Can anyone suggest an inexpensive, yet fairly accurate, brand/model of
hygrometer? I guess I want a standlone, since I have other functions on my
mini-weather station but not anything for humidity. I didn't see anything
at Davis. Or would I be better off trading up for an integrated station
that included humidity instrumentation?
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Never had any luck with rh stand-alones.
Hope this helps.
Regards, Lou
PS: back a year or two Radio Shack used to carry a wireless
thermomether/hygrometer that recorded the temperature/humidity on the
inside unit from outside.
Never had any luck with rh stand-alones.
Hope this helps.
Regards, Lou
PS: back a year or two Radio Shack used to carry a wireless
thermomether/hygrometer that recorded the temperature/humidity on the
inside unit from outside.
Never had any luck with rh stand-alones.
Hope this helps.
Regards, Lou
PS: back a year or two Radio Shack used to carry a wireless
thermomether/hygrometer that recorded the temperature/humidity on the
inside unit from outside.
"Alphonso" <> wrote in message
The uncalibrated version was available from for a good price.
There's also a calibrated version for substantially more.
Jim Veale
"Perry" <> writes:
>Can anyone suggest an inexpensive, yet fairly accurate, brand/model of
>hygrometer? I guess I want a standlone, since I have other functions on my
>mini-weather station but not anything for humidity. I didn't see anything
>at Davis. Or would I be better off trading up for an integrated station
>that included humidity instrumentation?
"James D. Veale" <> wrote in message