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Blending Political Discourse, Conspiracy Theories, and the Aftermath of a Tragic Day in American History: Classified Evidence Set to Become Publicly Available

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W. K. Mahler, Mahlers.Net

Aug 31, 2021, 7:16:37 PM8/31/21
Blending Political Discourse, Conspiracy Theories, and the Aftermath of
a Tragic Day in American History: Classified Evidence Set to Become
Publicly Available Thanks to Multi-Genre Singer and Songwriter William
Twenty years after the horrific events of September 11, 2001, extremely
classified information is being revealed to the masses at the bequest of
William Mahler, who was involved rather ominously in the days leading up
to the collapse of the twin towers.

Taunton, Massachusetts – September 10th, 2021- William Keith Mahler was
born on November 21st,1967, a Scorpio, in Massachusetts, and he was
destined to be a prolific singer and songwriter since day one. Being the
first of four boys and one girl, he honed his talents from early
childhood and became obsessed with the Blues, Jazz, and Country music.
William Mahler’s talents, however, came to prominence when in the summer
of 1984, at the age of 16, as a ghost author, he along with his
ex-in-laws Janet and Chris Morris (who were students of the former
Deputy Director of the CIA Ray S. Cline, the Head of the United States
Global Strategy Council 1989-1994) wrote the alarmingly precognitive
book “The 40 Minute War”- the book given to Osama bin Laden by Morris
and Morris, which inspired him to use jets, but he missed the capital
flight 93, and with Thomas Baines along with Janet and Chris Morris,
“Weapons Of Mass Protection, Non-Lethality, Information Warfare and
Airpower in The Age of Chaos”.

The song by William Mahler “August 29, 2001: Prelude to September 11,
2001 – I’m Coming Home” strikingly gives a two weeks’ notice to the CIA
regarding the horrific events of 9/11. It resulted in him being in
contact with the secret service, the White House, Senator Edward
Kennedy, and as of this winter, Pope Francis took notice of him whilst
in Bangladesh. It is an alarmingly ominous prediction of the events that
were to follow in the next two weeks, which would undoubtedly change the
course of America’s history forever. William Mahler, however, believes
that in retrospect, his ‘diamond of a song’ should have been named
“America” instead.

William Mahler has also recorded his latest album, “Sunshine Bubbly” in
March 2021, and re-released “Outshining the Sun” in October 2020, an
album culled from 2001-2004. Currently, all of his music sales go to the
UNICEF foundation.

Go to to find out more about William Mahler’s
music, and make sure to follow him on Instagram/Twitter. For interviews,
reviews, and collaborations, feel free to reach the artist out through


William Mahler was born in 1967 and was identified to be a very talented
singer very early on in his childhood. Having lived a life receiving
training to be a compelling songwriter, he delved deep into political
commentary and primarily due to his close connections to the
high-ranking members in US offices, he became involved in multiple
conspiracy theories and predictions, penned by him as the ghost author.
William is unsigned and independent at the present time and is writing
new material.

Name: William Mahler
Phone Number: 17743144121
Email Address:
Business Address: PO Box 866, West Yarmouth, MA 02673, United States


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