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puzzling UUCP problem

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Apr 25, 1986, 5:32:42 PM4/25/86

I am submitting the following article for a friend. Please
send replies to him (not to me):

I have had a strange problem with UUCP. Several of us have
been unable to figure out what's wrong! Perhaps someone out there
can recognize it and tell me what might be the problem.
After 50 successful calls to machine "aaa", it now fails on
about 2 of every 3 calls. All failures seem to be of the same type.
Machine "aaa" has the same hardware and same software as mine
(XENIX 3.0 for 286).
I have never had a failure with my connection to machine "bbb".
It is a System V UNIX on different hardware.
I occasionally call machine "xxx" and have not had a problem
with it. I occasionally call machine "yyy" and fail 1 of every 3 times.
Same error as above.

A successful UUCP transfer looks like this in my LOGFILE:
root aaa (3/27-0:02) SUCCEEDED (call to aaa )
root aaa (3/27-0:02) OK (startup)
root aaa (3/27-0:02) REQUEST (S D.aaaB1889 D.aaaB1889 root)
root aaa (3/27-0:02) REQUEST (SUCCEEDED)
root aaa (3/27-0:03) REQUEST (S D.saraX1887 X.saraX1887 root)
root aaa (3/27-0:03) REQUEST (SUCCEEDED)
root aaa (3/27-0:03) OK (conversation complete)
A failed UUCP transfer (with no debug option) looks like this
in my LOGFILE:
root aaa (3/26-3:02) FAILED (LOGIN)
root aaa (3/26-3:02) FAILED (call to aaa )
A failed UUCP transfer (with debug option -x9) looks like this
in my LOGFILE:
root aaa (3/28-0:28) SUCCEEDED (call to aaa )
root aaa (3/28-0:28) BAD READ (expected 'P' got ROK> Rmtname sara, my Rol)
root aaa (3/28-0:28) FAILED (startup)

What's causing the "(expected 'P' got ROK> Rmtname sara, my Rol)"?
Since that's after I have successfully logged in, I don't think there's
anything wrong with my USERFILE, L.sys, etc.
Has anyone seen this before? If any more information would help,
please tell me and I will supply it.
Thank you.

Gordon Kass

Saratoga Software
Saratoga, California

Joseph D. Shapiro

Apr 30, 1986, 4:52:10 PM4/30/86

In article <35...@sun.uucp> r...@sun.uucp (Ralph Miller) writes:
> After 50 successful calls to machine "aaa", it now fails on
>about 2 of every 3 calls.

Just a long shot -- if the trouble started happening when you started
doing some of this:

uucp remote!file file
uucp remote!path/*.c path

instead of this

uucp file remote!file

then it might be that the remote system wants to be called by its
proper name (i.e. /etc/siteid contents under Xenix 3.0). Did I notice
that you call it aaa but it thinks its name is something else???

Joseph D. Shapiro "He who hesitates
Bunker Ramo Information Systems is lunch"

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