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NEAR-900 Activity - Where Has It All Gone?

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Aug 24, 2022, 7:13:45 AM8/24/22
to Near-900
There are over 190 users in this group who have been on 900 MHz but very few if any have been active lately. 

Why have you not been on 900 MHz in the past year or so?

Let's hear about it.

We have a great NEAR-900 network with very little activity.

Need a new radio?

Can't reach a repeater?

What's up?


Aug 24, 2022, 8:07:24 AM8/24/22
Hi Roger,
An interesting question and what appears to be a norm for today. My Fort 440 machine is basically dead other than during hamfest time. I can recall when it was always busy every weekday and you could put in your call and get a response. Now I hear crickets.

I heard a discussion about this in the past week on HF. The comments were that on VHF, UHF and 900 that it is almost impossible to get an answer to a call. Bands that were hopping during daily commutes are quiet. The discussion led to those bands will be taken back if some commercial group needs the bands. 

I’ll digress to:
I remember when you could see so many vehicles with two-way antennas and now ? Typically now when I see antennas on a vehicle I think law enforcement. With today’s society I wonder if it’s a risk to have an antenna on a vehicle. 

I don’t recall even seeing many CB antennas anymore.

I am afraid that other tecnologias have taken over our lives. Antennas in your yard taboo. Even HF is not what it was as I recall in trying to find an open slot in the bands. 

I moved to the city and antennas are a no no with neighbors and I will be putting up a flagpole. I have a wire to listen to HF right now. My weather station on the side of my house has been questioned. The reflection of street light from the tail fin causes flashes at night when looking at it and a concern I guess. I have been asked what is that for my TV antenna. I’ve been told just get cable as to having the antenna.

At a zoning meeting in another town told to get another hobby by a board member as you can talk to people on the internet around the world and friends on cellphone so there is no need for your antennas.

A permit is supposedly required for any antenna ( that’s antenna not tower) taller than 5’ in height however as an amateur you will not be denied a permit but on must be obtained. There might be a limit on antennas in a given lot and towers if it can fall on neighbors property it is not allowed. 

Times are changing I am afraid and this might be a hobby that could be suffering a slow death. 

Paul - W1ASS
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Roger(WA1NVC) Coulson

Aug 24, 2022, 8:37:21 AM8/24/22
The coming weekend is HamXposition in Marlboro. Check the cars in the
lot and see how many have antennas.

On another note... FT8 is like social media. Nobody talks to anyone
any more.
> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone <>
> On Wednesday, August 24, 2022, 7:14 AM, WA1NVC <> wrote:
> There are over 190 users in this group who have been on 900 MHz but
> very few if any have been active lately.
> Why have you not been on 900 MHz in the past year or so?
> Let's hear about it.
> We have a great NEAR-900 network with very little activity.
> Need a new radio?
> Can't reach a repeater?
> What's up?
> Roger
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Paul Alberghini

Aug 24, 2022, 8:43:22 AM8/24/22

I think I’m coming to Hamxpo.

See you there.


> On Aug 24, 2022, at 8:37 AM, Roger(WA1NVC) Coulson <> wrote:
> The coming weekend is HamXposition in Marlboro. Check the cars in the lot and see how many have antennas.
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Aug 24, 2022, 8:51:19 AM8/24/22
I assume all of them will have antennas.

 As a cross sectional view being the general population I don’t think i see what I used to see including childrens band antennas.

FT8 is a name I keep hearing people mention yet I never looked up. So I will have to look that mode up which obviously is digital. Only mode I know is RTTY. 

I find teletypewriter equipment  a marvel being created so long, long ago. I love the smell inside the equipment. I still have a very good condition model 42 setup. Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug a sweet sound in my ears.

Doesn’t anyone talk anymore?

