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Wyldeland witchcraft (and Xtian reps)

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Oct 7, 1986, 4:15:43 PM10/7/86
> Keywords: animist magic
> It seems to me that much criticism has been directed at Christians
> concerning the issue of 'wicca' without anyone actually representing the
> Christian viewpoint.
> In times past, much 'evil' has been committed in the name of Christianity
> (e.g. witch hunts), but the very valid comment has been made that it is unfair
> to judge a group by the actions of past members or even by the present members.

Ok, fine, but those who call themselves Christians have chosen the name
that DOES relate back to the past deeds of Christians. Just as Witches
do, not just because of their ties to Wicca (not all Witches are Wiccan),
but to join the ranks of the Goddess or nature-based religions of the
past (and present).

> Because of the Christian creed, it makes even less sense to do this with
> Christians.

Why does it seem that, every time we turn around, there is some fundie
extremist trying to re-create the past, only on a much smaller scale?

> The whole point of the Christian Gospel is that men are imperfect
> and need the Divine intervention of God in their lives.

Ok, that's fine, until it turns into a governmental position.

> This doesn't mean
> that a Christian will be perfect, only that he is forgiven and will gradually
> be made into a more Christlike person. Of course, as any real Christian will
> know, living in the garage doesn't necesssarily mean that you're a car (as
> the Borgia popes for example might testify to.)

Exactly, but doesn't that kind of mentality create tons of excessive guilt?
Doesn't it help move a person's responsibilities onto God and make a person
less responsible in the long-run?

> Regarding witches, of course Christians believe that they commit
> sinful deeds (as does everyone, incidentally),

Ah, but your (or anyone's) idea of "Sin" can range from killing 10 people
in a McDonalds - to sex outside marriage - to "touching yourself THERE" -
to "lusting in one's heart".

To me, only one of the above is a "sin". Can you guess why? Aside of
the obvious, it's because only one (the first one, by the way) has to
do with forcefully removing another person's right to "Life, liberty, and the
persuit of happiness..."

> but God does, and Christians
> should, still love the people themselves. Why do you think Jesus died ?

Shock, and severe blood-loss, I would guess.

> It
> was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us. However, since God
> has obviously gone to a lot of trouble to forgive us, it would seem pointless
> if there were other ways out and so we have to have an 'intolerant' attitude
> to other religions

Oh, good. "I'm forgiven, so I can be a holier-than-thou elitist. After
all, I can always find a passage in the Bibble that supports my actions, no
matter how repressive it may seem. The Bibble says it, I believe it, That
settles it!"

Have you ever thought that, maybe, the greatest "sin" that you may
not be forgiven of IS intolerance?

> especially since Jesus Himself said that He is the way and
> that noone goes to the Father except by Him.

Sure, if you want to go to your heaven, you have to go through Him.
After all, if you try to sneak in, the holy bouncer (Saint Guido,
the patron saint of pinstripes) will throw you out on your ear and
you'll have to catch a cab home.

> This doesn't mean that we should
> erradicate all non-belivers, but rather try to show them the truth of the Bible
> in as caring as way as possible.

Does "as possible" include passing laws that persecute non-believers?
Let's face it, no other religion has sponsored so much carnage and narrow-
minded bigotry (but wait, Islam is catching up).

> After all, the Bible seems to indicate that
> all non-Christians will go to Hell - not because we're exclusive, but because
> they haven't accepted God's forgiveness - and none of us want that, anymore
> than God does.

Hell, to me, is a place filled full of people that think they are the
only people who belong in Heaven.


"Someday, I'd like to write-down all of mankind's misunderstandings
about the world around them, put it all in a hardcover book, and
leave copies of it in every hotel room -- Oh! Somebody beat me to it!"


Oct 8, 1986, 2:48:55 PM10/8/86
Summary:religious drivel


I would very much have to agree with gary. If I want to be preached to I can go to
net.religion or some other such nonsense. This group is here so that I may learn and
teach about frp games (hence the name) not so that you can give a tutorial on so
called 'christian ethics'. I get enough religon from the religous fanatics who
preach here (like the one outside from the christian nudist church who claims he
is jesus christ!). Why don't you start a jihaad or something.

K. J. Seefried iii
Georgia Institute of Technology

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