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NeatX on Arch Linux - Session has terminated?

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Victor Hooi

Dec 19, 2010, 11:04:45 PM12/19/10

I'm trying to get Neatx running on my Arch Linux (x64) installation.

I've installed neatx 0.3.1 from one of the official repositories.

SSH to the box from another computer works.

When I attempt to connect using the NX client however, I get an error:
Session '81D73F10CD5F2BA9AC78B9E85D327B8D' has status 'terminated', aborting.
If I look in details, I see:
NX> 203 NXSSH running with pid: 11396
NX> 285 Enabling check on switch command
NX> 285 Enabling skip of SSH config files
NX> 285 Setting the preferred NX options
NX> 200 Connected to address: on port: 22
NX> 202 Authenticating user: nx
NX> 208 Using auth method: publickey
HELLO NXSERVER - Version 3.4.0 - GPL
NX> 105 Hello nxclient - version 3.4.0
NX> 134 Accepted protocol: 3.4.0
NX> 105 Login
NX> 101 User: 
NX> 102 Password: **********
NX> 103 Welcome to: archlinux-gns3 user: victorhooi
NX> 105 Listsession --user="victorhooi" --status="suspended,running" --geometry="1280x1024x32+render" --type="unix-kde"
NX> 127 Session list of user 'victorhooi':
Display Type             Session ID                       Options  Depth Screen         Status      Session Name
------- ---------------- -------------------------------- -------- ----- -------------- ----------- ------------------------------

NX> 148 Server capacity: not reached for user: victorhooi
NX> 105 Start session with: --link="adsl" --backingstore="1" --encryption="1" --cache="16M" --images="64M" --shmem="1" --shpix="1" --strict="0" --composite="1" --media="0" --session="GNS3%20-%202" --type="unix-kde" --geometry="1274x962" --client="winnt" --keyboard="pc102/en_US" --screeninfo="1274x962x32+render"
NX> 500 Error: Session '81D73F10CD5F2BA9AC78B9E85D327B8D' has status 'terminated', aborting
NX> 999 Bye.
NX> 280 Exiting on signal: 15
In /var/log/messages.log, I have:

Dec 20 00:46:01 archlinux-gns3 nxserver-login[5014]: INFO Trying login for user victorhooi
Dec 20 00:46:01 archlinux-gns3 nxserver[5025]: INFO Starting nxserver for user victorhooi
Dec 20 00:46:02 archlinux-gns3 nxserver[5025]: INFO Starting new session 'CBAB0D77775C0865147B3908567DEBDD'
Dec 20 00:46:02 archlinux-gns3 nxserver[5025]: INFO Connecting to '/var/lib/neatx/sessions/CBAB0D77775C0865147B3908567DEBDD/nxnode.sock'
Dec 20 00:46:02 archlinux-gns3 nxnode[5030]: INFO Connection established
Dec 20 00:46:02 archlinux-gns3 nxnode[5030]: INFO Received request: 'start', {'session': 'GNS3%20-%202', 'strict': '0', 'composite': '1', 'encryption': '1', 'cache': '16M', 'geometry': '1274x962', 'screeninfo': '1274x962x32+render', 'client': 'winnt', 'link': 'adsl', 'shmem': '1', 'media': '0', 'images': '64M', 'keyboard': 'pc102/en_US', 'type': 'unix-kde', 'shpix': '1', 'backingstore': '1'}
Dec 20 00:46:02 archlinux-gns3 nxnode[5030]: INFO Starting xauth for [(':473', '7AA9B72A9E66A89CE1B6714021F0905D'), ('localhost:473', '7AA9B72A9E66A89CE1B6714021F0905D')]
Dec 20 00:46:02 archlinux-gns3 nxnode[5030]: INFO Starting program, executable=None, args=['/usr/bin/xauth', '-f', '/var/lib/neatx/sessions/CBAB0D77775C0865147B3908567DEBDD/authority']
Dec 20 00:46:02 archlinux-gns3 nxserver[5025]: INFO Waiting for session 'CBAB0D77775C0865147B3908567DEBDD' to achieve waiting status
Dec 20 00:46:02 archlinux-gns3 nxnode[5030]: INFO Starting nxagent
Dec 20 00:46:02 archlinux-gns3 nxnode[5030]: INFO Starting program, executable=None, args=['/opt/NX/bin/nxagent', '-D', '-name', 'Neatx - victorhooi@archlinux-gns3:473 - GNS3%20-%202', '-options', '/var/lib/neatx/sessions/CBAB0D77775C0865147B3908567DEBDD/options', '-nolisten', 'tcp', ':473']
Dec 20 00:46:02 archlinux-gns3 nxnode[5030]: INFO Matched info agent_pid, PID 5035
Dec 20 00:46:02 archlinux-gns3 nxnode[5030]: INFO Nxagent changed status from 'created' to 'starting'
Dec 20 00:46:02 archlinux-gns3 nxnode[5030]: INFO Starting xrdb
Dec 20 00:46:02 archlinux-gns3 nxnode[5030]: INFO Starting program, executable=None, args=['/usr/bin/xrdb', '-merge']
Dec 20 00:46:03 archlinux-gns3 nxnode[5030]: INFO Nxagent changed status from 'starting' to 'terminating'
Dec 20 00:46:03 archlinux-gns3 nxnode[5030]: INFO Nxagent changed status from 'terminating' to 'terminated'
Dec 20 00:46:03 archlinux-gns3 nxnode[5030]: INFO Nxagent terminated
Dec 20 00:46:03 archlinux-gns3 nxnode[5030]: INFO nxagent terminated
Dec 20 00:46:03 archlinux-gns3 nxserver-login[5014]: INFO Waiting for authenticated program to finish
Is there any idea on what might be causing this error?

This is just the default package of neatx on Arch Linux, it is kinda weird that it seems to be broken.


Nico Kadel-Garcia

Dec 20, 2010, 7:26:53 AM12/20/10
to neatx

On Dec 19, 11:04 pm, Victor Hooi <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to get Neatx running on my Arch Linux (x64) installation.
> I've installed neatx 0.3.1 from one of the official repositories.
> SSH to the box from another computer works.

How did you build the underlying "nx" toolkit? Remember, neatx is
merely a steering wheel for the enginen that is the "nx" software?

Victor Hooi

Dec 20, 2010, 6:25:01 PM12/20/10

That's all been pulled in via the standard Arch Linux repositories - these have packages for both NeatX, and it's NoMachine pre-requisites.

That's the issue here - that the default packages on Arch seems broken.

However, I was hoping somebody in the NeatX forums might know what the issue is, or have some advice on how to diagnose the core issue. That way we might be able to get the Arch Packages fixed up.

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