I am closing down NEEV Google Groups

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Anurag Jain

belum dibaca,
8 Nov 2019, 23.31.4508/11/19
kepadaNEEV self inquiry
Dear Friends,

I am closing down NEEV Google Groups and you shall no longer receive any mails from me. I have already started a WordPress blog NEEV Centre for self inquiry

Those of you are really interested in receiving my mails can subscribe to the blog by clicking the "Follow Blog via Email" link button in the footer area of the blog. You will automatically start receiving my posts in your email account. Those who wish to ask me any question, any time, can also do so through the contact button on my Wordpress website, or even more simply through my email id anurag...@gmail.com

Those who do not wish to subscribe, and occasionally just want to check my writing, can just save the WordPress blog link and access the site directly. I shall also be posting links from the blog to my Facebook page.

Those who are active in Quora can follow me on Quora through my profile link https://www.quora.com/profile/Anurag-Jain-357, though if you subscribe to my blog you would receive the same content.

I am not taking the NEEV Google Groups off the web because it is the repository of mine and NEEV's journey since it's inception in 2006. I shall just no longer use this for posting any content. All content will now be in NEEV Centre for self inquiry website.

Warm wishes,

Balas ke semua
Balas ke penulis
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