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Sport Trivia Quiz

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Mark Brader

Nov 26, 1986, 4:29:19 PM11/26/86
> > Finally, isn't the Edmonton CFL team called the "Oil Kings"?
> No. Its the Edmonton Eskimos. The CFL (according to my reference book) has
> ... [correct list omitted] ...
> and a team in Montreal that my book calls the Alouettes but I know is
> something different, but I can't remember the name.

The book is correct. The Montreal team is called the Alouettes. They
were formerly called the Concordes. Before that, they were called the
Alouettes. Alouette is French for lark, by the way.

As for "Oil Kings", I think that used to be a minor league hockey team
in Edmonton.

Mark Brader, Toronto

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