Do you BELIEVE in the Holocaust?

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The Iron Boot

Feb 12, 2009, 8:05:58 PM2/12/09
to The Fascist Road to Democracy. Society of Neo-Fascism.

One of the problems I have with Holocaust remembrance is the religious
dogmatism surrounding it.
Holocaust is a historical event but has been elevated into an article
of faith than maintained as a matter of knowledge.

When it comes to the American Civil War or World War II, the relevant
question is ‘do you know about this event?’ or ‘how much do you know
about such-and-such?’ When it comes to the Holocaust, the question is
‘do you BELIEVE in the Holocaust?’, rather like asking, ‘do you
believe in God?’
Personally, I believe that the Holocaust happened because I’ve been
taught in schools, books, tv programs, and movies that it happened. I
have no reason to doubt all the experts. I’m not a conspiracy nut, and
I think most people in the Holocaust denial industry are creepy,
dishonest, or just plain crazy. There seems to be more than ample
evidence that the Holocaust did take place. I’m all for Holocaust
revision, and perhaps fewer than 6 million died. That should be for
genuine historians to do the research and decide.

Still, what I BELIEVE about the Holocaust is inseparable from what I
KNOW about the Holocaust. I don’t believe in it to be a good person, a
saintly person, a correct person, or an approved person. I believe in
it based on what I’ve come to know about it. I have no blind faith in
the Holocaust nor in liberal historiography. Yes, most historians are
liberal or on the left, but nearly all serious historians seem to
accept that it happened. So, based on what I’ve read and based on my
reasonable trust in experts, I believe that the Holocaust happened.
And, I think this is all we can expect from people. To believe in
something based on what they’ve seen, heard, or read and thought
So, it’s perfectly sensible to have a conversation where you might ask
someone, ‘do you know what the Khmer Rouge did?’ or ‘have you heard
about the Great Famine under Stalin?’ You would not ask someone, ‘do
you BELIEVE in the Killing Fields or the Great Famine?’ We can’t
expect people to believe something they may know little or nothing
about. Belief in God is a matter of faith. Belief in history isn’t
or, at least, shouldn’t be.
If you ask someone, “do you believe in the Great Famine?’ and if the
person says, “I don’t know”, you would not look upon him as a scumbag.
You would look upon him as someone who may need to read up on history.
The person may be ignorant but ignorance is not evil.

Yet, this isn’t the case with the Holocaust. People are simply
supposed to BELIEVE in it even if they know little or nothing about
it. Of course, one could argue that people SHOULD believe in the
Holocaust since it’s been discussed and taught everywhere. Who hasn’t
heard about the Holocaust in the schools, tv news programs, tv
documentaries, Hollywood movies, etc? There is no excuse for anyone to
not know something about it. Fair enough. But, hearing or seeing
something isn’t the same as having sound knowledge of it. After all,
Chinese children are told that Mao was a great man; they’ve heard it a
million times, but that doesn’t necessarily make it so! (Also, people
should ask, ‘why do we hear so much about 6 million dead Jews yet
almost nothing about the 100 million killed by communism?’ This state
of affairs should make us more suspect of those who control popular
remembrance of history and shape public morality.) Sure, we’ve all
heard of or seen “Schindler’s List”, but it’s an Hollywood movie.
Since when is something true because it’s a movie? Also, most
historical films have been notorious for their distortions of history.
“Lawrence of Arabia” may be a great film, but much of it is not real
history. Most Westerns about the conflict between whites and Indians
are fanciful or ludicrous from a historical angle. So, just because
we’ve been exposed to the Holocaust in the mainstream news and
Hollywood movies doesn’t mean that we MUST believe in it. A person is
obligated to believe in the Holocaust ONLY IF he has actually done
honest research and pored over the evidence. Otherwise, all we have to
go on are insubstantial textbooks(packed with generic and politically
correct narratives), movies, and stuff like Oprah. Consider the fact
that a bogus Holocaust story was featured on Oprah, and the entire
nation believed in it. Was the story true because Oprah embraced it
and called it ‘the greatest love story she ever heard’? The fact that
certain stories or events have been over-hyped by the mainstream media
should make us all the more skeptical. Skepticism isn’t the same as
denial. It means having the courage not to simply follow herd instinct
and having the ability to think for oneself. Of course, one has to be
careful lest one fall into the trap of knee-jerk contrarian-ism where
something is true simply because it goes against the grain.

