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Dark Knight dedication

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Mar 20, 1986, 10:22:18 AM3/20/86

> From: Navajo!yeff

> In the front of Dark Knight Returns, it says:
> "Dedicated to Will Jungkuntz
> 1955-1985"
> anyone know anything about this??

Will Jungkuntz was a comic writer/artist who recently died of a heart attack.
His first appearance in the "mainstream" comics (I can't vouch for under-
grounds), to my knowledge, was with a series called "Blood 'n' Gutz" in the
latest incarnation of Marvel's SAVAGE TALES. The only other work of his I'm
familiar with is a Captain America story in either the latest or the next-to-
latest MARVEL FANFARE. That issue of FANFARE contains a brief eulogy by Al
Milgrom in his "Editori-Al" on the inside front cover.

--- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC, Acton-Nagog, MA)

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