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versatile word (ROT 13) - offensive to (ROT13)

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Suzanne Jurgensen

Sep 19, 1985, 11:12:54 AM9/19/85

Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English language
today is the word "fuck." It is the one magical word that, just by its
sound, can describe pain, pleasure, hate, and love. Fuck, as most words in
the English language takes its name from the german word "fricken" which
means to "stick."

In language, fuck falls into many grammatical categories. It can
be used as a verb, both transitive (John fucked Mary) and intransitive
(Mary was fucked by John), and as a noun (Mary is a fine fuck). It can be
used as an adjective (Mary is fucking beautiful). As you can see, there
are not many words with the versatility of fuck.

Besides the sexual meaning, there are also the following uses:

fraud .............. I got fucked at the used car lot.

ignorance........... Fucked if I know.

trouble ............ I guess I'm fucked now.

aggression ......... Fuck you!

displeasure ........ What the fuck is going on here?

difficulty ......... I can't understand this fucking job.

incompetence ....... He's a fuck off.

suspicion .......... What the fuck are you doing?

enjoyment .......... I had a fucking good time.

request ............ Get the fuck out of here.

hostility .......... I'm going to knock your fucking head off.

greeting ........... How the fuck are you?

apathy ............. Who gives a fuck?

innovation ......... Get a bigger fuckin' hammer.

surprise ........... Fuck! You scared the shit out of me!

anxiety ............ Today is really fucked.

I know you can think of may more uses, but with all these uses, how
can any one be offended when you say fuck? You should use this unique word
more often in your daily speech. It adds to your prestige. Say it loud
and clear; fuck you!

Chris Maciag

Sep 22, 1985, 5:10:55 PM9/22/85
In article <11...@vax1.fluke.UUCP> s...@fluke.UUCP (Suzanne Jurgensen) writes:
> Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English language
>today is the word "fuck." It is the one magical word that, just by its
>sound, can describe pain, pleasure, hate, and love. Fuck, as most words in
>the English language takes its name from the german word "fricken" which
>means to "stick." ^^^^^^^

It may seem logical that it comes from fricken, but it does not.
Believe it or not, the Roman Catholic Church came up with the acronym
(actually, they defined it, and someone shortend it to be an acronym).
By the way, did you know there was a pope that died while having sex in
some bizzare chair (see ``Book of Lists''). Now back to ``fricken''--
it is:

F ornication
U nder
C arnal
K nowlegde

Ah the things you learn at a catholic school.

John Allred

Sep 23, 1985, 9:54:20 AM9/23/85
[munch, munch]

Don't forget the intensifier version - "in-fucking-credible."

John Allred
General Computer Company
uucp: seismo!harvard!gcc-bill!john

Rick Kamicar

Sep 24, 1985, 1:04:49 AM9/24/85
In article <11...@vax1.fluke.UUCP> s...@fluke.UUCP (Suzanne Jurgensen) writes:

>Fuck, as most words in
>the English language takes its name from the german word "fricken" which
>means to "stick." ^^^^^^^

In german, that's "ficken", not "fricken".
^ ^^
(I know of no word "fricken", but of course, I'm not german...)

Alan J Rosenthal

Sep 24, 1985, 3:10:51 PM9/24/85
> F ornication
> U nder
> C arnal
> K nowlegde

This is ridiculous. It stands for no such thing. This was originally a joke.
You have been conned.

Jeff Konopka

Sep 24, 1985, 8:05:11 PM9/24/85
In article <5...@spar.UUCP> mac...@max.UUCP (Chris Maciag) writes:
>In article <11...@vax1.fluke.UUCP> s...@fluke.UUCP (Suzanne Jurgensen) writes:
>> Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English language
>>today is the word "fuck." It is the one magical word that, just by its
>>sound, can describe pain, pleasure, hate, and love. Fuck, as most words in
>>the English language takes its name from the german word "fricken" which
>>means to "stick." ^^^^^^^
> It may seem logical that it comes from fricken, but it does not.
>Believe it or not, the Roman Catholic Church came up with the acronym
> F ornication
> U nder
> C arnal
> K nowlegde

Yeah, I also heard that in England, after the plague, the King
wanted to replenish his supply of taxpayers so he provided for

F ornication
U nder
C onsent of the
K ing

Maria Anessiadou

Sep 25, 1985, 12:07:30 AM9/25/85
In article <5...@spar.UUCP> mac...@max.UUCP (Chris Maciag) writes:

I'm sorry, but the german word "fricken" is spelled wrong. The correct
spelling is "ficken". If you need more information about german stuff,
let me know since I just got to the states from Sindelfingen (Germany)
a few weeks ago.

