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1st annual international Obfuscated C code contest awards

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Lou Salkind

Apr 12, 1984, 1:23:04 PM4/12/84
I enjoyed reading the winning programs very much.
It is good to know there are still some ``real'' programmers out there.

Landon C. Noll

Apr 18, 1984, 1:13:14 AM4/18/84
Final awards for the first annual international Obfuscated C code contest:

First place: Sjoerd Mullender and Robbert van Renesse
Both @ Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Second place: Dave Decot hplabs!hpda!hpdsd!decot

Third place: Mike Laman
UUCP: {ucbvax,philabs,sdccsu3,sdcsla}!sdcsvax!laman

Honorable mention: -an anonymous entry-

they entered very very SICK and Obfuscated C programs. one wonders what
else goes on in their minds. in any event, they submitted entries which
showed a high density of over clever C code. they all earned a good
round of WELL-DONE!

Bthank you to all who entered. what will next year bring?

chongo <Congrats. to the winners> /\../\5

Landon C. Noll

Apr 18, 1984, 1:15:18 AM4/18/84
Final awards for the first annual international Obfuscated C code contest:

First place: Sjoerd Mullender and Robbert van Renesse
Both @ Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Second place: Dave Decot hplabs!hpda!hpdsd!decot

Third place: Mike Laman
UUCP: {ucbvax,philabs,sdccsu3,sdcsla}!sdcsvax!laman

Honorable mention: -an anonymous entry-

they entered very very SICK and Obfuscated C programs. one wonders what
else goes on in their minds. in any event, they submitted entries which
showed a high density of over clever C code. they all earned a good
round of WELL-DONE!

thank you to all who entered. what will next year bring?

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