Obama's betrayal of Armenians shows he's a piece of scum.

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The Iron Boot

Apr 9, 2009, 6:12:59 PM4/9/09
to The Fascist Road to Democracy. Society of Neo-Fascism.
Though millions gaze at him as The One, Obama struck me as shady as
Clinton was slick and Bush was dumb. Until recently, however, I would
have regarded him as no worse than a weasel, a common creature in
politics. But, Obama’s recent reneging on his promise to Armenians
makes him nothing less than–there is no other word–a piece of scum. I
understand the realpolitik considerations of American politicians
who’ve avoided the issue of the Armenian genocide. Morally
dishonorable but politically sound as Turkey has been an important

But, when a man brings our attention to an issue as tragic as the
Armenian genocide, makes a promise to the victim group, and stakes his
moral worth on the promise, it becomes something more than a
political issue. It becomes a moral, even a spiritual, issue. And, the
Armenian tragedy wasn’t just another historical event but one
involving the deaths of perhaps 1.5 million people. A promise staked
on genocide must be followed through. Even for politicians, not
everything is politics. Obama could have chosen to ignore the Armenian
genocide during his campaign like all the other candidates. But, he
raised our consciousness and the hopes of the Armenian community as if
to suggest that he’s a different kind of leader–not just a politician
after power but a man of high moral & spiritual principles. And,
nothing is more serious in history than genocide. It’s one thing to
promise and then renege on tax cuts or spending on highspeed trains.
Genocide as a topic or issue should transcend politics.
Yet, Obama is exactly the sort who will even use genocide as a
political stunt to win plaudits, admiration, and votes, and then
thoughtlessly turn his back for political expediency. Nothing is
sacred to this guy except his own fame and glory. His spews words
like he prints money. It’s all inflated rhetoric or value. Obama is
both shameless and self-righteous, a toxic mix. He’s an opportunistic
huckster whose ego is such that he really thinks his lies are true if
spoken pompously or eloquently enough.

Equally shameful is the lack of media outrage on this matter–and this
includes the conservative media, which with its mindless pro-Zionism,
is sighing with relief that Obama hasn’t alienated Turkey, a key ally
of Israel. (To be fair, conservative media did raise a little fuss but
dropped it like a hot potato soon enough, going back to their usually
inane hysteria about the Muslim world about to conquer America!
Attention to conservatives: Muslims did not bring Obama to power. Get
it through your thick skulls. Obama’s sucking up to Muslims has little
to do with appeasing Muslims. It is merely another attempt to pacify
the Middle East for the benefit of Israel after the aggressive Bush
Doctrine has failed.)
As long as Obama keeps his promise to Israel and the Jewish community,
who cares about Armenian people, their tragedy, or their feelings of
betrayal, right? Maybe, Armenians are not special or worthy enough.
Their historical suffering is only worth exploiting as a campaign
stunt. It would be nice if Jews, who also suffered a great genocide,
would use their considerable media muscle to shame Obama on account of
his disgraceful manipulations. But, since most Jews invested so much
time, energy, money, and hope in Obama, why jeopardize their
investment on account of silly little Armenians?
Jewish supporters of Obama have lost the moral authority to preach
about the Holocaust. If liberal Jews can support with a clear
conscience a man who glibly exploits a great historical tragedy as a
cheap campaign stunt, they should be examining their own sick souls,
not preaching to us about their own historical suffering.
Again, realpolitik considerations for not recognizing the Armenian
genocide is understandable even if cold and amoral. But, when one
voluntarily and righteously makes genocide an issue and stakes his
moral superiority on it, he must follow through. There are promises
and then there are Promises. You don’t make a big stink about genocide
and then wipe it off your shoe like dogshit and walk away to win
adulation from people who kicked the dog. Many people vehemently
disagreed with Bush’s stem cell policy, but as Bush staked his
position on moral and spiritual grounds–as a matter beyond politics–,
people grudgingly respected his ‘stubbornness.’ But, everything is
political with Obama, even genocide.

Obama doesn’t serve history, history serves Obama. So, this is what
makes Michelle finally so proud to be an American? And, this is why
liberals swoon and wet their pants over this guy? Because he treats
the Armenian genocide like a pimp treats his girls? Obama obviously
thinks he’s bigger than history and humanity which only exist to be
manipulated to serve his ego, glory, popularity. And, we have enough
fools to oblige his whims at every turn, because, oh my, he looks like
a ‘rock star’.

