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shuttle jokes -- need I say tasteless?

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Jeff Sauder

Jan 31, 1986, 1:56:10 PM1/31/86
The following jokes are SO tasteless, that I have rotated them TWICE!

If enough negative response is generated by these totally tasteless
jokes, then I had nothing to do with this posting.

Say, did you hear that the Challenger astronauts were on the radio?
... and on the console and on the heat tiles and on pieces of the
wings and on ....

Did you hear that Jerry Lee Lewis has been chosen by NASA to be the
first musician in space? They want him to sing "... goodness,
gracious, great balls of fire!"

Did you also hear that NASA is abandoning the Teacher in Space
program. Well, they didn't say they were abandoning the program.
What they said was that they didn't intend on sending a second
teacher into space as long as the first one is still in orbit.

NASA also has serious intentions of making up the next shuttle crew
entirely of third world astronauts. It seems that they want
personnel more accustomed to sudden population explosion.

No flames, please! A stray solid rocket booster just drifted past
my window.

If you think I have no heart, you're wrong. Some of my best
friends are plastered high school science teachers.

Jeff ("will never be President of Rockwell") Sauder

These jokes authorized by Don ("You're really sick, Jeff") Libes

Jay Jaeckel

Feb 1, 1986, 3:32:10 PM2/1/86
> The following jokes are SO tasteless, that I have rotated them TWICE!
> If enough negative response is generated by these totally tasteless
> jokes, then I had nothing to do with this posting.
. . .

> Sincerely,
> Jeff ("will never be President of Rockwell") Sauder
> These jokes authorized by Don ("You're really sick, Jeff") Libes

Slightly clever maybe, but sorry, Jeff -- these jokes didn't make me
smile this time. Bad time for shuttle jokes. I think you can
expect quite a number of similar responses, if you haven't begun to
see them already by the time you read this.

-- J.J.
... {decwrl,ucbvax}!imagen!jay

Disclaimer: The opinion expressed above is very likely just about everybody's.

Don Libes

Feb 3, 1986, 1:52:07 PM2/3/86
> > The following jokes are SO tasteless, that I have rotated them TWICE!
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Jeff ("will never be President of Rockwell") Sauder
> >
> > These jokes authorized by Don ("You're really sick, Jeff") Libes
> Slightly clever maybe, but sorry, Jeff -- these jokes didn't make me
> smile this time. Bad time for shuttle jokes. I think you can
> -- J.J.

Oh, gee, sorry. Just tell us how many days we're supposed to wait
before posting these jokes. (Is it different for shuttle jokes as
opposed to, say, Rock Hudson jokes? And if so, why?) Why don't
you save these in a file and read them next year?

Since you obviously knew the content of the joke from the subject
line, it is your own fault. Don't flame at anyone who clearly
labels their joke content ("shuttle") and summary ("tasteless").

Now for all you people who really wanted to read some more shuttle

NASA has decided it is going to go back to paying $900.00 for sheet
metal screws. It seems they were unhappy after finding out that
their lowest bidder depended on the screw threads being optional.

[Historical note: one of the takeoff delays was due to a screw
being stripped. They had to drill it out on the launchpad. Further
delay was introduced by the fact that they didn't have a drill.]

Don Libes {seismo,umcp-cs}!nbs-amrf!libes


Feb 3, 1986, 4:12:00 PM2/3/86

What were the shuttle passenger's last words?

... Bud Light.

Andrew Tannenbaum Interactive Boston, MA 617-247-1155

Galen Redfield

Feb 5, 1986, 8:18:43 PM2/5/86

Quite often, part of the basis of comedy is the fact that we
do not see ourselves as the object or subject of the joke, for
when we do, the joke is no longer funny.

Bearing this in mind, I would like to submit that the people
who find space shuttle jokes funny must already be dead, if
only partially (like, from the heart out).

RIP, jokers!

Still metabolizing,

(I wonder what he *meant* by that?)

Rich Strebendt @ AT&T Information Systems - Indian Hill West; formerly

Feb 6, 1986, 6:23:35 PM2/6/86
> The following jokes are SO tasteless, that I have rotated them TWICE!
> If enough negative response is generated by these totally tasteless
> jokes, then I had nothing to do with this posting.
> Jeff ("will never be President of Rockwell") Sauder

This insensitivity makes me sad.

"Jokes" (and I do use the term advisadly) like this might be expected
from an antisocial junior-highschooler. Seeing them on a national
network posted from a government organization makes me hope that the
forthcoming budget cuts will put an end to this particular, obviously
sick, organization.

Rich Strebendt

the Real Swede

Feb 6, 1986, 8:00:41 PM2/6/86

Yes, I agree...massive bad timing. There's a hell of a lot more things in
the world we can mock, besides a tragedy like the Challenger's. C'mon and
be civil...only so much sicko is allowed on this group...there's just
no need to make fun of a group of people getting killed.


Feb 11, 1986, 7:47:59 PM2/11/86

speek for you self , even though thay are sick , thay are no more
sicker then Etheiopian (sp?) jokes or Polish or dead baby jokes or
for that matter any other joke . so if you don't like them push the
'n' key, that is what it is there for.

And watch the cracks about 'antisocial junior-high schoolers` '
i happen to be a very social high schooler and i do not like that
If you push somthing hard enough it will fall over
-fud's first law .

Name: David Turner
Mail: 6259 Rainbow dr. San Jose , Ca
AT&T: (408) 725-1974
UUCP: ...{decvax,ucbvax}!decwrl!imagen!dturner

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