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Need Plotting routines

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John McNally

Oct 31, 1986, 4:47:14 PM10/31/86
Can anyone give me pointers on source code for a generalized plotting
The plotting capability should include Linear, Semi-log, and Log
Log scales. Other functionality that would be useful include:

Axes labeling (all axes)
Axes dimension and range
Plot legends
Label plotted curves
Superposition of multiple curves on one plot
Control of color/line font/symbols for plotted curves

Ideally the package would be device independent allowing device
drivers to be attached to let the plots be displayed on either
paper plotters or on graphics display devices.
Ideally the package would be written in C and be reasonably
portable so we can adapt it to run on UNIX, VMS, or Aegis. Also,
it would be best if it were just a collection of subroutines, but
maybe we can use a complete interactive program and gut it for the
functions we need.
Oh yes, we want it to be public domain (like in FREE), but we can
arrange to pay a few bucks one-shot.

Please respond by e-mail and if there is sufficient interest, I
will summarize for the net.

Thanks in advance,
John McNally GE/Calma 9805 Scranton Rd. San Diego CA 92121
...{ucbvax | decvax}!sdcsvax!calmasd!jpm (619)-587-3211

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