New forum again, disabling new posts here

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Jun 12, 2008, 5:51:24 AM6/12/08
to NeoDS
As mentioned before, NeoDS has a forum here:

I'm going to disable posting to this group, and ask everyone to take
their discussion there. As it currently stands, some idiot could sign
up here and start posting rom links, or porn links, or whatever...and
I might not see it and take care of it for a few days. I don't want
to have to worry about that. Everyone here has been great, and this
is not in response to some current problem. This is more of a
preemptive strike. And besides, Pocketheaven is a central location
for ds/gba emulator development. It already has an established

I realize that it's kinda a pain to register at yet another forum, but
it will help me out. So thanks for all your support, and see you at
Pocketheaven =)

(existing posts here will remain, and this will continue to be the
download location)
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