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Mike Davis WA1MAD

Aug 24, 2022, 9:23:16 AM8/24/22
I still talk. Newish to the hobby, just turned 80. I usually check into the Quackers net on 3918 at 8am weekdays. Nice group. Occasionally check into ECARS on 7255 and fill in net control. Monday eve a very local net on 3923 at 8pm Thick as a Brick. I've tried FT8 and don't get as excited as many do making "QSOs" to me a QSO involves human to human interface/interchange, not computer to computer. Marlboro ARRL convention this weekend and NEAR-fest in October. I also enjoy the challenge of QRP, SSB with tiny radios. I usually get a 900 reply when mobile. The 10 or so linked repeaters here in MA and RI usually have some chatter. 73

Mike Davis WA1MAD 
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John Miller

Aug 24, 2022, 9:29:49 AM8/24/22
I can be found whereever I find something interesting to join in on.
I'm on less in summer, single parent by week, cleaning and watching a
lot of auto racing on weekends but once the kids get back to school
I'll probably like last winter/spring, grab an hour or 2 to check in
to ECARS, find some conversations somewhere to jump in to daily. FT-8
is OK for me, not my favorite but it's kind of that mindless game you
play while doing other things. Why I do it I don't know but if i'm on
the computer paying bills, applying for jobs, something where I'm too
busy to talk but am in the shack I'll do it. The 900 radio is always
on scanning too. If I cen hear it and am in the shack at the right
time I may get in.
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Matt Wagner

Aug 24, 2022, 10:25:36 AM8/24/22
I gather many hams aren't like this, but I tend to be more into the technology of radio than chatting with people I don't know well on said radios. Though there's also a network effect / chicken-and-egg problem, where I'm much more likely to jump into an interesting QSO taking place than I am to toss my call out on a quiet repeater, which obviously won't scale well if everyone does that. 2/440 machines seem to suffer from the same lack of usage.

Though for 900, in my case my radios are an XTS2500 HT that won't get into anything from here in Lowell, and an old GTX where I don't remember what's programmed where. Clearly the solution to this is for me to buy another radio.

Tragically, I can't make the hamfest this weekend, but maybe I'll dig out that GTX and eventually make it on the air.

Matt, N1ZYY

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Richard Solomon

Aug 24, 2022, 10:48:05 AM8/24/22
Can't hit the Repeater from this QTH !!


73, Dick, W1KSZ
Vail, AZ DM41px

Dave Green

Aug 24, 2022, 10:57:21 AM8/24/22
Seems to me that there are several users who use the networked repeaters often. Perhaps there would be more users if those people used unlinked repeaters instead of tying up the whole networked system. Oh course this might mean unlinking some of the networked repeaters from the reflector. Also, there are others who have bought new vehicles and have never bothered to put their 900 MHz radios back in…
I’m quite pleased that Paul K1ASS has repaired his Georgetown and Deerfield repeaters. His Goffstown 900 MHz repeater has impressive wide-area coverage. 

Rich Crowley

Aug 24, 2022, 12:33:00 PM8/24/22
I'm relatively new to 900 and have a single HT (MTX9250) for now.   Unfortunately, the repeaters are a bit of a stretch from Middleboro but I do chime into Marshfield from time to time.   I do have a couple of friends with 900 mobiles but they're really never on unless I remind them.   When on, it's great!  Coverage is excellent as is the audio and linking across the region.   At some point I'd like to get a mobile or at least one for a home station to go along with the rest of my gear.    Maybe I'll pop into Marlboro this weekend although I'm a tad busy.   Hope I can break away. 



On Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 7:13 AM WA1NVC <> wrote:

Jeff Lehmann

Aug 24, 2022, 2:09:33 PM8/24/22

Unfortunately if Framingham was unlinked, activity may pick up there with people who don’t like the network, but then most of the rest of the network would never have any activity.


I don’t know what the solution is.


I know people liked the 900 day list, but I don’t have the time to gather and maintain the list again myself.