Make no mistake about it. Obama is scum and no other word will do.
Anyone who politicizes a great tragedy of the 20th century for short-
term political gain is scum. Anyone who does it so easily, smoothly,
and glibly is a liar and swindler. But, Obama knows he can do things
like this because the liberal media will watch his back and protect
him. Following revelations about Rev. Wright, he learned he could
just make a ridiculous speech–evasive and half-baked–yet be praised as
an equal of Lincoln and Kennedy by the media, his defacto publicity
agents in the media. So, who cares if he merely used and disabused the
Armenians? True, the media did cover the story but only in a
perfunctory and muted manner. There was no widespread expression of
media outrage, as when Reagan unwittingly visited Bitburg cemetery
where SS officers were buried, which forced the White House to express
remorse. So, why is there so little media outcry about Obama’s far
more disgraceful act–a shameless, calculating, and willful
exploitation of genocide? Obama must be the most brazenly cowardly
politician in my lifetime.

Unfortunately, people in the media don’t seem to think all genocides
are equal. As the Holocaust issue advantages Jewish power and Israel,
it is played up to the hilt 24/7. We are endlessly informed about
those evil Muslims and Arabs unwilling to acknowledge the full extent
of the Holocaust or Israel’s right to exist? But, if the Armenian
genocide gets in the way of Turkish-American or Israeli-Turkish
relations so crucial to Zionist interests, it must take the backseat
on the bus. Obama, on his own volition, promised Armenians and all of
humanity that he would welcome Armenians to the front of the bus.
Alas, it was just a stunt.. Obama insisted that he still believes what
he said during the campaign, but he must be suffering from amnesia.
Recently, ‘genocide’ morphed into a vague-sounding ‘terrible’. An
historical crime suddenly became a mere historical accident. In
Turkey, he sounded like just another crooked Ivy League lawyer trying
to have it both ways. And, the media will not push him to clarify his
positions. It’s as though Obama and the media are taking their cues
from the Saul Alinsky book. Obama’s diplomatic actions in Turkey
would be perfectly understandable had he not made the promise to the
Armenian community and paraded his moral superiority. The fact is he
excited a lot of people with his spiritualist and morally transforming
image–with full backing of the liberal media–, so it does matter if
he’s now acting like just another lawyer politician. It means Obama is
worse than a politician. He’s charlatan, and his followers are
mindless members of a personality cult. Obama, for all his anti-
capitalist rhetoric, is a salesman who’s used to selling his image
with a gentle fist bump and a smile. Knowing that the liberal white
community has long been desperate for a smart black guy with a clean-
cut and crisp image, Obama mastered the art of selling himself. He’s
the Avon Lady of politics. He sold himself to Rezko and Arab-American
businessmen on the South Side and then he found richer and more
powerful Jewish patrons. He’s lower than a pimp; he’s a gigolo, who
will sell himself to whatever and whomever will boost his cult and
image at any given time. So, in front of the Armenian community, he’s
Mr. Genocide Awareness. In Turkey, he’s Mr. Genocide Forgetfulness.
With Arab-Americans, he’s a friend of Palestinians. With Jews, he’s a
friend of Israel. With Acorn and blacks, he’s a big government
liberal. With Wall Street, he’s Mr. Corporate Welfare. But, all said
and done, Obama is most loyal to those who have money and power. The
people who gave him the bulk of the $750 million he raked in. The
people with control of the media. He’s the most expensive Avon Lady
but he can be bought.

It’s not just Obama who’s rotten to the core. His handlers probably
told him that he cannot sacrifice good relations with Turkey(so
crucial to Israel) to placate those pesky Armenians. Obama and blacks
make a big deal of American slavery, and Jews have turned into
Holocaust in a universal issue and cause. They insist that recognition
of black suffering and Jewish mass murder goes beyond politics and
compromise. Yet, neither Obama–and his black supporters–nor Rahm
Emmanuel and David Axelrod seem to have any qualms about having used
the Armenian genocide as a mere campaign napkin to wipe and discard at
a fast food joint. The media is mostly praising Obama for wooing the
Turks and regaining their affection after bad bad Bush, and Armenians
must pushed aside once again. Scum.


