Connecting Neo4j with R

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Song April

Jan 25, 2021, 6:43:04 AM1/25/21
to Neo4j
Hi all,

I have been struggling to connect neo4j with R. I have tried the following packages and they all have issue. 

Is there any package work for you smoothly? Please educate me. Kind of getting stuck.

1) library(neo4r) 
I have been informed this one does not work with Neo4j with version higher then 4.x
2) library(neo4jshell)
This one keeps giving me this error: 
Error: Failed to execute 'cypher-shell' (No such file or directory)
3) library(RNeo4j)
This one does not work for me either. the returned error is 
Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : 
  URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL

Florent Biville

Jan 25, 2021, 8:17:00 AM1/25/21
to Neo4j

There is some ongoing work on Neo4r regarding 4.x support.

I believe Neo4r should still work with Neo4j 4.x, as the REST APIs it uses are still there.

If you find that is not the case, your next best bet would be to try this pull request and see if it works:

Otherwise, Neo4j 3.5 is a Long Term Support version which means it is still updated and can be used in production until November 2021.
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