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M. W. Modrall

Mar 6, 1986, 5:59:25 PM3/6/86
in regards to the request for the posting on cerebus main characters:

Red Sophia - parody of red sonja of the marvel line... met cerebus early
on and loved him because "he was the only man to beat her in fair battle"
but cerebus wasn't interested... she pops up from time to time.
weishaupt drugged cerebus in an issue in the 60's and married them to
get cerebus to be prime minister of iest and undo all the republic silly
ness that he had started in his previous term. currently separated from

Elrod the albino- parody of Elric of Melbourne by Micheal Moorhead... general
nuisance, pops up to annoy cerebus at various points in his life... last seen
in cerebus #52 i think it was...

Weishaupt - now dead, but during his day, he concocted several schemes to
take over everything... last was the confederation of which he was
a president... real wheeler dealer, but his plans tend to contain tragic
flaws (like cerebus being made pope)

Astoria - female counterpart to Weishaupt... key figure in getting cerebus
elected prime minister of iest in the issures 30-50, but then for political
reasons relegated to being his secretary... she has been seen skulking
around the political scene since Cerebus resigned his prime ministership
in issue 51... she is a cirinist, a feminist religion that thinks women
should take over...

the Countess - mysterious lady who gave cerebus shelter after he was ousted
from the prime ministership in iest. appeared to be developing a strong
relationship with cerebus until the bug appeared in yet another in
carnation , the wolveroach. it turns out that she is enormously taken with
the bug. Cerebus leaves her house, and she is not heard from since...

Lord Julius - caustic obnoxious groucho look alike who is the pm of the
largest and richest city state in the region. everyone owes large sums
to him... he rules through confusion, primarily never letting anything
constructive be accomplished. always is behind the scenes in any given
venture... opposed cerebus' election in 1414, and is now apparently
in line for presidency of the confederation.

Duke Leonardi - counterpart of Chico marx... rather stupid ruler of new sepra
always hangs around julius and plays straight man for his jokes.

Jaka - a nightclub dancer in beduin.. once cerebus was drugged to fall in love
with her, and she returned the sentiment. the drug evenutally wore off,
leaving cerebus with no memory of her. at some point cerebus remembers
what they had, but never goes back for her. she on the other hand
pops up now and again, still loving cerebus, though recent developments
indicate that cerebus waited too long and she got married to someone
else, and is now pregnant

the bug - largest source of comic relief in the series, the bug has a rotating
series of personalities, and he parodies whichever comic character that
sim feels like lambasting... he started as batman, then became captain
cockroach after captain america, then moon roach, then sgt preston of the
yukon, then priest roach, then wolveroach. hasn't been seen in quite
some time , and we're still wondering where he is.

Prof. Charles X Claremont - last seen as a ghost controlling the wolve
roach. he started as a magician who cerebus stumbled across while
he was making the armageddon beast "the woman thing". cerebus traveled
with him a while until they found the "sumpthing". the two beasts
lunged at each other and started to mate, crushing claremont and making
him a ghost. the two creatures, and the owner of the sumpthing now
form the "triumviate of tarim" as seen in 82...

the regency elf - a beautiful, innocent little pixie who inhabits the
room that cerebus lived in while he was prime minister. loves
cerebus and prob
provided him with most of his emotional support during his reign

thrunk - now calling himself tarim. used to be necross the hahahahahah
mad, and evil magician. he was killed by a bunch of peasants and
his consciousness transferred to his large stone figure, thrunk.
"Cerebus isn't quite sure. 12 ton paperweights arent usually given
as proof of sanity". anyway... at last sighting, he was stuck
in his tower, because the stairs wouldn't support his stone weight.

henrot the magician - father of red sophia, magician and occasional
supporter of cerebus... on a couple of occasions he has given cerebus
help,. but mostly likes to laugh at him.

bran macmuffin - ex-leader, ex-living member of the pigts a sect
of barbarians living underground who worship a later figure of cerebus.
bran took cerebus as the second coming, but the people weren't quite sure
so while bran took a position of cerebus' adviser, the rest of the pigts
have been conspicuously abscent. with the showdown with thrunk, bran
became disillusioned and impaled himself.

there are many other minor characters, like poobah, silverspoon,
and the three girl claremont used to make the woman thing, but they
are so negli
gable that descriptions of them are irrelevant...
-hope some of this helps...


David Tanguay

Mar 15, 1986, 5:31:10 PM3/15/86
> in regards to the request for the posting on cerebus main characters:
> Red Sophia - parody of red sonja of the marvel line... met cerebus early
Also Henrot-Gutch (sp?), Sophia's mother-in-law, in the best spirit of
battle-axe mother-in-laws.

> Elrod the albino- parody of Elric of Melbourne by Micheal Moorhead... general
Um, Elric of Melnibone, by Michael Moorcock, just in case somebody wants
to look up the novels...

> Weishaupt - now dead, but during his day, he concocted several schemes to
He invented cannons (and gunpowder) before croaking. This may yet be
Cerebus's means back to power.

> Astoria - female counterpart to Weishaupt... key figure in getting cerebus
> in issue 51... she is a cirinist, a feminist religion that thinks women
> should take over...
She is the daughter of Cirin, but is not all that cirinistic -- she
seems to have founded the Kevilists, major opponents of the Cirinists,
but isn't really a Kevilist herself. She has her own ideas -- she is
a feminist, though. Also former wife of Lord Julius.

> Jaka - a nightclub dancer in beduin.. once cerebus was drugged to fall in love
Cerebus loves her too, but it's taken him a while to realise it. Jaka is
the niece (really (he calls his 'concubines' his 'nieces')) of
Lord Julius.

> bran macmuffin - ex-leader, ex-living member of the pigts a sect
> became disillusioned and impaled himself.
Actually, Fret Mac Murray (sp?) was causing problems on the home front,
with Bran away, claiming that Cerebus was not the second coming. Thrunk
convinced Bran that he (Bran) was mistaken, so Bran had to step down as
leader of the Pigts.

> there are many other minor characters, like poobah, silverspoon,
> and the three girl claremont used to make the woman thing, but they

> are so negligable that descriptions of them are irrelevant...
One of those girls is Jaka's little sister (forget her name), and another
Theresa, who has since become a leading society lady in Iest, and is a
major source of information for us readers (and, formerly, Weishaupt)
about the intrigues of other people (notably Astoria).
> -mark
> mwm@dartvax
David Tanguay watdaisy!data...@waterloo.CSNET (maybe)

Jim Gardner

Mar 17, 1986, 5:10:56 PM3/17/86

Just a note on Weishaupt for those who may be absolutely certain
he's dead:

The "real" Adam Weishaupt was the founder of the
Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria (i.e. the
Bavarian Illuminati) in 1776. Those who have read
the Illuminatus! trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and
Robert Shea know that Weishaupt faked his death
after the Bavarian Illuminati were purged by local
authorities and later took the place of George
Washington. That's right, old George was disposed
of and Weishaupt took over the American government
for his own nefarious ends. (Did you know that
Yog Sothoth of the Cthulhu mythos is imprisoned
under the Pentagon? Why do you think they made
the place five-sided?)

Anyway, it is clear that Dave has read the Illuminatus books and
took Weishaupt from them. Weishaupt is a dead-ringer for George
Washington, and of course, a consummate schemer. For this reason,
I wouldn't go so far as to say Weishaupt is really dead...Cerebus
is not the hardest person in the world to fool, but the pope makes
a great witness.

Jim Gardner, University of Waterloo

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