Anyway, the point is the knowledge of the Holocaust is more crucial
than belief in the Holocaust. Historical belief must always be based
on historical knowledge. Considering that very few people have
actually read anything substantial or done research on the subject of
the Holocaust, it is ludicrous to ask, “do you BELIEVE in the
Holocaust?” That kind of question only creates a climate of moral
bullying(which is, of course, what the Jews want. They want goyim to
worship the Jews-as-God). It commands people with superficial
knowledge of certain subject to simply believe in it because you’re
scum if you don’t. (The same kind of mindless worship centers around
Martin Luther King. The question is never, ‘what do you know about
Martin Luther King?’ but ‘how many times do you wanna get on your
knees and kiss his ass?’ People who have REAL knowledge of the
Kingster knows that he was just a shrewd political operative and no
saint.) How ironic that liberals and leftists take so much pride in
their rationalism and skepticism yet demand that the populace take for
granted certain TRUTHS. If liberals are genuinely honest, they
should encourage people to learn more about the Holocaust. What
people feel or believe about the Holocaust should be based on what
they know about it. And, I don’t mean Hollywood movies which are based
on fictional scripts and actors going through the motions. Movies are
fun but have nothing to do with truth. The only truth of a movie is
that it is a movie. It may dramatize an actual event or psychological
truth, but it PROVES NOTHING. Documentaries can be factual, but they
often serve partisan purposes. Nothing is true simply because a
documentary said so. After all, Holocaust deniers have also made their
own documentaries. There are documentaries that tell us that US
government and Mossad carried out 9/11 attacks. That makes it true?
Even many well-researched books are not too helpful in making us
understand the Holocaust because their main purpose is to make us feel
sympathy only or mainly for Jews. As such, those books are less about
the Holocaust than about using the Holocaust to monopolize all
sympathy for Jews and Jews only. In a way, every new Holocaust book is
really to reinforce Jewish power. If we read about those ‘poor
innocent Jews killed by Nazis’, we’ll be less likely to criticize
Jewish power since it may feel Nazi-esque to do so. Or, we may think
twice before criticizing Zionism and its brutality against
Palestinians since Jews are the ‘eternal saintly victims’.

Of course, there are true historians and bogus historians, but it’s
also true that many respected historians have been wrong on many
things, sometimes willfully so. Just because a historian is
intelligent, respected, and capable doesn’t mean he’s without
prejudices, ideological bias, or gullibility. Recall that Trevor-
Roper, one of the outstanding historians of his time, staked his
reputation on the authenticity of Hitler diaries. Though he retracted
later, his reputation never fully recovered.
Of course, in most cases, there is a consensus arrived at by most
historians over many generations, and there isn’t much doubt that the
Holocaust happened. Even David Irving came to the conclusion that
Hitler not only knew about the mass killings but ordered them.

