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NEWxSFC - Snow Storm #8 - Call for Forecasts!

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Mar 30, 2011, 6:47:55 PM3/30/11
to NEWxSFC, ne_wx
In what will in all likelihood be this winter/s last contest-worthy hurrah...
a pokey...yet potent...nor'easter is poised to put down plenty-o-snow over northern forecast stations.

The contest may be canceled prior to the deadline if NWP indicates a fizzling event.

Deadline for entries: 10:30 PM EDT THU...31-MAR-11
Forecast element: storm-total snowfall

Verification period begins: 12:01 AM FRI...01-APR-11
Verification period ends: 11:59 PM SAT...02-APR-11

Enter your forecast at the Contest's home page here.
Follow the link from 'Enter Storm Forecast.'


Mar 31, 2011, 10:50:36 PM3/31/11
to ne_wx
Seven entries

Entry No. 1088
Forecaster = Mitchel Volk
Time = 3/31/2011 9:07:09 PM
CAR = 8
BGR = 10
PWM = 8
CON = 8
BTV = 10
BOS = .5
HYA = 0
ORH = 0
PVD = 0
BDR = 0
BDL = 3
ALB = 6
BGM = 3
ISP = 0
JFK = 0
ABE = 0
MDT = 0
PHL = 0
ACY = 0
EWR = 0
BWI = 0
IAD = 0
DCA = 0
SBY = 0
RIC = 0
ORF = 0
RDU = 0
Comments = Wet and wild
----End of Entry----

Entry No. 1089
Forecaster = donsutherland1
Time = 3/31/2011 9:29:39 PM
CAR = 10.9
BGR = 11.9
PWM = 7.7
CON = 7.5
BTV = 3.0
BOS = 1.5
HYA = 0
ORH = 6.0
PVD = 0.2
BDR = 0
BDL = 2.5
ALB = 2.7
BGM = 1.5
ISP = 0
JFK = 0
ABE = 1.2
MDT = 0
PHL = 0
ACY = 0
EWR = 0
BWI = 0
IAD = 0
DCA = 0
SBY = 0
RIC = 0
ORF = 0
RDU = 0
Comments =
----End of Entry----

Entry No. 1090
Forecaster = Brad Yehl
Time = 3/31/2011 9:29:52 PM
CAR = 9.6
BGR = 10.8
PWM = 10.4
CON = 9.4
BTV = 4.8
BOS = 0.8
HYA = 0.0
ORH = 6.4
PVD = 0.2
BDR = 0.3
BDL = 3.2
ALB = 3.4
BGM = 2.4
ISP = 0.0
JFK = 0.05
ABE = 2.0
MDT = 0.05
PHL = 0.0
ACY = 0.0
EWR = 0.3
BWI = 0.0
IAD = 0.0
DCA = 0.0
SBY = 0.0
RIC = 0.0
ORF = 0.0
RDU = 0.0
Comments =
----End of Entry----

Entry No. 1091
Forecaster = Donald Rosenfeld
Time = 3/31/2011 9:29:52 PM
CAR = 6
BGR = 9.5
PWM = 9
CON = 8
BTV = 2.5
BOS = 2
HYA = 0
ORH = 5
PVD = 0
BDR = 0
BDL = 5
ALB = 4
BGM = 2
ISP = 0
JFK = 0
ABE = 1
MDT = 1
PHL = 0.05
ACY = 0
EWR = 0.50
BWI = 0
IAD = 0
DCA = 0
SBY = 0
RIC = 0
ORF = 0
RDU = 0
Comments =
----End of Entry----

Entry No. 1092
Forecaster = ejbauers
Time = 3/31/2011 9:30:26 PM
CAR = 12.0
BGR = 13.0
PWM = 8.0
CON = 11.0
BTV = 4.0
BOS = 3.0
HYA = 0.2
ORH = 12.0
PVD = 3.0
BDR = 0.2
BDL = 2.0
ALB = 6.0
BGM = 2.5
ISP = 0.05
JFK = 0.05
ABE = 2.0
MDT = 0.4
PHL = 0.05
ACY = 0
EWR = 0.1
BWI = 0
IAD = 0
DCA = 0
SBY = 0
RIC = 0
ORF = 0
RDU = 0
Comments = I had limited time to focus on this April winter storm.
----End of Entry----

Entry No. 1086
Forecaster = Roger Smith
Time = 3/31/2011 2:37:10 PM
CAR = 12.0
BGR = 5.0
PWM = 3.0
CON = 7.5
BTV = 13.0
BOS = 5.5
HYA = 0.0
ORH = 11.8
PVD = 6.6
BDR = 7.5
BDL = 12.0
ALB = 14.4
BGM = 8.7
ISP = 2.0
JFK = 2.0
ABE = 2.5
MDT = 1.0
PHL = 0.2
ACY = 0.05
EWR = 3.5
BWI = 0.3
IAD = 0.1
DCA = 0.1
SBY = 0.05
RIC = 0.05
ORF = 0.2
RDU = 0.05
Comments =
----End of Entry----

Entry No. 1087
Forecaster = TQ
Time = 3/31/2011 9:03:12 PM
CAR = 8
BGR = 11
PWM = 8
CON = 8
BTV = 1.25
BOS = 1.25
HYA = .05
ORH = 7
PVD = .05
BDR = 1.25
BDL = 4
ALB = 2.5
BGM = 2
ISP = 0
JFK = 0
ABE = 1.25
MDT = .25
PHL = 0
ACY = 0
EWR = .05
BWI = 0
IAD = 0
DCA = 0
SBY = 0
RIC = 0
ORF = 0
RDU = 0
Comments =
----End of Entry----
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