Apr 30, 2009, 7:40:53 AM4/30/09
to The Fascist Road to Democracy. Society of Neo-Fascism.
obamas latest political moves-only via www.trackle.com

On Apr 10, 3:12 am, The Iron Boot <andrea_freibo...@live.com> wrote:
> Though millions gaze at him as The One,Obamastruck me as shady as
> Clinton was slick and Bush was dumb. Until recently, however, I would
> have regarded him as no worse than a weasel, a common creature in
> politics. But,Obama’srecent reneging on his promise to Armenians
> makes him nothing less than–there is no other word–a piece of scum. I
> understand the realpolitik considerations of American politicians
> who’ve avoided the issue of the Armenian genocide.  Morally
> dishonorable but politically sound as Turkey has been an important
> ally.
> But, when a man brings our attention to an issue as tragic as the
> Armenian genocide, makes a promise to the victim group, and stakes his
> moral worth on the promise,  it becomes something more than a
> political issue. It becomes a moral, even a spiritual, issue. And, the
> Armenian tragedy wasn’t just another historical event but one
> involving the deaths of perhaps 1.5 million people. A promise staked
> on genocide must be followed through.  Even for politicians, not
> everything is politics.Obamacould have chosen to ignore the Armenian
> genocide during his campaign like all the other candidates.  But, he
> raised our consciousness and the hopes of the Armenian community as if
> to suggest that he’s a different kind of leader–not just a politician
> after power but a man of high moral & spiritual principles. And,
> nothing is more serious in history than genocide. It’s one thing to
> promise and then renege on tax cuts or spending on highspeed trains.
> Genocide as a topic or issue should transcend politics.
> Yet,Obamais exactly the sort who will even use genocide as a
> political stunt to win plaudits, admiration, and votes, and then
> thoughtlessly turn his back for political expediency. Nothing is
> sacred to this guy except his own fame and glory.  His spews words
> like he prints money.  It’s all inflated rhetoric or value.  Obamais
> both shameless and self-righteous, a toxic mix. He’s an opportunistic
> huckster whose ego is such that he really thinks his lies are true if
> spoken pompously or eloquently enough.
> Equally shameful is the lack of media outrage on this matter–and this
> includes the conservative media, which with its mindless pro-Zionism,
> is sighing with relief thatObamahasn’t alienated Turkey, a key ally
> of Israel. (To be fair, conservative media did raise a little fuss but
> dropped it like a hot potato soon enough, going back to their usually
> inane hysteria about the Muslim world about to conquer America!
> Attention to  conservatives: Muslims did not bringObamato power. Get
> it through your thick skulls.Obama’ssucking up to Muslims has little
> to do with appeasing Muslims. It is merely another attempt to pacify
> the Middle East for the benefit of Israel after the aggressive Bush
> Doctrine has failed.)
> As long asObamakeeps his promise to Israel and the Jewish community,
> who cares about Armenian people, their tragedy, or their feelings of
> betrayal, right?  Maybe, Armenians are not special or worthy enough.
> Their historical suffering is only worth exploiting as a campaign
> stunt.  It would be nice if Jews,  who also suffered a great genocide,
> would use their considerable media muscle to shameObamaon account of
> his disgraceful manipulations. But, since most Jews invested so much
> time, energy, money, and hope inObama, why jeopardize their
> investment on account of silly little Armenians?
> Jewish supporters ofObamahave lost the moral authority to preach
> about the Holocaust. If liberal Jews can support with a clear
> conscience a man who glibly exploits a great historical tragedy as a
> cheap campaign stunt, they should be examining their own sick souls,
> not preaching to us about their own historical suffering.
> Again, realpolitik considerations for not recognizing the Armenian
> genocide is understandable even if cold and amoral. But, when one
> voluntarily and righteously makes genocide an issue and stakes his
> moral superiority on it, he must follow through. There are promises
> and then there are Promises. You don’t make a big stink about genocide
> and then wipe it off your shoe like dogshit and walk away to win
> adulation from people who kicked the dog.  Many people vehemently
> disagreed with Bush’s stem cell policy, but as Bush staked his
> position on moral and spiritual grounds–as a matter beyond politics–,
> people grudgingly respected his ‘stubbornness.’  But, everything is
> political withObama, even genocide.
> Obamadoesn’t serve history, history servesObama. So, this is what
> makes Michelle finally so proud to be an American? And, this is why
> liberals swoon and wet their pants over this guy? Because he treats