However, even consensus in an open and democratic society doesn’t
guarantee that truth always prevails, especially if the academia and
media are near-monopolized by one group. And, in our democratic
society, much of the control of the media(eyes, ears, and mouth of
society) and the academia(the brains of society) are held by people of
certain ethnic group or ideological fixation. Jewish power is
tremendous, and liberal and leftists control much of the media. As a
result, we don’t see or hear much about what Israelis have done to
Palestinians recently in Gaza. Or, the news is watered down and
carefully balanced with stories of Jewish suffering. So, a 1000 dead
Palestinians is treated as the equivalent to one dead Israeli.
Of course, liberals and the Left play the game of suppression or
neglect than outright denial. They can play this game because they
control the media. Liberals and leftists don’t deny communist
horrors, and by not doing so, don’t soil their moral reputation. They
quietly admit that horrors happened under communism, BUT those
narratives are generally neglected or suppressed in public discourse;
they are rarely revived and treated as ‘past history’, something we
should let go and forget.
Liberals and leftists practice communist-burial than communist-denial.
But, the effect is the same as if they had practiced communist-denial
because relatively few people come to know about the full extent of
communist crimes and horrors. It’s almost as if 100 million people did
not die in the 20th century. (And, when the horrors of communism are
discussed, it’s in a more objective and detached manner than in a
morally bullying manner. Also, it’s generally treated as macro-
history, a matter of statistics than as a criminal tragedy involving
individual victims. Communist horrors have not been Anne-Franken-ized.
We are told that Stalin killed 20 million, but we can’t match their
faces with any individual victim. So, it’s almost like hearing that
Stalin killed 20 million chickens. We think of them as faceless
Since liberals and leftists don’t actually say, ‘millions were not
killed by communism’, they don’t come across as evil like the
Holocaust-deniers who say that millions of Jews were not killed.
If the Right owned much of the media and controlled much of the
academia, it could play the same game. It would run many stories, make
many movies, and present many news stories about the evil history of
communism while burying–rather than denying–the horrors of the
Holocaust. They wouldn’t need to deny the Holocaust to produce the
defacto effect of Holocaust Denial.
Since, people will hear a 100 stories about evils of communism for
every story on the Holocaust, it will be as if the Holocaust was just
a footnote in history.

Anyway, the point is something isn’t necessarily true or truer because
it’s always in the news or has been popularly disseminated. Even in a
free society such as ours, reputations can be destroyed if certain
truths are dared spoken. As a result, people seeking respectability
stay mum about things they know to be true but are deemed taboo by
controllers of public opinion and much of the national wealth. If you
offend the Jews, Jewish organizations and groups will mount pressure
to have you fired, boycotted, ostracized, or isolated. People who do
business with you will be pressured to disassociate themselves from
you. As a result, most people seeking respectability or simple profit
don’t speak out on certain matters because it may be too
As a result, the only people willing to go against the grain tend to
be extreme types who, as outcasts, have nothing to lose from politics
of confrontation. As a result, something true(though taboo)can come
to be regarded as ‘extreme’ and ‘hateful’ due to its association with
extreme groups. (The problem with extreme groups championing certain
truths is that despite their courage, they do espouse ideas and views
which truly are extreme or idiotic. It’s great that David Duke
fearlessly takes on Jewish power, and there is much truth in what he
says. But, because of his mindless Holocaust denial and blind hatred
for all things Jewish, he undermines and unwittingly disqualifies, in
the eyes of many, even the legitimate points that he makes. Kevin
MacDonald is a much better scholar because he’s far more cautious and
thoughtful in what he believes and says.)

Anyway, here’s an obvious example of a truth that most people dare not
Consider the fact that Ashkenazi Jews are smarter than gentiles and
that blacks are stronger than whites. These are undeniable facts, and
many respectable people actually know them. But, because such views
are deemed ‘racist’, very few mainstream people talk about them. The
only ones with the balls to do so are people like David Duke, and as a
result, such views are deemed to be ‘white supremacist’–rather iroinic
since those observations point out the intellectual superiority and
physical superiority of, respectively, the Jews and blacks.

