Now, I'm not entirely sure what Moore has in mind, but I think he might start to make more frequent allusions to Herman Hesse--- understandable, because Hesse was fond of Nietzsche's Superman (heh) theory. Steppenwolf is a dead giveaway, (Miracledog) and ABRAXAS was used in Hesse's "Demian." Abraxas is the god of
opposites, specifically, uniting opposites. Strong and weak, moral and amoral life and death, yin and yang (yikes! watch the Claremontisms). Seems to me
that if Moore had really wanted to use this word to its highest potential, the
word Abraxas would have the effect of fusing the two bodies much like what
happened to poor Young MM. Or perhaps that is why Kimota didn't work... that
somehow the word triggered a response in the body of Miraclemanto fuse the two
bodies together in some mysterious way as to place a lock on Mike's body,
preventing transformation for an hour. Why an hour?
Discussion? Ideas? Post it here, I'd like to know...
A thousand pardons for the first message I sent. As I say, I'm VERY new to the
net, and I just wanted to see if I really could send a message.
--------------------------------- Cosmique Muffin
"A little green rosetta.. will make a muffin betta... " --- F. Zappa