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position for emigre soviet mathematician

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Jul 15, 1986, 12:57:05 PM7/15/86
Distribution: usa
Keywords: pure/applied mathematics, computer science, speech recognition, bioengineering

C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e
School of Mathematics
Institute for Advanced Study
Princeton NJ 08540
(609) 734-8112
Home address:
52 Einstein Drive, Princeton NJ 08540. Tel. (609) 683-
Professional objectives:
Research position in mathematics and/or computer sci-
Fields of expertise:
algebraic geometry, (computational) number theory,
control and system theory, numerical analysis, cellular
automata, parallel computing, combinatorics, coding
theory, speech recognition, interpretation of visual
motion, bioengineering
1975-78 Moscow State University, Moscow USSR
Ph.D. in Mathematics
Thesis: "The structure of groups
associated with cubic varieties"
Advisor: Profesor Ya. Manin
1969-75 Moscow State University
M.Sc. in Mathematics
Professional experience:
1984-present Visiting scholar, Member of School of
Mathematics Institute for Advanced
Study, Princeton NJ
1983-84 & 4-9/85 Research Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation Max-Planck-Institut fuer
Mathematik, Bonn, W. Germany
1983 Founder and Director, Sensoraid
Industries, Ltd.
(speech recognition, training and aid
systems for the deaf)
1981-83 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Weizman
Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
1979-81 Researcher, School of Mathematics, Tel
Aviv University, Israel
1977-78 Research Associate, Department of
Commerce, Moscow USSR
(mathematical modelling in economics)
(concurrently) Research Associate, Moscow Institute of
Defectology of the Soviet Academy of
Pedagogical Sciences
(mathematical modelling in medicine,
computer programming, analysis of
electrocortical potentials)
Honors, Awards, Grants:
1984-86 NSF Grant MCS-8108814
1985 Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship
1983 Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship
1981-82 Research Grant, Israel Academy of
1980 Research grant, French Fund for Young
Audiotactile Communication System
(pending, registration no. C-63521)
Personal: U. S. Permanent Resident
Married, one child
1. Professor Y. I. Manin, Steklov Institute of
Mathematics, Moscow
(copy of an updated letter of recommendation from Manin
may be obtained from: Professor B. Mazur, Department of
Mathematics, Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02138,
tel. (617) 495-2171)
2. Professor E. Bombieri, School of Mathematics, Institute
for Advanced Study, Princeton NJ 08540, tel. (609)
3. Professor M. Kruskal, Dept. of Applied Mathematics,
Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08540, tel. (609)
4. Dr. A. M. Odlyzko, Mathematical Research Center, AT&T
Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill NJ,
tel. (201) 582-7286
5. Dr. J. Kruskal, Mathematical Research Center, AT&T Bell
Laboratories, 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill NY, tel.
(201) 582-3853
6. Professor B. Dickinson, Electrical Engineering Dept.,
Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08540, tel. (609)
7. Professor H. Furstenberg, Dept. of Mathematics, Hebrew
University of Jersulalem, Jerusalem Israel
8. Professor I. Piatesky-Shapiro, School of Mathematical
Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv, 69978 Tel
Aviv Israel, and Department of Mathematics, Yale
University, New Haven CT 06520
9. Professor Michael Hazewinkel, Stichting Mathematisch
Centrum, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica,
Kruislaan 413 1098SJ, Amsterdam, Netherlands, tel.
(020) 5929333
10. Professor L. Levitin, College of Engineering, Computer
and Engineering Sciences, Boston University, 110
Cummington Street, Boston MA 02215, tel. (617) 738-5279
Publications and Preprints:
[1] Classes of points of cubic surfaces defined over finite
fields. Mathematical Notes 20(1): 625-630 (1976)
[2] The structure of groups connected with cubic surfaces.
Uspehi Mat. Nauk. 32, No. 1(193): 195-66 (1977)
[3] The structure of groups connected with automorphisms of
cubic surfaces. Mathematics of the USSR Sbornik 32(2):
252-264 (1977)
[4] Automorphisms of groups connected with cubic surfaces.
Uspehi Mat. Nauk 3(195): 163-164 (1977)
[5] Morphisms of traces and groups connected with cubic
surfaces Geometricheskie Methodi v Zadachah Analiza i
Algebri, Jroslavl 67 - 99 (1978)
[6] (with G. Skurovich) A vibrotactile articulator. In:
"Uses of Computers in Aiding the Disabled," (J. Raviv,
Ed.), pp. 273-278, Amsterdam: North Holland (1982)
[7] On cubic planes and groups connected with cubic
varieties. J. of Algebra 80(2): 559-565 (1983)
[8] On an example of Manin. Duke Mathematical Journal
49(3): 621-627 (1982)
[9] On the algebro-geometric structure of the moduli space
of completely reachable systems. "Journal of Pure and
Applied Algebra 29: 143-150 (1983)
[10] An approach to the description of some algebraic
varieties arising in systems theory. Lecture Notes in
Control and Information Sciences Vol. 58. (P. A.
Fuhrman, Ed.) Proceedings of the 1983 International
Mathematical Symposium on Mathematical Theory of
Networks and Systems, Beer Sheva, Israel (1983)
[11] Application of conjecture on the Manin obstruction to
various diophantine problems. Journees Arithmetiques"
(to appear)
[12] (with J. L. Colliot-Thelene & J. J. Sansuc) Surfaces
cubiques diagonals. (to appear)
[13] (with A. Pashenkov) A combinatorial model with local
interactions of its elements. Proceedings of the 1986
Conference on Information and System Sciences,
Princeton University (to appear)
[14] (with G. Skurovich & A. Yabrov) Some aspects of
perceptual development and rehabilitation. "Nuevos
Technologios y Lenguajes Alternativos" Conference in
Spain, 1986 (to appear)
[15] Comments on combinatorial models for reaction-diffusion
processes. Preprint (in preparation)
[16] Some remarks on Brauer equivalence for cubic surfaces.
Preprint, Max-Planck Institute f" uer Mathematik (in
[17] (with J. L. Colliot-Thelene & J. J. Sansuc) On
Cassels-Guy cubic surfaces. Preprint (in preparation)

Brief synopses of some of the author's work in pure and
applied mathematics (author is prepared to speak on any of

(1) "Nonstandard Automatic Speech Recognition"
The problem of developing machines for enhancing speech
recognition by means of lip-reading and tactile sensors in
the context of a vibrotactile device invented by the author
to aid the hearing-impaired.

(2) "Knot Theory and its Applications"
Applications to speech recognition and robotic vision of
recent developments in knot theory.

(3) "A Combinatorial Model With Local Interactions of Elements"
Combinatorial and dynamical features of a new combinatorial
model with interesting properties, including potential
applications to classification problems in computer science.

(4) "Algebro-geometric Methods in Control and Systems Theory"
New results on the Kalman construction, which allows the
orbit space of accessible machines (appearing as the control
part of dynamical systems with m inputs and n degrees of
freedom) to be treated as a certain manifold of dimension nm.

(5) "Applications of Computers to Number Theory"
An algorithm that determines whether certain cubic forms
have nontrivial integer solutions; algorithm has been
computer-implemented and used to test certain number-
theoretic conjectures.

(6) "Nonlinear Superposition and Control Theory"
The extension to nonlinear equations of the superposition
method of solving general 1st-order ordinary differential
equations from a finite number of particular ones, with
applications of recent developments to control theory.

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