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class Owns include Neo4j::ActiveRel
from_class User to_class Post type :owns
property :kind, type: Integer property :quality, type: Float property :weight, type: Float
has_many :out, :concepts, rel_class: :owns
has_many :in, :users, origin: :users
var query = {"statements": [{ "statement": "MATCH (u:User {author: 'Jack'})-[r:owns]->(p:Post) RETURN r, p", "resultDataContents": ["graph"]}]};
$.ajax({ type: "POST", accept: "application/json", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", data: JSON.stringify(query), success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { console.log(data) }, failure: function(msg) { console.log("failed") }});
Hi Jan,The accessor methods are generated based on the second argument, not the `type` of the relationship. In your example you'd do `User.first.posts` or `Post.first.users`.Let us know if you have any trouble!Best,
--Hi,I have an existing Neo4J Database, which I have connected to a RoR Application. Since the db is already seeded I had to generate the migration file to add the uuids for the nodes, this worked. I have also existing relationships between those nodes (some of them have properties), e.g.: (u:User)-[:owns {property: 'value'}]->(p:Post) Currently I ignore the properties, and have added the owns-association to the User Model like this:has_many :out, :posts, type: :ownsAnd to the Post model like this:has_many :in, :users, origin: :usersIn the Rails console User.first or Post.first work, however when I enter something like User.first.owns I get: NoMethodError: undefined method `owns' for #<User:0x007fdd869b8aa0>Do I have to migrate somehow the relationships / associations? Thank you in advance for your responses!
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"resultDataContents": ["graph"]
@query = @user.posts.each_with_rel respond_to do |format| format.html format.json { render json: @query } end...
<%= javascript_tag do %> query = '<%= @query %>'$.getJSON(query + '.json', function(data) { console.log(data);});<% end %>
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