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matrix of sexually xmited diseases

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Oct 7, 1986, 11:13:12 AM10/7/86
One of OZ's members sent the following Matrix... I thought it
informative enough to post to the net.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CUT HERE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

: :
: :
Gonorrhea : Frequently no symptoms between : Treatment: Microscopic exam
: 2-14 days after contact. : of discharge. Cultures of
: Urethra-pain on urination. : possible sites (urethra, throat,
: Creamy white or yellowish dis- : rectum). If positive, contact
: charge. Throat - usually no : all recent sex partners for
: symptoms, minor sore throat. : testing. Antibiotic treatment.
: Rectum - usually no symptoms. : Re-culture to insure that medi-
: Mild irritation, discharge of : cation worked.
: blood or pus in feces. Rectal : Control: No sexual contact
: itching. : during treatment. Cultures of
: : urethra, throat, and rectum
: (NOTE: Some people have no : every 3 months.
: symptoms at all.) : Incubation (time when infection
: : is in the body but not detect-
: : able by testing): usually 2-7
: : days.
Syphilis : Frequently no symptoms between : Treatment: Blood test for
: 3-6 weeks after contact. : syphilis. If positive, contact
: Primary: usually painless open : all recent sex partners for
: sore at site of contact (penis : testing Antibiotic treatment.
: anus, throat). Will go away : Re-culture to insure that medi-
: in 1-5 weeks. Secondary: : cation worked. Control: No
: (6 weeks later) Minor rash : sexual contact during treatment.
: with no itching. Persistant : Blood test for syphilis every 3
: fever. Latent: No symptoms. : months. Incubation: Primary
: : 3-4 weeks. Min 2 1/2 weeks
: : Max 3 months.
Hepatitus B : Occasionally no symptoms : Treatment: Blood tests for
: between 2-6 months after : Hepatitus. If positive, no
: contact. Loss os appetite, : treatment. Bed rest, high
: flu-like symptoms, pain in : caloric diet, no alcohol or
: joints. low grade fever, dark : drugs. Under constant care of
: urine, light stools, skin and : physician. Control: No sexual
: eyes yellowing. : contact during course of disease.
: : Vaccine available.
: : Incubation: 2-6 months.
NSU : Urethra discharge - clear or : Treatment: Microscopic exam of
Non-Specific: white, often present only in : discharge. Antibiotic treat-
Urethritis : morning. Mild pain on urin- : ment. Control: No sexual
: ating. : contact during treatment.
: : Incubation: usually 10-20 days.
Venereal : Appears 1-3 months after : Treatment: If small, remove by
Warts : contact. One or many pink, : chemical application; follow-up
: red or yellowish soft warts : treatment usually necessary.
: around the anus, penis, : If severe, surgical removal may
: scrotum, or in the rectum. : be necessary. Control: No sexual
: : contact while warts are present.
: : Check for presence regularly.
: : Incubation: 1-3 months.
Herpes : painful bumps or blisters in : Treatment: Relief of symptoms
Simplex II : genital, anal area; changing : of pain and itching. No cure.
: to open sores usually lasting : Control: No sexual contact while
: several weeks. : sores are present. Incubation:
: : several weeks (?).
Amebiasis : Diarrhea, chills, stomach : Treatment: Stool examination.
Giardiasis : cramps, unexplained weight : Treatment if necessary.
: loss, often no symptoms or : Control: No sexual contact until
: symptoms occuring in cycles. : 3 negative test results are
: : obtained. Incubation: Varies.
Acquired : Shortness of breath, dry cough : Treatment: HLV-III test for
Immunity : of PC Pneumonia (no sputum); : diagnosis. No known cure.
Deficiency : Persistent fever over 100 deg, : Control: Do not give blood if
Syndrome : daily or intermittent. Weight : you are at risk. If you have
: loss, over 10 lbs within 2 mo. : been diagnosed as immune defi-
: Lymph-node swelling over 3 mo. : cient, you should be closely
: (feels like lumps behind ears, : followed by a physician.
: in neck, under chin, above : Preventive measures: Eliminate
: collarbone, under armpits, : multiple sexual contact, anony-
: next to elbow, or in groin). : mous partners. Use condoms.
: Persistent, severe fatigue. : Avoid oral ingestion of fecal
: Diarrhea over one week. Oral : matter, semen, or urine.
: thrush (white, scrapes off). : Refrain from inserting foreign
: Skin spots (purplish-brown, : objects into the rectum. Do
: painless, anywhere on body. : not use intravenous drugs.
: Night sweats. Neurological : Avoid a shared source of lubri-
: problems (personality changes, : cant or shared douching equip-
: depression, hallucinations, : ment. Shower before and after
: memory loss, seizures). A : sexual contact. Eat a nutri-
: herpes lesion persisting for : tionally balanced diet. Curtail
: more than one month. If you : or moderate use of tobacco and
: have one or more of the above : alcohol. Get plenty of rest,
: symptoms, you should see a : and exercise regularly.
: physician. : Incubation: Several (?) years.
"Don't give him anything but love!"
If you experience any STD symptoms, consult a physician.
Don't try to diagnose yourself.
Source: Whitman-Walker Clinic, 2335 18th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009

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