Maria Anessiadou
{amd,intelca,sun,pesnta,pyramid}!conejo!maria (415) 967-1423

Rob Frye

Sep 25, 1985, 9:56:10 AM9/25/85
Npghnyyl, sbe jung vg'f jbegu, V unq urneq gung "SHPX" jnf bevtvanyyl na
npebalz hfrq ol fbzr cbyvpr ivpr fdhnq sbe "Sbeavpngvba naq Haynjshy
Pneany Xabjyrqtr" va obbxvat cebfgvghgrf...
"You can Telenet, but you can't tell it much!"


UUCP: {seismo,rlgvax}!hadron!netex!rfrye


Sep 25, 1985, 1:42:42 PM9/25/85
> fhecevfr ........... Shpx! Lbh fpnerq gur fuvg bhg bs zr!
> nakvrgl ............ Gbqnl vf ernyyl shpxrq.
> V xabj lbh pna guvax bs znl zber hfrf, ohg jvgu nyy gurfr hfrf, ubj
> pna nal bar or bssraqrq jura lbh fnl shpx? Lbh fubhyq hfr guvf havdhr jbeq
> zber bsgra va lbhe qnvyl fcrrpu. Vg nqqf gb lbhe cerfgvtr. Fnl vg ybhq
> naq pyrne; shpx lbh!

Guvf erzvaqf zr bs n wbxr V urneq Erqq Sbkk qb bapr:

V pna'g haqrefgnaq jul crbcyr trg bssraqrq ol gur jbeqf fuvg naq
shpx. Nyy V pna fnl vf vs lbh qba'g shpx -- FUVG!! Naq vs lbh qba'g
fuvg -- SHPX!!!!

John Selhorst

Sep 25, 1985, 6:12:21 PM9/25/85
Va negvpyr <5...@fcne.HHPC>, znp...@fcne.HHPC (Puevf Znpvnt) jevgrf:
> Va negvpyr <11...@ink1.syhxr.HHPC> f...@syhxr.HHPC (Fhmnaar Whetrafra) jevgrf:
> > Creuncf bar bs gur zbfg vagrerfgvat jbeqf va gur Ratyvfu ynathntr
> >gbqnl vf gur jbeq "shpx." Vg vf gur bar zntvpny jbeq gung, whfg ol vgf
> >fbhaq, pna qrfpevor cnva, cyrnfher, ungr, naq ybir. Shpx, nf zbfg jbeqf va
> >gur Ratyvfu ynathntr gnxrf vgf anzr sebz gur trezna jbeq "sevpxra" juvpu
> >zrnaf gb "fgvpx." ^^^^^^^
> Vg znl frrz ybtvpny gung vg pbzrf sebz sevpxra, ohg vg qbrf abg.
> Oryvrir vg be abg, gur Ebzna Pngubyvp Puhepu pnzr hc jvgu gur npebalz
> (npghnyyl, gurl qrsvarq vg, naq fbzrbar fubegraq vg gb or na npebalz).
> Ol gur jnl, qvq lbh xabj gurer jnf n cbcr gung qvrq juvyr univat frk va
> fbzr ovmmner punve (frr ``Obbx bs Yvfgf''). Abj onpx gb ``sevpxra''--
> vg vf:
> S beavpngvba
> H aqre
> P neany
> X abjyrtqr
> Nu gur guvatf lbh yrnea ng n pngubyvp fpubby.

Yvxr, qvq lbh xabj gung gur Terng Ynxrf ner nyfb pnyyrq gur Svatre Ynxrf?
Vs lbh oryvrir gung bar, trg lbhefrys n znc bs Zvaarfbgn, be jurerire.
Gung ovg bs tneontr, nf jryy nf gubhfnaqf bs bgure reebarbhf gvqovgf, jnf
hfrq gb genfu zl oenva ol gur ahaf ng Fg. Jvyyvnz bs Lbex Fpubby va

Qba'g arrq ab qvfpynvzre. Vg nyy or gur gehgu.

Wbua Fryubefg
{(ucbvax!dual!sun) (ihnp4!qubix)}!sunncal!leadsv!horst
{{allegra ihnp4 dual}!fortune decvax!decwrl}!amdcad!cae780!leadsv!horst

Curtis Jackson

Sep 25, 1985, 11:08:46 PM9/25/85
This came from the ?good? ole days of putting people in the stocks
and making them wear scarlet letters and other neat stuff for the
heinous crime of adultery. The letters stood for the reasoning given
by the court:

F or
U nlawful
C arnal
K nowledge

Now, for the joke:

This salesman has been bugging a haberdasher (guy who runs a suit shop)
for a long time for a job, and finally the haberdasher looks at him
in disgust and says, "Look, I'll make a deal with you. I've got one
suit that I just haven't been able to sell -- that purple, yellow, and
green thing in the corner. If you can sell it while I'm out to lunch;
you can have a sales job here for life!" And with a smug smile he goes
to lunch.

He comes back and the salesman runs up to him, exclaiming: "I sold the
suit! I sold the suit!" The owner looks at him in dismay -- the
salesman's clothes are ripped and torn all to hell, his face is scratched
and bruised and bleeding. The owner says, "What happened; did the
customer put up a fight!?" The salesman quickly replies, "Oh, no; not
at all -- but his seeing eye dog was pissed!"