The Holocaust has been turned into such a secular religion that many
respectable historians are afraid to even call for honest revision of
it. The very idea of revision of Holocaust is anathema to the liberal
and leftist(especially Jewish)community out of fear that it may open
up the floodgate of Holocaust denial. But, the real reason why they
want to suppress a truly secular approach to the Holocaust–at least in
the popular perception–is because reality is more complex and
ambiguous than myths. To understand the Holocaust, it must be studied
in the context of European and Jewish history. Such approach may not
lead to Holocaust denial but may lead to something akin to Holocaust
Understanding. Understanding is not the same thing as Excusing, but it
undermines the simple good vs. evil religious aura that surrounds the
Holocaust. The current popular narrative says that these wonderful
perfectly saintly Jews were rounded up by irrational and demented
Germans who just went crazy and were out to kill people just for the
hell of it. In the Bible, God’s truth cannot be understand and we
aren’t supposed to question it. We are merely supposed to BELIEVE. The
liberal and leftist Jews want us to feel the same way about the
Holocaust. Just to believe in the saintly goodness of Jews and
unfathomable evil of the Germans.

Intentions do matter in history, and a full understanding of the
Holocaust will require us to study why the Germans–and many others–
hated the Jews. Liberal and Leftist Jews in the US don’t want us to
ask this question. They simply want us to hug-a-Jew, love-a-Jew, weep-
for-a-Jew, worship-a-Jew, etc. Jews know that the more we study and
understand Jewish power, the more we realize that they are a threat to
our way of life and values.
The reason why Jews want us to see Holocaust as a unique and singular
event in history is because they want to separate it from the larger
historical context. If we see the Holocaust in relation to the larger
context, we may understand, if not excuse or condone, what happened.
Of course, a context of sorts is supplied by Jews where the Holocaust
is the culmination of Jew-hatred through the ages. But, this is a
purely a morally narcissistic, self-serving, self-pitying, and self-
aggrandizing Judeo-centric context.
It leaves out the other contexts, such as Jewish contempt and hatred
for goyim. It doesn’t take into account the cunning and manipulative
nature of Jewish finance capitalism(which still goes on today, indeed,
stronger than ever). It fails to take into account the Jewish role in
communism and other radical movements that set out to undermine and
even destroy the world order of the goyim. It refuses to consider, for
example, that the Holocaust grew out of holocausts committed by
communists–many of them Jewish–in Eastern Europe. It fails to take
into account the collusion between rich capitalist Jews and power-
hungry socialist Jews(something we still see today) to gain more power
and influence over goyim. If European Jews were indeed very much like
they are today in the US, it’s understandable why there was so much
hatred against Jews. What a cunning, manipulative, arrogant,
contemptuous, selfish, sniveling, sneering, self-righteous, and
hypocritical people many of these Jews are. I think there would a lot
of anti-Jewish feelings in the US today if it weren’t for the fact
that Jews have such control of media and academia and have been
brainwashing us to love them and feel sympathy/guilt for them. If
European Jews were indeed like American Jews today, ‘anti-semitism’
back then was surely understandable even if not justified on the level
that led to the Holocaust. Why should we like the Jews? If it’s not
hard to understand why many Americans distrust and dislike the
Japanese/Chinese(as The New Republic often does) or why many Europeans
look upon Muslims with disgust, who says we have to like Jews? Who
says Jews are likable and we must like Jews? Many people like Jews
because they’ve seen too much TV and got all their news from the Jew-
run media. Many people who know the ugly truth about the Jews force
themselves to like Jews since they’ve been brainwashed since infancy
that not liking Jews means you’re a Nazi who wants to shoot babies.

And, don’t Jews have their own biases? The Jewish owned/run media in
this country allows a great deal of anti-Muslim bashing on the
airwaves, print, tv, and academia. It’s perfectly okay to write
respectable books on what’s wrong with them Arabs, with Islam, with
Saudi economic power, etc. But, we can’t scrutinize or criticize
Jewish values, Jewish attitudes, Jewish power, Jewish wealth, etc when
its influence in the US is greater than the influence of rest of
America combined? We have to take it on faith that Jews are good,
good, good.

