) say how many points our I.Q.s drop
>*while* masturbating? Let's give him a big hand (:-).

That's O.K., I'll keep my hands for myself - let him
use his own.

Rob Vetter
(503) 629-1044
[ihnp4, ucbvax, decvax, uw-beaver]!tektronix!dadla!rob

Tom Harris

Oct 2, 1986, 1:18:27 PM10/2/86
In article <6...@hropus.UUCP> j...@hropus.UUCP (Jerry Natowitz) writes:
>> "Dr. Carl Faber, in a lecture on pornography aired over KPFK,
>> warned listeners that "Your I.Q. drops 40 points when you're
>> thinking about masturbating." He didn't say how the research
>> was done."
>> From The Realist, No. 102, September-October 1986

Gee, I thought I.Q. was supposed to be a constant measure of
mental ability (granted there is no perfect (or even very good)
way to measure this, but that is beside the point). It doesn't
change from moment to moment or because your doing something else.
Granted your ability to take an I.Q. test is going to be impaired
if you have to think about masterbating at the same time or think
about football or (miriads of similar bland things here).

Non Cuniculus Est,
Tom H.

Tim Smith

Oct 2, 1986, 10:01:08 PM10/2/86
> "Dr. Carl Faber, in a lecture on pornography aired over KPFK,
> warned listeners that "Your I.Q. drops 40 points when you're
> thinking about masturbating." He didn't say how the research
> was done."

Hey all you people out there with IQs over 140! You can think about
masturbating all you want and still be normal!

Did he say how much it falls when you think about other sexual acts?
member, all HASA divisions POELOD ECBOMB
^-- Secret Satanic Message

Tim Smith USENET: sdcrdcf!ism780c!tim Compuserve: 72257,3706
Delphi or GEnie: mnementh

Wendy Thrash

Oct 3, 1986, 5:11:40 PM10/3/86
>> "Dr. Carl Faber, in a lecture on pornography aired over KPFK,
>>> warned listeners that "Your I.Q. drops 40 points when you're
>>> thinking about masturbating."

I also heard or read that some doctor thinks your IQ can drop 10 points
or so if you snore. God! I'd better clean up my act or I'll be down to 150.
Wish it were that easy to lose weight! What? Oh. Right. :-)

This is where my .signature file would go if I had one. Yes, I've moved.
New address is ...sun!unisoft!wendyt or ...lll-lcc!unisoft!wendyt

Rex Ballard

Oct 10, 1986, 4:31:46 PM10/10/86
In article <7...@ihlpf.UUCP> zon...@ihlpf.UUCP (Tom Harris) writes:
>In article <6...@hropus.UUCP> j...@hropus.UUCP (Jerry Natowitz) writes:
>>> "Dr. Carl Faber, in a lecture on pornography aired over KPFK,
>>> warned listeners that "Your I.Q. drops 40 points when you're
>>> thinking about masturbating." He didn't say how the research
>>> was done."
>>> From The Realist, No. 102, September-October 1986
>Gee, I thought I.Q. was supposed to be a constant measure of
>mental ability (granted there is no perfect (or even very good)
>way to measure this, but that is beside the point).
>It doesn't
>change from moment to moment or because your doing something else.
> Tom H.

In the sense of standardized tests, and the strict meaning,
this is true. In a looser sense, it is often associated with
certain mental patterns such as attention span, ability to
focus attention, comprehension, "interrupt handling" ability,
awareness of others, and ability to concentrate.

In the broadest sense, I.Q. is a "buzzword" for "learning
ability". The ability to assimilate facts, and react, discuss,
and draw conclusions from new information.

Ironically, the good doctor is correct. When thinking about
masturbating, or any other sexual act, you are more "distracted",
less able to assimilate new information.

Your I.Q. might even be higher when you are masturbating, since
you are more likely to be aware of your environment (listening
for someone about to walk in on you).

My guess is that he was slamming the way someone reacts when a
discussion of certain sexual activities occurs. An irrational,
gut-level filtering and even rejection of information, which
is part of the "learning process", followed by an emotional
response which does not seem to reflect any learning at all
often occurs.

When discussing something like masturbation, those who feel
it's wrong reject all evidence to the contrary, those who
feel that it's good or fun, reject all evidence to the contrary.
This is often true of otherwise intellegent people.

Wanna bet the doctor was quoted totally out of context?

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