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Dark Knight auction

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Tom Galloway

Nov 26, 1986, 8:47:35 PM11/26/86

Last night I went to an auction at Hollywood's Golden Apple comics store.
This was mentioned an issue or two back in CBG, so some of you may have heard
about it.

Basically, it was an auction of Dark Knight stuff, featuring, at least
originally, two copies of the 4000 run limited hardback edition. All proceeds
were donated to two Frank Miller designated charities, the March of Dimes and
a local homeless aid group.

Present at the auction were Miller, Julie Schwartz, and Bill Mumy and Miguel
Ferrar (Comet Man and the real identities of Barnes and Barnes).

Now for the prices. Imagine, if you will, the expression on Miller's face as
the bidding went on on some of these...

12 of the "Dark Knight Stands", the 3-d reproduction of the cover to Dark
Knight 2 (the heavily muscled and p-oed Batman) went for $12 each. This was
the cheap item.

There were 3 black and white artist proofs. Two went for $55 and $350. I
didn't catch the value of the third. Note that this was *not* original art.

There were three artist proof color separations. One was of a fairly mundane
scene; it went for $55 (early in the auction). One included the page which
had Superman getting struck by the lightning bolt. It went for $125. The final
one had the full page spread of Batman with the bat-insignia blown away to
reveal the armor plate. It went for $500.

Then there was a pencilled alternate first page for DK 1. Batman did not
appear on it, but his shadow and the bat signal did. It went for $600.

Then the two books. One went for $600. The second went for $700 (these
supposedly listed for $40).

And finally, a special item; an artist proof edition of the hardcover, with a
different slipcase. Only about 50 exist. It went for....


Miller signed everything sold, and the big purchasers got their pictures taken
with him. He was very polite and nice the entire time (geez, I sound like I'm
discussing an axe murderer...he was such a nice, sweet, boy...), and even
remembered having met me briefly many months ago.

All in all, the auction raised over $5,000. And no, I didn't buy anything.


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