Seasonal Fisheries Field Technician

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Samantha Nadeau

Mar 13, 2024, 1:25:21 PM3/13/24
to New England Marine Science Opportunities
Please feel free to share! 

Location: Pelagic Fisheries Lab, Portland, ME. 
Start Date: 06/03/2024
End Date: 11/29/2024
Education: Bachelors with some experience in fisheries/marine sciences/or related field is preferred, but not required. 
Application deadline: 04/08/2024, applications will be viewed on a rolling basis. 
Find us on Instagram @pelagicfisherieslab

The Pelagic Fisheries Lab in the School of Marine Sciences at the University of Maine seeks applications for two full-time temporary field technicians to assist with the collection of biological samples from the commercial and recreational Atlantic bluefin tuna fishery in New England. The positions will run from June 3rd through November 29th, 2024 with an expected 40hr work week @ $20/hr. Technicians will be paid for a 40hr work week regardless of fishery closures. 

The ideal candidates will be located in Portland, Maine or surrounding areas. This position will require frequent travel to Massachusetts to collect biological samples from local commercial dealers. Employees will be given a rental truck for work purposes to travel to and from biological sample collection sites (local/out-of-state dealers, fishermen, and tournaments). Please note a clean driving record will be required to drive the rental vehicle through the University of Maine and a health physical may also be required. 

Employees will be responsible for the dissection, collection, and proper handling of appropriate tissues including otoliths, muscle, eyes and when possible, stomachs, gonads, and liver tissues. Candidates are required to have strong organizational and data collection skills as they will be responsible for cataloging each sample and its associated information. Additionally, candidates will be expected to have a flexible work schedule, which may include some evening and weekend hours pending how commercial landings progress through the season and the availability of staff at sampling locations. Technicians will be supplied with appropriate gear including boots, gloves, new Grundén foul weather gear and associated sampling supplies. Technicians will be expected to use reciprocating saws for excising otoliths and the ability to lift 20-50lb bluefin heads around the workspace as needed. Background and experience in fisheries/marine sciences/related field are preferred, but not required. Full training will be provided to both candidates. 

Interested applicants can fill out the form below or send a cover letter outlining their interests and background for the position and a CV to Sammi Nadeau at Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis with interviews to follow. Please feel free to ask questions regarding the position. 
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