Jeff  AJ1L

Warren Legee

Aug 24, 2022, 3:21:27 PM8/24/22
Don't like being on a repeaters linked to other repeaters. I have taken my 900 radio off line and intend to get rid of it. 
I use simplex frequencies or HF to talk to friends within range. Put my call out on framingham 220 repeater most of the time no contact. I haven't heard any one on Rogers six meter repeater in a long time.  

Another problem is P25, dmr and other modes now. It's too expensive to keep up with it all.
Warren KD1BC

Warren L

Lee M. Lemoine

Aug 24, 2022, 4:03:13 PM8/24/22
Warren: I still get hits on the youtube video where I was talking to you on my 12W 900mhz "portable" w/ 5 db gain SCADA antenna - with K1JWB filming - many moons ago back when I was living at my parents'....   Don't give up on 6M just yet....     it's just more difficult to make portable with a 5db gain antenna HA!

N3LEE 12W "Portable" 900 mhz HAM RADIO - YouTube

PS:  I have no idea whether this or the amount of jack daniels i needed to consume to get that shirt are responsible for the dead brain cells, but -- notice that the porch light about 25' away turns on in the middle of the day from having it's brain scrambled.  

Lee M. Lemoine
N3LEE - Amateur Radio
"Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it."

Jim W1JT

Aug 24, 2022, 4:09:06 PM8/24/22
Hello all.....
Although I'm not a big 900 user I am an active ham who is finding a ton of activity on the air.   For what it's worth, my wife, Elayne KB1IKH, is active on 900 and is on the Thursday night net pretty much every week.

I've been a ham since the 60's and I've seen many changes.   I like to think of them more as adjustments...but semantics.   I agree, times have changed in pretty much everything!   Where are all the kids?   I used to see kids all over the place, riding bikes, playing baseball, basketball, hockey on the nothing.   Where are all the young people who are interested in how things work?   Heck, I used to love taking old radios and TV's apart, scavenging for parts, making inventions. 

 I used to get on my bike (age about 10 or so) and scour the neighborhood, probably a 1 or 2 mile radius looking for electronics...TV's radios etc that were at the curb waiting for the trash man.  

 I remember spotting a big old console TV once, so I raced home, grabbed my wagon and walked it back to the prize.   I had a horrible time trying to get it onto the wagon and finally a kind man stopped and gave me a hand.   I then had to SLOWLY so it wouldn't fall off, walk my prize home where I proceeded to take it apart and separate all the components into old egg crates that my Mom would save for me.   

Where are today's kids?   Where are they when I need my lawn mowed or my driveway shoveled?   
Where's the interest in things?   

Have you tried talking to a local kid lately.....first off be careful, I'm not sure we adults are allowed to talk to a kid anymore.   If however you are fortunate enough to try to strike up a conversation with a young prepared to do most of the talking.   There is an art to conversation and sadly the vast majority of people today have no idea what that is.

I'm not talking about everyone of course, I'm just making a general statement based on my observations.   There are definitely very sharp kids out there who are doing really cool things.   Not long ago I got to talk to a group of them that are into robotics at a local high school.   Very impressive.

I'm just saying that we're living in a different world now and so I, as an Amateur Radio Operator, have to go about things in a different way.

I have to realize that many of the people that I speak to on the air these days also struggle with the "art of conversation".   I'm a rag chewer (yes I even have the certificate signed by "The Old Sock" proudly displayed).   But I like to talk and I'm finding that unless I work at trying to stimulate a conversation, that it's going to be "HI, 5/9,BYE, 73.   So, knowing that ahead of time, I try to find some common ground.   

Just last week, I got on 20 meters and called CQ, I think it was a Saturday afternoon.   Do you ever call CQ?   Do you do it on a regular basis?   The bands are quiet, I submit that is because everyone is sitting there listening.   