> the Armenian genocide like a pimp treats his girls?Obamaobviously
> thinks he’s bigger than history and humanity which only exist to be
> manipulated  to serve his ego, glory, popularity. And, we have enough
> fools to oblige his whims at every turn, because, oh my, he looks like
> a ‘rock star’.
> Make no mistake about it.Obamais scum and no other word will do.
> Anyone who politicizes a great tragedy of the 20th century for short-
> term political gain is scum. Anyone who does it so easily, smoothly,
> and glibly is a liar and swindler. But,Obamaknows he can do things
> like this because the liberal media will watch his back and protect
> him.  Following revelations about Rev. Wright, he learned he could
> just make a ridiculous speech–evasive and half-baked–yet be praised as
> an equal of Lincoln and Kennedy by the media, his defacto publicity
> agents in the media. So, who cares if he merely used and disabused the
> Armenians? True, the media did cover the story but only in a
> perfunctory and muted manner. There was no widespread expression of
> media outrage, as when Reagan unwittingly visited Bitburg cemetery
> where SS officers were buried, which forced the White House to express
> remorse.  So, why is there so little media outcry aboutObama’sfar
> more disgraceful act–a shameless, calculating, and willful
> exploitation of genocide?  Obamamust be  the most brazenly cowardly
> politician in my lifetime.
> Unfortunately, people in the media don’t seem to think all genocides
> are equal. As the Holocaust issue advantages Jewish power and Israel,
> it is played up to the hilt 24/7.  We are endlessly informed about
> those evil Muslims and Arabs unwilling to acknowledge the full extent
> of the Holocaust or Israel’s right to exist?  But, if the Armenian
> genocide gets in the way of Turkish-American or Israeli-Turkish
> relations so crucial to Zionist interests, it must take the backseat
> on the bus.Obama, on his own volition, promised Armenians and all of
> humanity that he would welcome Armenians to the front of the bus.
> Alas, it was just a stunt..Obamainsisted that he still believes what
> he said during the campaign, but he must be suffering from amnesia.
> Recently, ‘genocide’ morphed into a vague-sounding ‘terrible’. An
> historical crime suddenly became a mere historical accident.  In
> Turkey, he sounded like just another crooked Ivy League lawyer trying
> to have it both ways. And, the media will not push him to clarify his
> positions. It’s as thoughObamaand the media are taking their cues
> from the Saul Alinsky book.  Obama’sdiplomatic actions in Turkey
> would be perfectly understandable had he not made the promise to the
> Armenian community and paraded his moral superiority. The fact is he
> excited a lot of people with his spiritualist and morally transforming
> image–with full backing of the liberal media–, so it does matter if
> he’s now acting like just another lawyer politician. It meansObamais
> worse than a politician. He’s charlatan, and his followers are
> mindless members of a personality cult.  Obama, for all his anti-
> capitalist rhetoric, is a salesman who’s used to selling his image
> with a gentle fist bump and a smile. Knowing that the liberal white
> community has long been desperate for a smart black guy with a clean-
> cut and crisp image,Obamamastered the art of selling himself. He’s
> the Avon Lady of politics. He sold himself to Rezko and Arab-American
> businessmen on the South Side and then he found richer and more
> powerful Jewish patrons. He’s lower than a pimp; he’s a gigolo, who
> will sell himself to whatever and whomever will boost his cult and
> image at any given time. So, in front of the Armenian community, he’s
> Mr. Genocide Awareness. In Turkey, he’s Mr. Genocide Forgetfulness.
> With Arab-Americans, he’s a friend of Palestinians. With Jews, he’s a
> friend of Israel. With Acorn and blacks, he’s a big government
> liberal. With Wall Street, he’s Mr. Corporate Welfare. But, all said
> and done,Obamais most loyal to those who have money and power. The
> people who gave him the bulk of the $750 million he raked in. The
> people with control of the media. He’s the most expensive Avon Lady
> but he can be bought.
> It’s not justObamawho’s rotten to the core. His handlers probably
> told him that he cannot sacrifice good relations with Turkey(so
> crucial to Israel) to placate those pesky Armenians.Obamaand blacks
> make a big deal of American slavery, and Jews have turned into
> Holocaust in a universal issue and cause. They insist that recognition
> of black suffering and Jewish mass murder goes beyond politics and
> compromise. Yet, neitherObama–and his black supporters–nor Rahm
> Emmanuel and David Axelrod seem to have any qualms about having used
> the Armenian genocide as a mere campaign napkin to wipe and discard at
> a fast food joint.  The media is mostly praisingObamafor wooing the
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