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Grade bug with uucico (4.3bsd)

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Ken Turkowski

Apr 16, 1986, 4:03:38 PM4/16/86
Suppose you invoke uucico with the flags
uucico -r1 -gZ
When the C. directory has the contents

Uucico sees that there is a job for farsys and calls them up, even though
the grade [n] isn't high enough (higher than Z) to be transmitted.
As a result, a connection is established, nothing transpires, and the
connection is closed.

I see this as a bug in that the call shouldn't be made if no files are
to be transferred. Is there an easy fix for this? Does anyone else
use grades?
Ken Turkowski @ CIMLINC, Menlo Park, CA
UUCP: {amd,decwrl,hplabs,seismo}!turtlevax!ken
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