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Esoteric Books

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Sunny Kirsten

May 6, 1986, 8:31:27 AM5/6/86
One of the more interesting books I've read is Dion Fortune's:
The Esoteric Philosophy of Love & Marriage,
which goes into a good bit of detail on the structure and function of
the higher planes, and their interrelations. I understand that the
original edition, published in the United Kingdom, is now out of
print. I'm looking to purchase a copy of ANY edition of this, as I had
to borrow the copy I read.

Another interesting book I read recently is Ceanne DeRohan's:
The Right Use of Will: Healing and Evolving the Emotional Body
available for $7 from the
Brotherhood of Life
110 Dartmouth, SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106
which explains a lot about the current state of the world, and how it
evolved from Pan(gea) through Lemuria and Atlantis, and the future
direction of spirit on Earth.

Sunny Kirsten
U.P.S.: 10329 Hilltop Rd.
U.S. Mail: P.O.B. 2025
Loch Lomond, CA 95426-2025
Voice Phone: (707) 928-5546, 987-2477
USENET: ...!{sun,ptsfa,well,lll-crg,ihnp4,ucsfcgl,nsc,frog}!hoptoad!sunny

Sunny Kirsten

May 7, 1986, 6:03:57 AM5/7/86
Since a number of you have asked for further information about chakras
and Tantra, I'd like to recommend the book "Tantra for the West"... my
copy is loaned out, and I don't remember further details, but will post
when I have them. The chakras are the interface between the eternal
spirit and the physical body, and correspond closely with the endocrine
system. The union I speak of is of the spiritual bodies and the energy
bodies. Just snuggling brings two people close enough together for
their auras (their energy bodies) to merge and melt into one. Further
union on the energy plane is via channeling spiritual energy through
the chakras, between the partners. This increases as orgasm is
approached, and subsides once it is achieved. Prolonged union is aided
by avoiding orgasm, and each time orgasm is approached but avoided, the
level of energy flow and spiritual union is enhanced. The subject
we're discussing is the application to sexual union of Tantra Yoga and
Kundalini Yoga.

Kee Hinckley

May 12, 1986, 6:23:00 PM5/12/86
In article <7...@hoptoad.uucp> su...@hoptoad.UUCP (Sunny Kirsten) writes:
> their auras (their energy bodies) to merge and melt into one. Further
> union on the energy plane is via channeling spiritual energy through
> the chakras, between the partners. This increases as orgasm is
> approached, and subsides once it is achieved. Prolonged union is aided
> by avoiding orgasm, and each time orgasm is approached but avoided, the
> level of energy flow and spiritual union is enhanced. The subject

Isn't this the kind of stuff that (germany guy who lived in Maine) was
studying when he built the orgasmitron? Unfortunately he chose the wrong
time to study it (the 50's) and most of his work was burnt and he was
thrown in jail. The only references I've ever seen to him (other than
the sign outside a museum they built in Maine) were in "The Harod Experiment"
(not bad, but too much emphasis on sex - roommates were expected to make
out) and in "Schrodinger's Cat" (there's a scene where one character sees
this man struggling with people who are burning his books). I believe he
claimed that lovemaking actually produced physical energy that could be
measured. Does anyone know any more?



This is the Cybernetics and Stuff
That covered Chaotic Confusion and Bluff
That hung on the Turn of a Plausible Phrase
That thickened the Erudite Verbal Haze
Cloaking Constant K
That saved the Summary
Based on the Mummery
Hiding the Flaw
That lay in the Theory Jack built.

A Space Child's Mother Goose
(2 more messages to finish this poem!)

J. Peter Alfke

May 15, 1986, 1:44:16 AM5/15/86
In article <2da762...@apollo.uucp> naz...@apollo.UUCP (Kee Hinckley) writes:
>In article <7...@hoptoad.uucp> su...@hoptoad.UUCP (Sunny Kirsten) writes:
>> their auras (their energy bodies) to merge and melt into one. Further
>> union on the energy plane is via channeling spiritual energy through
>> the chakras, between the partners. This increases as orgasm is
>> approached, and subsides once it is achieved. Prolonged union is aided
>> by avoiding orgasm, and each time orgasm is approached but avoided, the
>> level of energy flow and spiritual union is enhanced. The subject
>Isn't this the kind of stuff that (germany guy who lived in Maine) was
>studying when he built the orgasmitron? Unfortunately he chose the wrong
>time to study it (the 50's) and most of his work was burnt and he was
>thrown in jail.

>I believe he
>claimed that lovemaking actually produced physical energy that could be
>measured. Does anyone know any more?

You're talking about Wilhelm Reich, who had some rather unusual theories
about stuff called orgone that we all need, that comes from lovemaking
and from outer space. He had a box that supposedly concentrated orgone
inside, which people could sit in and absorb the stuff.

There's been some discussion on love-hounds (ARPA Kate Bush mailing list),
because Kate Bush's song "Cloudbusting" is directly about him, seen through
his son Peter.

His theories are generally regarded as being completely off the deep end;
he was mostly likely a schizophrenic who gained a bit more repute than
most since he chose to publish books about his beliefs rather than shout
them on street corners.

But then, I consider chakras and auras at least as zany, so perhaps
I should stop talking about this stuff right away.
--Peter Alfke
"Man, Woman, Child:
All Is Up Against the Wall of
SCIENCE" --Firesign Theatre

Steve Dunn

May 16, 1986, 1:21:55 PM5/16/86
Kee writes in reference to an article by Kirsten on mystical subjects:

> Isn't this the kind of stuff that (germany guy who lived in Maine) was
> studying when he built the orgasmitron? Unfortunately he chose the wrong
> time to study it (the 50's) and most of his work was burnt and he was
> thrown in jail. The only references I've ever seen to him (other than
> the sign outside a museum they built in Maine) were in "The Harod Experiment"
> (not bad, but too much emphasis on sex - roommates were expected to make
> out) and in "Schrodinger's Cat" (there's a scene where one character sees
> this man struggling with people who are burning his books). I believe he
> claimed that lovemaking actually produced physical energy that could be
> measured. Does anyone know any more?
> -kee

It sounds like you are talking about Wilhelm Reich. The orgasmitron is
from a Woody Allen movie but he did theorize about something called the
"Orgone" and I think he made some sort of closet like chamber called
an "Orgone box". I believe he did spend some time in jail or possibly
an insane asylum. I don't actually know what the "orgone" was supposed
to be other than one of those "energies" people talk about when they
don't really know exactly what they're talking about. I guess this is
about all I can dredge up from my junkyard of rusty memories (blech!)

-Steve "Bring me a bucket" Dunn

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