Anyway, I called CQ and a gentleman from Iowa came back to me.   We had a definite "pipeline" between us so it gave us the opportunity to talk.   Knowing that people like to talk about themselves, I asked him what living in Iowa was like.  That immediately got him going.   He explained that he was now in his 80's and he'd lived in the same area his whole life!   His Grand parents lived there, his parent's brought him up there, he lived there, raised a family and now 2 out of 3 of his kids lived there!   All of them farmers.   He'd worked the land his whole life.   I know nothing about farming...I mean really nothing.   So, I asked him how big the farm was, what did he grow, what were the Winters like, what has changed over the years, what's better what's worse.   

That sounds like I interrogated him and of course I didn't, it's just a summary of how our conversation went.   He went on to tell my about an old Plymouth he had when he was in High School in the 50's.....the engine blew and he was able to work a deal with a neighbor farmer who had an old piece of farming machinery that had an engine that he figured he could stuff into that Plymouth ...and sure enough he did it!   I could hear him smiling through the speaker.

I told him that I grew up on Cape Cod and what life was like for me living there.   I shared that as teenager I got my first sailboat and all about the adventures I had with it.   He then told me he'd never seen the Atlantic Ocean!

We talked for over 2 hours and the time flew by.   

A couple of weeks later I got a QSL card from him and in his note he told me that it was one of the best QSO's he'd ever had in all his years as a ham.

I agree, it was great and fun.....but, and I'm not patting myself on the back here, but I worked at making that QSO good.   I didn't lead off with what kind of radio I had, as a matter of fact I don't think we even talked about our see I decided to talk to him the way I would talk to a stranger say sitting on an airplane on a 2 hour flight.   

That's the difference ....people have changed.   People don't know how to talk, they don't know what to say.   Take a listen on the bands and you'll see, you probably already know this.   So, when I get on the air and I call CQ it's because I want to make a friend, I want to share stories, I want to learn about the other person and what's going on with them.   

Are all my QSO's that good.   Actually, pretty much yes....they for the most part are....Sure some people cut things short but that's OK, maybe they have something to do.   It's all good.....

I guess what I'm saying is I think we'd have more activity on the bands if we would just encourage more people to talk.   

As far as antennas on cars and looking like a police or official car ...well I don't think that's an issue...maybe I'm wrong but I don't think so.

I think the issue is that people either don't know how to have a conversation or they've forgotten how.   We can help them, you and I can encourage them to 
start talking.   

I'm going out for supper in a few minutes and when I get home I'm going to turn on the HF radio and call CQ.   I wonder who will come back to me?

Thanks for letting me's what I do....

Your thoughts are appreciated.

73 Jim W1JT 

On Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 7:13 AM WA1NVC <> wrote:

Aug 24, 2022, 8:36:58 PM8/24/22

I remember this. It was funny as hell.




Aug 24, 2022, 9:49:35 PM8/24/22
In my humble opinion Roger and all, this is a classic case of history repeating itself. 

When SSB came along, AM started on long downward slide. It eventually regained some popularity, but it's still at a very low level.
When FM and repeaters came along, it all but killed the the fun of calling CQ on the VHF & UHF bands.  Yes there are few die hards on the lower end of most bands, but again, it's nothing like what it was and I for one miss it a lot.
RTTY was always kind of an outlier, but along came Packet, AMTOR, and a host of other new protocols made simple by microprocessors, ending up with FT-8.  Take a look at page 1 of this paper by ZL2IFB for a clue as to how things shape up down under.

If the impact is the same here, it's easy to see where everyone has gone; the folks we used to chat with have been siphoned off to FT8 and few other modes; so sad.   Sure Digital modes are fun, but it should not be to the detriment of what worked so well for so long.  Just saying....

Your mileage and opinion may vary.

