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Goffstown 900 repeater swaped out

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Aug 3, 2024, 9:33:36 PM8/3/24
to Near-900
Hello all fellow 900ers,
I finally built a new repeater for Goffstown and switched them out. It has tone encode now and there shouldn’t be any radio station crap in the background (I hope). Also controller is a simple one with just beep.It has a Quantar 900 receiver module as to the mobile it had before. It can/will be linked to Deerfield. Unfortunately my 2nd link antenna and line was removed for reasons unknown so Georgetown is not linkable at this time. Also something went wrong with link radio and audio is not setable. When it cools down I will run new line and install antenna to link them up as long as I get link radio repaired. When Nearfest happens you should be able to go into Georgetown and come out on Goffstown repeater to serve any HT’s in (the new NearFest) New Boston location.

Oh on the 900 receiver at Goffstown it appears unlicensed maybe Meshtastic, etc might be the issue. With a signal going into receiver there are all sorts of popping sound and short little squeals like frequency shifting. I’m sure it’s coming from Manchester area. It was bad long ago and died down but now seems to be getting worse again.

Life in the 900 world with 900 push of consumer and prepper comms.


Dave Green

Aug 3, 2024, 10:26:45 PM8/3/24
Thanks Paul! I’m hearing Goffstown and Deerfield loud and clear down here in Littleton MA! Looking forward to using them again at the new NearFest location in October. 

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