Understanding intentions doesn’t alter the fact of the crime, but it
does alter the nature of the crime. Killing someone for revenge
because he raped your wife and killing someone for the hell of it are
both instances of killing resulting in a dead body. Both may be
illegal and morally wrong, but one is clearly more understandable than
the other. Jews want us to see the Holocaust as a case of evil people
who, for no reason at all, decided to kill totally innocent people.
But, was this what really happened? If European Jews acted like
American Jews are acting today, wasn’t it understandable why so many
people rallied around a man like Hitler who scapegoated the Jews? Of
course, there is some discussion of how Jews were perceived by their
persecutors, but this perception is said to have been purely
delusional, paranoid, or false. But, was it?
Clearly, the perception of Nazis and their ilk was extreme, unhinged,
and pathological, but was it based entirely on fantasies? Was there
something about Jews in general or in particular that was threatening,
hostile, and ruthless to the interests to the goy majority? Of
course, there was, and there is today. Just look at the vile Jews on
Wall Street, Hollywood, academia, law, business, and government. How
cunning, disgusting, deceitful, and manipulative many of them are.
And, utterly hypocritical and self-righteous. Just consider the likes
of Woody Allen and Alan Dershowitz. Whether it’s on the Right or on
the Left, we have a people who are largely very unpleasant,
contemptuous, arrogant, deceitful, and sneering. Of course, there are
many wonderful Jews as well, but because Jews are intelligent, we see
the extremes in both good and bad. Bad Jews gain far more power than
bad people of other stripe. Because of their sense of ‘eternal
victimhood’, even good Jews often cover up for bad Jews. Also, because
bad Jews are so smart, they can make a lot of money and buy
respectability that most other bad people cannot. A bad Italian-
American is likely to become a mafioso and be seen for what he is:
scumbag. But, a bad Jew like Alan Dershowitz becomes a lawyer and
talks intelligently and fools us into thinking he’s a man of integrity
and principles when he’s just a huckster lawyer scumbag.

Anyway, faith requires us to simply believe without asking questions.
Jews today want us to just BELIEVE in the Holocaust based on some
Hollywood movies and TV programs. They don’t want us to study the
subject further and ask questions. We are only to fixate on what the
Jews and their dimwit goy puppets show and tell us about the
Holocaust. Jews don’t want us to be Galileos when it comes to the
Holocaust. We’re not supposed to think. We’re not supposed to revise
the Holocaust or look deeply into why persecutors of Jews felt the way
they did. People who hated Jews had NO rational reason, Jews tell us.
It’s not possible for us to say that, though the Holocaust was a
great crime against humanity, there were sound reasons why hatred
against Jews existed. Just because one crime was extreme and evil
doesn’t mean that its victim was totally innocent. That is the way
Japanese peaceniks think; they argue that since Japan was punished so
badly in WWII by the US, Japan has been cleansed of its sins and is
now the moral beacon for the world. If we don’t buy this crap from the
Japanese, why should we buy it from the Jews? The Holocaust was an
evil and extreme reaction on the part of the German people led by
pathological Nazis, BUT many Jews had done horrible and lowlife things
that led to a great deal of justified anger and hatred against Jews.
If Jews cannot honestly consider this fact and keep acting like
eternal saints, they indeed are pompous self-righteous scum of the
Look at what Jews have done to Palestinians, yet Jews act like
Palestinian hatred and anger are totally unwarranted. Alan
Dershawitz’s biggest client in his role as defense attorney has been
Israel, and all we hear is some weasely lawyerly bullshit. Yes, many
Palestinians have become psychotic and unhinged in their hatred of
Jews, but only a moral idiot–many of them in the US where people are
brainwashed by the Jew-run media– would deny the fact that much of
Palestinian hatred of Jews is justified.