73, George - W1LSB

John Mullaney

Aug 25, 2022, 12:08:05 AM8/25/22
I’m willing to take the 900 troll on straight and center if given the go ahead. Yes technically he is doing nothing wrong but to have one individual take down a network it’s not right. I’m not sure but if I’m allowed to say I’m not alone and I have been sent from the council I don’t mind nicely trying to explain to him that he has killed an entire network. A system that many people have put together with a lot hard work, effort and money.  To have it all fail when a professed CB’er decided to move to ham radio is not right. I’m also an ex cb’er but when I decided to make that move I as most listened and adapted sorta to the Ham radio world. He doesn’t have to leave he just needs to sit back and not dominate but let the users set flow and try to mix in. It’s not his stuff and it’s wrong. And I don’t mind trying to explain that as long as I will be backed up.  I can’t join the meeting because I have been trying to arrange a Scan New England get together since our last one almost 20 years ago and that looks like that may happen Saturday at 5 or 6 so I’m not available. But I’m more than willing to try and carefully explain to the 900 troll why he has to back way down if I feel like I have support and back up from the 900 community.

That is all… K1BOS


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 24, 2022, at 2:09 PM, Jeff Lehmann <> wrote:

Bill Curtis

Aug 25, 2022, 12:57:38 AM8/25/22
If you guys ever get a Allstarlink bridge to your network (no IRLP here), I'll connect up sometime to say hi from my new 900 machine I'm putting up next month in Pinehurst, NC.



Aug 25, 2022, 7:18:14 AM8/25/22
to Near-900
I agree with you Matt (N1ZYY). I am also drawn to the tech of the hobby. Consequently I have a shack of full of built / modified equipment that I do not talk on but it is really good a drawing power on the monthly electric bill!

Jed Barton

Aug 25, 2022, 7:33:53 AM8/25/22
He should be spoken to.
This is how bad it is. I own the Warwick 900 repeater, and because of
him pretty much dominating the system, my volume is down more than
it's up. I turn it up, hear a said voice, and back down it goes.
For that to happen, that's pretty bad. I would certainly be on more
if someone wasn't.
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Eric A. Cottrell

Aug 25, 2022, 8:48:34 AM8/25/22


I did my part for 900 Thursday by talking to Jon WS1K this morning on the Boston repeater. I get a strong signal from the QTH with my portable and it was difficult to find a good spot. Not too bad for 2.5 watts some 10 miles away. I mostly use Roger's 900 portable repeater at the hamfests and fleamarkets.

Repeater activity on all the VHF/UHF bands seem to be down compared to years ago. There are some active ones like Waltham 70cm. I frequent the weekly BARS and NSRA nets. I also regularly frequent the 11 PM nut net on the 145.470 Danvers repeater.

I also do a lot of technical stuff.

73 Eric

Jeff Lehmann

Aug 25, 2022, 9:19:10 AM8/25/22

Keep in mind that the Boston repeater still receives very poorly because of interference on the RX freq at the site.


From Lynn, you may find that even though you don’t receive another repeater like Marshfield or Waltham as well, that you might be getting into them better.



Jeff  AJ1L


From: <> On Behalf Of Eric A. Cottrell
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2022 8:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Near-900] NEAR-900 Activity - Where Has It All Gone?



Terry M. Stader - KA8SCP

Aug 25, 2022, 9:37:04 AM8/25/22
I need to recharge my 9250. Maybe even update the codeplug? Is someone at Marlboro able to do that? I have the app and the cable some place I am sure… better dust it off!  Still up to date?

Not sure what I can reach from home in Westford … used to be able to hit one or another. 

Terry M Stader KA8SCP
WB1GOF Repeaters

Aug 25, 2022, 10:19:22 AM8/25/22
Hi All,  I still do a lot of LISTENING, quite often Im scanning one of the Moto DMR TGs or tuning around on 40M looking for an old fashion rag chew to listen to. I prob ought to dig out my Moto UHF Saber and see if I can get into the Ft Hill repeater from my QTH over in Kittery, which I know I have done in the past.

