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core modem

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Haney Kevin M

Oct 17, 1986, 2:20:26 PM10/17/86
Help! I just bought a "core modem" from Jameco electronics.
Maybe somebody out there knows about it. It listed for $78.00
and it really only needs a power supply and some wires to
connect it to whatever computer you like (1488 and 1489 chips
also are needed if you need real RS-232 levels). The only
problem is that they don't give a very good expaination of al
l of the I/O lines to the modem. There are also some switches
that are unexplained. I'm really anxious to get this going
(300 baud can be unbearable, to be nice about it), especially
if I can do it for under $85, which seems pretty likely.
The modem was made by US ROBOTICS. Any help would be GREATLY
appreciated. Thanks in advance.....

Kevin Haney phone (215)527-9098 home
(215)648-4363 work (tues and thurs)

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