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Bloom County, Where to get copies of last 5 months comic strips?

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Glenn Boozer

Mar 18, 1986, 4:59:14 PM3/18/86
I need to get copies of the past 5 months Bloom County comic strips.
The idea of going down to the library and duplicating them at $0.15
each is only for the rich.

I am sure that YOU have a much better solution. Could you help me?



Disclaimer: All spelling errors are the computers, not mine!
If I could spell and type, they would make me a secretary.
| |
| B | +===============================================+
/ O \ + Glenn Boozer [Yep! That is my real name!] +
/ O \ + ACCELERON (408) 744-0800 +
| Z | + 1290 Lawrence Station Rd, Sunnyvale, Ca 94089 +
| E | + {ihnp4, decvax!decwrl}!amdcad!cae780!leadsv!atlas1!boozer +
| R | + +
========= +===============================================+

Matthew P. Wiener

Mar 20, 1986, 8:40:36 PM3/20/86
In article <2...@atlas1.UUCP> boo...@atlas1.UUCP (Glenn Boozer) writes:
>I need to get copies of the past 5 months Bloom County comic strips.
>The idea of going down to the library and duplicating them at $0.15
>each is only for the rich.
>I am sure that YOU have a much better solution. Could you help me?

Duplicate them for $0.05 each. (Get a copy card or something and resell
what's left when you're done. Or check out all those newspapers and go
to a copy center.) That's about $7.50 total. Not much more than the book
will end up costing anyway. Sounds like a time-consuming pain, but not
very expensive.

Actually, there is a comic book that publishes nothing but the better
newspaper comics. I do not know if they regularly carry Bloom County.
Inquire at your local comic book store.

Perhaps calling your local newspaper can be of help. But that might
incur actual royalty charges, size unknown. <gasp!> (You mean Berke
Breathed gets *paid* for doing us this favor?)

ucbvax!brahms!weemba Matthew P Wiener/UCB Math Dept/Berkeley CA 94720

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