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New Marvel Universe

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Mar 20, 1986, 8:35:22 AM3/20/86

> From: ulowell!dobro (gryphon)

> I'm confused. Could someone out there please *summarize* what is happening
> to the Marvel Universe this summer.
> I have lost track of what is going on.

Nothing is happening to *the* Marvel Universe this summer. What's happening
is that Marvel is creating a whole new different universe *in addition to*
the one they currently have. They are starting up something like eight new
comics that are all set in this new universe.

Any bets that this "New Universe" will be the one that was created in the
Beyonder's realm at the end of SECRET WARS II, and that eventually the two
universes will interact like the various Earth-whatevers that DC had up
until the Crisis?

--- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC, Acton-Nagog, MA)

UUCP: {decvax|ihnp4|allegra|ucbvax|...}
ARPA: boyajian%akov6...@DECWRL.DEC.COM

Ellen Eades

Mar 21, 1986, 8:32:57 PM3/21/86
Does anyone have any info on the content of the new universe?
Is it going to include, for example, THE NAM, which I recall
to be a rather lengthy, but limited, series based on historical
(?) evidence?

Or is it going to be another vaguely-futuristic sf universe like
the current one?

I'm vaguely curious. At the moment, though, except for DD, NM,
X-Men and X-Factor, my money goes to DC. I don't think this
new universe stuff is going to change things any.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Who's been repeating all that hard stuff to you?"
"I read it in a book," said Alice.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

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