One of my long time obsessions is w/ 10M FM which has slowly been waking up over the past year or so. Give it a try, 29.60 is simplex calling, and 10Khz steps above that are the primary repeaters. Ive recently been getting VE2MMX from Ontario pretty regular on 29.64.  29.50 is DX simplex and below that is a lot of European simplex. Also 29.67 is the WA4PXV rpt in Mt Airy, NC, and I hope sometime soon we may well hear the return of the 29.65 repeater in Zurich Switzerland, and the DFW rpt on 29.66 :) 

BTW, Im still in the market for a Kenwood 900 mobile, wish I hadnt sold the one I had. I recently found out that a few Hams in York Cnty are trying to revive the weekly Emergency Mgmt net on the 147.345 in Alfred, ME. I also listen and chat w/ a friend on the 147.180 Mt Aggie repeater in York, ME sometimes. 

I dont think Ill make to the Ham Expo, but shy of dropping dead unexpectedly, Ill be at Nearfest, rain or shine :)  73s Stephanie WA1YKL

Eric A. Cottrell

Aug 25, 2022, 10:20:05 AM8/25/22


Usually John K1BOS is available to do that and he is going to Marlboro. He should have an updated codeplug, software, and cable. He is a provider of such services for Motorola radios.

73 Eric

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Aug 25, 2022, 2:01:29 PM8/25/22
Makes sense John!  Apparently, there's a lot more in play here than I realized when I sent my little perspective on the history of changes in radio.


George - W1LSB

Roger(WA1NVC) Coulson

Aug 29, 2022, 9:02:33 AM8/29/22
Here is a brief summary of the responses I received:

- Activity is down everywhere on VHF/UHF repeaters
- Amateur radio activity is down in general
- Antenna restrictions
- Frequent users of a single machine should unlink from the network
- Installation problems with new vehicles
- Selling 900 gear because the repeaters are linked
- No coverage in Middleboro
- Boston node has poor RX but great TX
- Digital modes replacing analog modes
- Reflector should handle AllStar Linking
- 900 Thursday List needs to be revived

On 8/24/2022 7:13 AM, WA1NVC wrote:
> There are over 190 users in this group who have been on 900 MHz but very
> few if any have been active lately.
> Why have you not been on 900 MHz in the past year or so?
> Let's hear about it.
> We have a great NEAR-900 network with very little activity.
> Need a new radio?
> Can't reach a repeater?
> What's up?
> Roger
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Matt Wagner

Aug 29, 2022, 11:34:43 AM8/29/22
This thread has led to me digging out my GTX mobile and setting it up on the discone in my attic, plus ordering a Comet BC920 today for a wee bit more gain. Not sure 15W into a discone will get out too well, but I can hear at least Waltham and Framingham here in Lowell.

Personally, I like how they're linked, though I obviously haven't been able to listen long enough yet to see how this could be problematic.

See you on the air!
-- Matt, N1ZYY

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Glenn Shaw

Aug 29, 2022, 11:49:52 AM8/29/22
You know what, I should add to the theead too. I like the 900 machine linking a lot. Its a good idea for giving  a lot more coverage to 900 machines. And while I am thinking of it Boston has great coverage. I never knew it had something interfering with its rec side. Its trustee should get on that with a service monitor and see what can be done. 73. Glenn K1GAS

Sent from my iPhone Phablet on Visible Wireless 4G LTE. 

On Aug 29, 2022, at 11:34, Matt Wagner <> wrote:

Roger(WA1NVC) Coulson

Aug 29, 2022, 2:53:40 PM8/29/22

There has been a very high noise floor on the 902-928 MHz band
everywhere for a long time. Lots of unlicensed junk there.

The noise floor tends to be lower at the band edges. Even at 902.0625
the noise floor is very high in the city.

You will notice that many of the repeaters use the same 902.0625 input
to get away from the high noise floor higher up in the band. If you
look at 900 MHz repeaters elsewhere in the country you will see the same

Turn on your spectrum analyzer and take a look. The noise on 902-928
MHz is higher than the grass in your yard!!!

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