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In defense of the GURPS magic system

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Neal Feldman, the Dark Lord of Sorcery

Nov 26, 1986, 12:34:49 PM11/26/86


Tom Repa responded in such a way to my message that I feel the need to
clarify what I said...

I said that Strength and Weapon skills and levels were so cheap in the FH
system that it was easy to build a conqueror fighter on the same points that
could only build an inept rogue or mage. They could be made virtually

As far as the magic system of FH: I also saw the spell Nancy Feldman told
of... it worked out basically to 0 END, 1d6 Fire eblast, area, radius, and
increased area (doubling radius) to a bonus of +4... there were other limits
to reduce the cost to 5 points and it ammounted to a spell that would do 1d6
fire damage to 3/4 of Earth (entire surface!)... this would of course cause
flamable objects to combust, and the Earth would then be in the throes of
a gigantic Dresden firestorm... NOTHING COULD POSSIBLY SURVIVE (save roaches).

The fact that many say "Well, the Gm shouldn't allow that spell in". I counter
with "I find it a fault with the system that it ALLOWS spells like that to be
created in such a way that the players can defend them by 'I built it
according to the RULES!'" . Well, I personally don't like playing favorites
and allowing one person's spells and not another's, as well as the fact that
I prefer to keep control over the magic in my world... I find that it becomes
quickly impossible to have a cohesive magical law of physics and consistency
in the FH system where mages can create spells that do anything (allegedly)
and in any way they want... reducing END as they wish, and up to any power
level they can finagle the rules to allow them to afford...

The GURPS system leaves the final setup to the GM... it takes not long AT ALL
to create ANY SPELL (in a half hour I can do 20 of ANY LEVEL of power)...

THAT is what I had to say...


FLAMES are awaited anxiously...


Neal Feldman aka Krelos, the Dark Lord of Sorcery
UUCP: seismo!lll-crg!ptsfa!harlie!krelos
Quote of the day: "There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved
by suitable application of HIGH EXPLOSIVES!"

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