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Mushroom gardens

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Nov 11, 2017, 3:53:04 PM11/11/17
I went to UNL from 84-88 and I remember playing racquetball up several sets of stairs under the North stadium behind the old round clock face where they kept time for the football games. I snooped around under the east stadium and "found" the Mushroom Gardens indoor track. It was super dusty and the thing I remember most is it was banana shaped to fit the curve of the stadium. So if you were running on the inside of the track you would curve right and then have make a sharp banked curve to the left to make the turn. It was super weird but super cool also. I also remember seeing very faint painted Big 8 track records up on the concrete wall. I wish they would have turned it into a museum!

Dec 4, 2017, 10:13:33 PM12/4/17
Yes, we used to have track meets down there. Old red cinder track. The reason it was always so damp they had to water it down every day to keep the dust down but we would still cough up red stuff after practice. 7 laps to the mile with real steep hair pin turns.
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