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Cheshire & Roy Genetics (KILL MARV)

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Mar 20, 1986, 2:55:00 PM3/20/86

> That isn't the only case... there's his substance "promethium". If he had
> bothered to check a dictionary, he would have found that promethium is a
> real substance, an element with atomic number 61. This oversight seems no
> better than the "microns" on Battlestar Galactica.

Hell, I'm not even sure that he knew that there really is something called
"antimatter" when he began scripting Crisis. He sure didn't know anything
about the properties of real antimatter when he wrote it. It bugs me
when someone makes up near-mystical properties for something real instead
of simply inventing a non-existant substance for his story.

Scott McEwan

"I'm sorry, sir. According to your identification you're not even born
yet. Come back in 500 years."

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