There is little sense of historical context except the Judeo-centric
kind when it comes to understanding history relating to WWII,
especially when it comes to Ukraine. For instance, US government has
been hunting down American citizens of Ukrainian descent who may have
served as SS guards in the death camps. There is no question that
those men committed horrible crimes. But, what’s missing is the
context. If you were Ukrainian in the 30s, you saw 1/3 of your
countrymen die at the hands of communists, many of them Jewish.
Ukrainians suffered their own holocaust before the capital “H” Jewish
holocaust happened. (Notice how only the Jewish holocaust gets the “H”
So, in the way that many Europeans(including Jews)attacked and killed
many Germans–guilty and innocent–out of revenge after WWII, many
Ukrainians had joined up with Nazi invaders to kill Jews–out of
revenge–when Nazis ‘liberated’ that part of the USSR.
Indeed, vengeance was one of the great forces of the late 19th and
20th century. French involvement in WWI had a lot to do with vengeful
feelings against Germans going back to Franco-Prussian War. WWII was
fueled by sense of revenge on the part of Germans. Many Jews joined
the communist enterprise to avenge their persecution at the hands of
the Tsarist regime. And, there were horrendous acts of revenge against
Germans after WWII. The reason why USA was crucial to European peace
after WWII was that it was a neutral player. Even though Americans had
fought the Germans, there was a sense among Germans and other
Europeans that America was a relatively impartial guarantor of the new
Anyway, revenge is still a major factor in the 21st century, mainly
among Jews and Muslims. Blacks also operate on the basis of revenge,
but I’d say it has more to do with resentment than revenge. After all,
blacks hate not only whites but other peoples whom they perceive as
succeeding ‘at the expense’ of blacks. With Jews, it is revenge(fueled
by arrogance, condescension, and contempt). After all, Jews are the
most powerful and most wealthy people on Earth. Yet, they seem so
angry, bitter, venomous. Why? They want revenge against the white race
for all the wrongs–real and imaginary–done to Jews in the past. Jews
who fixate on the Holocaust will not be happy until all white men are
castrated into pussyboy dweebs and all white girls run into the arms
of negro studs. Jews want to see white men turned into a bunch of Jim
Jeffries and Max Schmelings. Jews enjoy the fact that they own most of
the sports franchises, that black males dominate on the field, that
white women cheer for black studs, and that white boys meekly cheer
along, accepting the superiority of black manliness.

Anyway, we must reject the moral bullying of those who venomously and
self-righteously ask, “Do you BELIEVE in the Holocaust?” No one
should believe in anything unless he really knows something about it.
And, to truly know about something, we need to rely on something other
than what we see on TV, in the movies, or read in textbooks written by
liberals and leftists. There is a large body of scholarly literature
on the Holocaust and there is much film footage that documented the
horrors. The Holocaust is well-documented because the Nazis lost.
Though the 6 million number may be exaggerated, millions most likely
did die. Of course, there is the issue of victor’s justice and the
fact of Jewish domination in history and the media. Of course, Jews
are going to favor data and evidence that proves than disproves the
Holocaust, but there is simply too much evidence for any sensible
person to deny that there had been a willful and concerted effort on
the part of the Nazis to kill Jews. To be sure, questions still
remain, not so much over what happened but as to the why. That Hitler
hated Jews and wanted to see many of them disappear from the face of
the Earth is beyond doubt. But, perhaps we’ll never know why the
Holocaust happened the way and when it happened. Did Hitler use the
cover of war to kill Jews? Or, did he kill Jews out of revenge for the
reversal of the war in the East–and the perception that venal Jews in
UK and US were pulling the strings to get Churchill and FDR deeper
into war. Hitler saw Churchill and FDR as his racial brethren, and so
it was appalling to him that those men would ‘do the bidding’ of the

