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Super/Duper Cosmic World Class Ass Award

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Oct 13, 1985, 8:46:28 PM10/13/85
> Goes to . . . ron vaughn
> For his treatment of "Signed, I care".
> I had to take points off because you work for AT&T but you still
> went over the top. (Sold any PCs lately?)
> You realize this puts you up there with the really BIG asses -
> - Chui von Rospatch
> - Laurie Septus
> - Rich Hose'em
> (I must say that Sue Brezene was a runner up for her bible reading
> admission.) (I know how you feel Sue, I felt the same way after
> reading the operating instructions to an AT&T PC.)
> Ken Arndt

And the "Most Inane Apologist for the System Major-domo Award",
affectionately called "the MIASMA" when we can stand the stench,
goes to... Ken Arndt himself, *NOT* for going out on a limb so early
and often to defend very popular causes (like his favorite octogenarian,
Ronnie) against a few agnostics (life in the fast lane, eh Ken?),
but for his sychophantic debating style. The above snippet is what
put KA over the top in the semantic swimsuit competition. He goes
right for the jugular by (1) spelling folks' names wrong--apparently
intentionally though that's giving him the benefit of the doubt, and
(2--this is the piece de resistance) *INSULTING THEIR EMPLOYER!*
Wow, Ken, you sure know how to hurt a guy.
*** ***
****** ****** 13 Oct 85 [22 Vendemiaire An CXCIV]
ken perlow ***** *****
(312)979-7753 ** ** ** **
..ihnp4!iwsl8!ken *** ***

Sue Brezden

Oct 14, 1985, 8:58:26 PM10/14/85

>(I must say that Sue Brezene was a runner up for her bible reading admission.)
>(I know how you feel Sue, I felt the same way after reading the operating
> instructions to an AT&T PC.)
>Ken Arndt
Sorry, Ken, it is Brezden. A perfectly fine Ukrainian name, not all
that difficult.

I find the instructions for my PC to be infinitely better written than
the Bible--and more useful. But I've never compared the Bible to the
documentation on VMS. Could be an interesting project...(-:

(Hey, Mom, I've been flamed by Ken Arndt! I'm a real person now!)

Sue Brezden

I march to the beat of a different drummer, whose identity,
location, and musical ability are as yet unknown.

Michael k Notch

Oct 15, 1985, 5:05:22 PM10/15/85
In article <8...@decwrl.UUCP> ar...@squirt.DEC writes:
>Goes to . . .
> ron vaughn

>For his treatment of "Signed, I care".
>A real person blunders into the plastic techie nerd world and, 'horrors',
>makes a 'religious' statement (which automatically shrinks the gonads of
>all Logical Positivists within a twenty foot radi) and has the gall to
>say he cares about people (which we all know only 'right thinkers' can do)
>and FLAME, FLAME, FLAME from little ron's brain.

I just love ASSHOLES who think they are GOD and go and call someone else
a twat or something.

I think that the author of the above message is an ASSHOLE too for thinking
he is far greater than anyone else.

-Mk Notch.
Remember the small 'k' this time.

ron vaughn

Oct 16, 1985, 12:15:54 AM10/16/85
In article <8...@decwrl.UUCP> ar...@squirt.DEC writes:

>Super/Duper Cosmic World Class Ass Award
> ron vaughn

>For his treatment of "Signed, I care".

ken, you are as stupid and numb in the brain as the last time i
had words with you in flame ("ken arndt, you fuck head," in which you
came out looking like the fuck head you really are).

this religious person you are defending is the same one who recently wished
AIDS on another netter. all i did was point out to this mental giant
that the bible wasn't the oldest book, and he didn't know shit from shinola
about the real world. and i'm right -- it isn't and he doesn't.

you, on the other hand, KNOW other religions exist, you KNOW simple
facts like how old some of homer's stories are. yet you humor and defend this
ignorant i care person. mr i care i can tolerate. he IS ignorant.
sheltered life, sheltered childhood, childlike belief in things etc. fine,
the world is full of people with their heads buried in the sand. but when
one of them comes up to me and says a bunch of out and out lies, are we
all supposed to turn our heads and (in our voice we use to encourage
three year olds) say "that's right, mr. i care, it IS the oldest, and isn't
it the best?!? oooh boy, mr god will be *so*so* happy to hear you tell
all the other wonderful i care people in the world!! <squeal with delight>"

ken, you have really lost any *umph* you might have had in flame. your
present attack is a limp-wristed, stupid, pointless argument with about
as much passion as your pipe-cleaner prick has for your (oh no, here it comes
again) well worn/lubricated right palm.
you used to be able to taunt someone into a good argument. you have always
been an ass/jerk, but at least you were entertaining. we all got to read
your articles and laugh at you and roll and flame back and forth. "did you
read arndt's dumb-ass article?" "yep, what a schmoe." etc. etc. no more.
you've become bad print. dull.

