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VAX emulates IBM mainframe ?

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Dennis Chen

Sep 24, 1986, 4:25:47 PM9/24/86
Does anyone in th enetland know any software and hardware for
VAX 11/750 (Unix or VMS doesn't matter) which can talk to IBM
3274 controller using BSC protocol ?

Any information about where/whom to contact will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Dennis Chen @ Olivetti ATC
{allegra, fortune, glacier, hplabs, idi, ihnp4, sun}!oliveb!dchen

Dave Buck

Sep 25, 1986, 11:32:59 AM9/25/86
D.L.Buck&Associates, Inc., San Jose, CA, 408-972-2825, {amdahl,plx}!dlb!dave,
is in the business of providing IBM connectivity software such as 3274 BSC
emulation. We typically sell to UNIX system manufacturers, who resell it,
but we also sell from time to time to non-manufacturers. There's not an
on-the-shelf solution to your problem, but we can make a version for the
DUP-11 (synchronous) board (or other DEC synchronous boards, but it requires
more time) in short order. However, the 750 will choke doing high-speed
synchronous comm (over 9600, definitely; over 4800 either BSC or your users
will choke!) ... it doesn't have enough horsepower!
Dave Buck (408)972-2825 da...@dlb.BUCK.COM, {amdahl,plx}!dlb.UUCP!dave
D.L.Buck&Assoc.,Inc. 6920 Santa Teresa Blvd. San Jose, Calif.95119

Adam V. Reed

Sep 29, 1986, 3:08:21 PM9/29/86
> Does anyone in th enetland know any software and hardware for
> VAX 11/750 (Unix or VMS doesn't matter) which can talk to IBM
> 3274 controller using BSC protocol ?
> Any information about where/whom to contact will be appreciated.
> Dennis Chen @ Olivetti ATC
> {allegra, fortune, glacier, hplabs, idi, ihnp4, sun}!oliveb!dchen

AT&T makes a device called a 6544 Cluster Controller, which can
interface several hosts, both IBM-style synchronous and
ANSI-style asynchronous (such as your VAX) to terminals
compatible with the IBM 327x-series protocol. Each terminal
connected to the 6544 can have up to 4 full screen windows to
different hosts, including asynchronous ones. Since it is
completely external to the hosts, and would talk with your VAX
over ordinary asynchronous ports, the VAX would not be loaded
down as much as it would be with synchronous port hardware.
You can contact AT&T at 1-800-247-1212.

Adam V. Reed @ AT&T (ihnp4!mtund!adam)

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