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WATCHMAN #5 (Spoilers)

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Roger Klorese

Sep 22, 1986, 10:23:52 AM9/22/86
In article <7...@cbmvax.cbmvax.cbm.UUCP> an...@cbmvax.UUCP (Andy Finkel) writes:
>In article <6900189@uiucdcsb> mce...@uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU writes:
>>> Also, did anyone notice all the Illuminati references in this issue?
>>> Lots of triangles for some reason. On the side of the truck, on the
>>> poster of the family suicide maniac, and of course, ... Pink Triangle?
>>Homosexuals in Nazi occupied countries were required to wear pink triangles.
>I thought that was only in the Mel Brooks universe...
>> Scott McEwan
> andy finkel
No, Andy, it was true. Very true.

People often ask why gay people need to "flaunt their existence".

Here's an example of why.

"Speak for the company?! Gee, I have a hard enough time speaking for myself!"

==================== Roger B.A. Klorese
| ///==\\ | Celerity Computing (Eastern Region)
| /// | 40 Speen St., Framingham, MA 01701 +1 617 872-1552
| \\\ |
| \\\==// | celerity!rklo...@sdcsvax.ARPA (sdcsvax!celerity!rklorese)
==================== celtics!ro...@seismo.CSS.GOV (seismo!celtics!roger)


Sep 24, 1986, 2:21:15 PM9/24/86
to ecl
[I sent this as a reply, but I think it's worth posting. Note Subject change!]

> >>Homosexuals in Nazi occupied countries were required to wear pink triangles.

> >I thought that was only in the Mel Brooks universe...

> No, Andy, it was true. Very true.

> People often ask why gay people need to "flaunt their existence".
> Here's an example of why.

I agree with you, but as an aside, did you know that until the recent spate of
Holocaust movies (and possibly even after them) an unbelievably large
percentage of high-school students never knew that the Holocaust happened?
(Sorry, I've forgotten the numbers.)

BTW, I use "Holocaust" here to refer to all 9 million who were killed. Though
I am Jewish, I feel the current trend toward emphasizing the "6 million" is an
insult to the other 3 million who were equally persecuted, tortured, and

Evelyn C. Leeper
(201) 957-2070
UUCP: ihnp4!mtgzy!ecl
ARPA: mtgzy!
Two men look out through the same bars; one sees mud, and one the stars.--Wilde

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