now you resort to goofing up names. very good. ooh. ooh. stop it. stop.
i can't take it. you're tearing up the net. your wit. your heat. the flames.
ooooh. oooooh. the flames. pick on at&t. ouch! god that hurt. god
that was funny. original. so goddamn hateful. i'm crying ken. really.
sob. sob-sob. *snif* how can i come back? what can i do?? i grovel
at the cunning, the overpowering logic. shame shame shame. i can't take
it. twist the knife ken, twist it -- pick on our PCs. OH MY GOD. brutal.
shocking. i've died a thousand deaths. i'm a lump of flesh burning in
net.flame at the hands of the master. sob-sob.

what next, mr. FH? going to come back and talk about my car? going to
taunt me with insults about the type of terminal i use? you are a heartless
man, FH. you really go for the throat. flame is not good enough for the
heat you've been throwing around.

>Keep jerkin'
>Ken Arndt

speak for yourself, FH.

ron vaughn ...!ihnp4!ihdev!rjv

Evan Marcus

Oct 20, 1985, 10:13:22 PM10/20/85
Not that I am the kind of person who makes judgments, but by his own
definition, isn't Mk an asshole too? (I think we just finished a long
recursive argument about this...) Personally I don't feel qualified to
pass judgment on Mk (how DO you pronounce that?); I am just extending his
own definition.

--Evan Marcus

Who messed with my anti-paranoia shot?

Who messed with my anti-paranoia shot?

Rich Rosen

Oct 23, 1985, 2:43:40 PM10/23/85
> ken, you have really lost any *umph* you might have had in flame. your
> present attack is a limp-wristed, stupid, pointless argument with about
> as much passion as your pipe-cleaner prick has for your (oh no, here it comes
> again) well worn/lubricated right palm. [RON VAUGHN]

Wow! Bravo, Ron! Well said, with one minor exception. Ken isn't right handed.
Nor is he left handed.

He's backhanded.

You're right, though, that Ken has become a bit limpwristed lately when it
comes to his old style of flatulational insult. Perhaps too much time is
spent on other identities...
"Mrs. Peel, we're needed..." Rich Rosen ihnp4!pyuxd!rlr

Rich Rosen

Oct 23, 1985, 2:52:31 PM10/23/85
> I just love ASSHOLES who think they are GOD and go and call someone else
> a twat or something.
> I think that the author of the above message is an ASSHOLE too for thinking
> he is far greater than anyone else.

Oddly enough, *this* time you hit the nail right on the head. (Which is pretty
difficult to do in Ken's case, given its size...)
Anything's possible, but only a few things actually happen.
Rich Rosen pyuxd!rlr

P. Kirsch

Oct 23, 1985, 5:08:14 PM10/23/85

Well Mk (I remembered the small 'k') can I add in this fun and revelry by
calling you an asshole?? No, I'm not going to--just wondering how you knew
that the above person was thinking that he is far greater than anyone else.
I don't remember him/her ever saying that. Do you?? (go ahead read the message
above and reread it and you'll find that they never said that...) I guess
someone else could write in to you and say that you are putting yourself
"above" everyone else--etc. etc..

Mk, expressing an opinion is not connotating that someone thinks they are
greater than themself.

Oh, about "signed I care" I missed Ron Vaughan's reply but to those of you
who are interested--I wrote to "I care" and believe me--the person is sincere.
I was impressed--the person really does care.

Another wunnerful letter from the semi-intelligent rotting brain of:

Paul Kirsch
St. Joseph's University
Philadelphia, Pa

{ astrovax | allegra | bpa | burdvax } !sjuvax!kirsch

Warning: Objects in Terminal Room are Closer than they Appear...

ron vaughn

Nov 2, 1985, 7:38:58 PM11/2/85
In article <24...@sjuvax.UUCP> kir...@sjuvax.UUCP (P. Kirsch) writes:
>Oh, about "signed I care" I missed Ron Vaugh*A*n's reply but to those of you

>who are interested--I wrote to "I care" and believe me--the person is sincere.
>I was impressed--the person really does care.
> Paul Kirsch

my reply didn't doubt "i care's" sincerity, it doubted his intelligence.
he was saying the bible was "the oldest book in existance" or something
like that. i also said this was a typical don't know anything about
the rest of the world/other religions attitude you see in ignorant christians.

just because he *really cares* doesn't mean he should go around talking
about the bible being the world's oldest book. that is plain stupid.
i wasn't impressed. right now I'M sincere. are you impressed????

ron vaughn (no extra 'a' :-) ...!ihnp4!ihdev!rjv

all spelling mistakes insert by unspell(1).

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