Thanks to Playboy for a well-written version of this joke for me to paraphrase,

The MAD Programmer -- 919-228-3313 (Cornet 291)
alias: Curtis Jackson ...![ ihnp4 ulysses cbosgd mgnetp ]!burl!rcj
...![ ihnp4 cbosgd akgua masscomp ]!clyde!rcj


Sep 26, 1985, 9:41:02 AM9/26/85
> Vg znl frrz ybtvpny gung vg pbzrf sebz sevpxra, ohg vg qbrf abg.
> Oryvrir vg be abg, gur Ebzna Pngubyvp Puhepu pnzr hc jvgu gur npebalz
> (npghnyyl, gurl qrsvarq vg, naq fbzrbar fubegraq vg gb or na npebalz).
> Ol gur jnl, qvq lbh xabj gurer jnf n cbcr gung qvrq juvyr univat frk va
> fbzr ovmmner punve (frr ``Obbx bs Yvfgf''). Abj onpx gb ``sevpxra''--
> vg vf:
> S beavpngvba
> H aqre
> P neany
> X abjyrtqr
> Nu gur guvatf lbh yrnea ng n pngubyvp fpubby.


Npghnyyl V urneq vg jnf pbvarq ol gur yrtny cebsrffvba:

S be
H aynjshy
P neany
X abjyrqtr

Jr nyy xabj jung zbgure s**xref ynjlref pna or.


Sep 26, 1985, 5:27:00 PM9/26/85

How about as in chied fricken? (South Germany, of course)

Erzvaqf bar bs gur yvzrevpx: (ROT13 limerick)

Gurer bapr jnf n ynq anzrq Qvexva
Jub jnf nyjnlf wrexva' uvf turexva.
Bar qnl fnlf Qnq gb lbhat Qvexva, "Fgbc."
"Lbhe turexva'f sbe svexva, abg wrexva'.

Ed Greenberg

Sep 26, 1985, 8:40:22 PM9/26/85
In article <5...@spar.UUCP> mac...@max.UUCP (Chris Maciag) writes:
> F ornication
> U nder
> C arnal
> K nowlegde
>Ah the things you learn at a catholic school.

Another definition that I've heard is:

F or
U nauthorized
C arnal
K nowlege

which was a British Navy "crime" for which a sailor (I refuse to write
seaman in this context :-) could be punished.


UUCP: {hplabs,dual,ptsfa}!well!micropro!edg

John Windberg

Oct 1, 1985, 2:25:33 AM10/1/85
to whom it may concern:
most words in the english language do NOT come
from the German 'fricken,'... most words in
the English (apologies for lack of capital
letter above) language do, though, come from
the German. Please correct your syntax.
A Frustrated English Major

John Windberg

Oct 3, 1985, 3:47:21 PM10/3/85
I would still like to disagree.. most words in the English
language do not come from the German 'fricken'. Quite a few
English words do indeed come from German, but not that many
come from the word 'fricken'.

This view forced upon me by a nearby English Major....

Anybody now any really good 'bad' jokes as in...

What did Tarzan say when he say elephants coming up over the

'Look here come elephants coming up over the hill!'

What did tarzan say when he say elephants coming up over the
hill wearing sunglasses??

Nothing. He failed to recognize them...

and another story..

Why did the monkey fall from the tree??

He was dead.

Why did the elephant fall from the tree??

The Rhino pushed him.

Complaints and moanings to be sent anywhere but to me....

Scott Stewart

Oct 4, 1985, 12:44:06 PM10/4/85
In article <-1833191@sysvis>, george@sysvis writes:

> Erzvaqf bar bs gur yvzrevpx: (ROT13 limerick)
> Gurer bapr jnf n ynq anzrq Qvexva
> Jub jnf nyjnlf wrexva' uvf turexva.
> Bar qnl fnlf Qnq gb lbhat Qvexva, "Fgbc."
> "Lbhe turexva'f sbe svexva, abg wrexva'.

I'm sorry to say that this is not a limerick.


Oct 7, 1985, 2:15:42 PM10/7/85

As far as I know, the word fuck comes from some Latin verb
that means "to fertilize the land".Since I haven't seen a Latin
text since Junior year of high school,I can't be more explicit,but
all this about acronyms and Olde German is abject bullshit.

{ astrovax | allegra | bpa | burdvax } !sjuvax!lp102911

Larry Palena
St. Joseph's Univ.

A.S. Kamlet

Oct 8, 1985, 4:03:30 PM10/8/85

/Dad/s//his Dad,/
Art Kamlet AT&T Bell Laboratories Columbus {ihnp4 | cbosgd}!cbrma!ask

Todd Jones

Oct 9, 1985, 7:43:13 PM10/9/85

It is if you substitute the following lines for the third line:

One day says his Pop,
"Son, you've got to stop,"

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