The question should be, ‘Do you KNOW about the Holocaust?’ and ‘WHAT
do you know about the Holocaust?’ What a person comes to believe
should only be based on what he knows, what he knows from weighing
evidence from all sides. And, we must not pretend that there are only
two sides–saintly Holocaust believers and evil Holocaust deniers. In
fact, there are many scholars who simply seek to know MORE about the
Holocaust. They come up with different number of victims, they explain
different intentions on the part of Nazis, they offer different
insights and perspectives and offer differing contexts. Again, context
is very important. If we take Hiroshima and Nagasaki in isolation,
they are horrendous and unspeakable crimes against humanity. But, seen
in the context of WWII, we know that the Japanese were not totally
innocent and the Americans weren’t out to just kill for the hell of
it. I wouldn’t say of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the equivalents of
the Holocaust, but we need to see the Holocaust within the contexts of
its time. (Indeed, Jews–mostly liberal and leftwing–are experts of
contextualism. They’ll say we must forgive Obama’s associations with
Wright and Ayers since he’s a member of the ‘oppressed race’ and, as
such, understandably allied with angry radical groups. Or, when blacks
riot and kill whites, the Jew-run media say we must understand the
violence in context of American history. Since whites committed
violence against blacks in the past, blacks have a right to be angry
and even attack whites on occasion. And, Jews say we must not
criticize Jewish power and influence because of the historical context
of ‘anti-semitism’. Since anti-semites gassed Jews during WWII, no one
may criticize Jewish power anymore given the nature of the historical
context. And, it’s as though Jews have some divine moral right to
crush and kill Palestinians, again all because of the historical
context: since Jews suffered the Holocaust, they deserve a homeland,
even by expelling other peoples off their land; since Israel is
surrounded by hostile Arab nations, Israel has the right to have nukes
and attack and kill civilians in Lebanon and Gaza; since Jews suffered
the Holocaust, they have the right to apply ‘Never Again’ at all times
and even kill Palestinian women and children in order to prevent
another Holocaust. If this logic goes on, Jews will commit holocausts
against goyim and then say it was justified within the context of the
Holocaust and Jewish history.)

Certain contexts are bound to make Jews look better, others are likely
to make them look worse. Some people will surely use particular
contexts to justify the Holocaust while others will use contexts to
explain or understand it. We need more explanation and more

And, we need more points of views. In the US, the educational system
and educational TV–very important as most people get their historical
lessons from PBS and History Channel–are dominated by liberals and the
left. As such, they cannot be wholly trusted. Monopoly power always
corrupts. If conservatives dominated much of the media, there would be
the same problem. A conservative is intrinsically no more honest or
principled than a liberal. But, the fact is liberals and the left do
dominate the media and education. And, just look at the kind of
garbage they’ve been trying to feed us. There was the bogus PBS
documentary called “Liberators” which falsely told us that black GIs
liberated the death camps. This was a Holocaust hoax as odious as
Holocaust denial. How were the people at PBS able to get away with a
hoax this big? Why didn’t the media make a bigger stink about it? In
some countries, it’s a crime to say the Holocaust didn’t happen or
even to minimize its historical significance(Le Pen got fined for
calling it an ‘incident’), but it appears that Jews can make up any
number of lies about the Holocaust and get away with it. Though the
Liberators hoax was exposed, the people involved didn’t end up with
ruined careers in the way that critics of Jewish power do. And, PBS
never ran a documentary about how the hoax came about or how the
entire series was made despite all the protests from soldier and
scholars who said it could not have happened the way it did. The only
thing that mattered to the Jews who made “Liberators” was
strengthening the bonds between the black and Jewish leadership. Jews
tried to pull another instance of Joe Louis beating up Max Schmeling,
this time against American whites who’d done so much to save Jews in
WWII. Many Jews are gratuitous in their vileness and cunning than
grateful for anything done for them by other peoples. Though they are
richer and more powerful than others, they still want others to serve
them. It’s like when Bob Dylan was a kid in Hibbing Minnesota. His
family was richer than most families, and he had more pocket money,
but he made the local yokels buy stuff for him. Manipulating dumb
goyim to suck Jewish cock is the Jewish way.
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