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Mr. Berry

Mar 21, 1986, 8:06:35 AM3/21/86
It has long been my contention (based solely on X-Men--I hadn't
read much other Clairmont at the time) that one of the main reasons
I enjoyed the early-new (whew!) X-Men was the plotting. Once
Byrne left the book (and the co-plotting), the plotting went
downhill, and degenerated into more and more of the "Clairmont
making a speech" type of story.

The main reason I enjoy FF so much (especially earlier in Byrne's
run), and the few Hulk issues he did, was the plotting.

Conclusion: Clairmont can't plot (at least not consistently), which
is why X-Men has gone downhill so much. All we're left with is soap opera.

"Uncle Dick, are any of the kids in your books named Mitch?"
"Uh, actually, most of my characters tend to be hand tools."
Scott J. Berry ihnp4!hou2g!scott

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