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W. K. Mahler, Mahlers.Com

Jun 10, 2011, 11:01:20 AM6/10/11

My brother Troy born March 29, 1970, father to Vanessa (11), Brandon
(17) and step father to Cameron (16), non-legal wife (Gods wife) Kelley, was
found unconscious in Mashpee Village, his family home, Saturday June 4,
2011. It took 5 men to get him off their bed and he was resuscitated but
was found to be totally brain dead, the only machine keeping him in a
vegetative state was a respirator at Falmouth Hospital’s ICU.

Almost two weeks ago, Tommy Minckler kicked Troy in his ribs, reinjuring
a near 6 year old injury (9 broken ribs and lung injuries) and made Troy
cough up blood. Although Troy and Tommy made up, this was contributing to
Troy’s condition and there was only a switch keeping Troy warm with a pulse,
beating his heart. An EEG was done and there was no activity whatsoever, he
couldn’t react.

I opened his right eye and puffed into his eye at the ICU of Falmouth
Hospital. Within one second Troy's eye vessel below the eyebrow and above
the eyebrow twitched. I was told goodbye that way. He has been sailing and
fishing in Jesus’s and God’s tears since Saturday and was given the Lord ’s
Prayer yesterday.

Tommy Minckler, do not come to the wake or funeral, you will be escorted
away immediately and you will be questioned by me and Brandon, Troy’s son,
my nephew sometime next week along with Yarmouth Police. Detective Charles
Peterson was notified earlier today June 10, 2011.

Troy was taking Percocet and Xanax and it made him a emotionless zombie
who couldn’t feel. He choked on his own fluids in his sleep while Kelley
was driving Cameron to work. Mid Upper Cape Community Health Center is
responsible for the prescription drugs that Troy took faithfully and by
instructions. Our family, wanted Troy to stop the Xanax for his life was
severely lessened due to it. Although Troy was widely known as a drinker,
he had not a drop to drink in over a month and his Emphysema was making him
hack and sputter for 2 hours a day upon wake up. His cyaitic nerves, ankle
and rib injuries crippled him, along with the pain and
antidepressant/anxiety drugs.

Unfortunately, Richard Mahler, up from Florida, Troy and I’s dad has
health care proxy, sole signature, nobody else. Troy sold his prescription
pills for years inside 175 Station Ave, a home owned by (now former)
lifelong friend Richard A. Brown, owner of D&B Realty, his home at the
corner of Long Pond Road and Station Ave of South Yarmouth, across from DY
Regional High School. For over a decade, hobbled, Troy sold his meds to put
food on the table for his unsuspecting children. When Richard Brown was
asked by me over 5 times in two years to give Troy and ultimatum, Richard
wouldn’t talk about it and usually hung up on me. Richard Brown fully knew
as Troy’s confident and “uncle” what Troy was doing. As for Richard Mahler,
he wrote Troy off for Troy’s alcoholism and pot smoking and wouldn’t help
Troy by giving him an ultimatum. Get off the drugs and alcohol or get
kicked out of Richard Browns. Ryan Mahler, Richard Mahler’s other son, lied
to his dad, Troy’s dad about drug dealing, placing blame all on Troy so Ryan
would be in Richard Mahler’s good graces. Ryan “kicked him when he was
down” (analogy) and never apologized. Despite hundreds of attempts to talk
with Ryan in the last two years, he never bothers to return my calls, even

Only Kelley Therrien, me, Vanessa, Brandon and Cameron got him to stop
hurting himself with Xanax and Percocet last month by ourselves. The
Barnstable District Court, probation officer Joe Zavatsky passed Troy with a
urine test, Troy told me it was dirty with pot last year and Joe passed him
all the while I was pleading with Jennifer Pease, Troy’s probation officer
to haul him into custody last year. All the courts did was dismiss me and
placed me into a mental hospital for seven months in 2010 for being stern
with them and my mom and stepdad. Troy’s addictions made him cover up his
lifestyle, a lifestyle the Department of Mental Health, Barnstable District
Court and Mid Upper Cape Health Center allegedly were professional in

He loved us and he let go so he wouldn’t feel pain and he don’t now.
Troy will be cremated and his ashes will be put out at sea, Nantucket Sound,
between Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard and Cape Cod within the next few days,
after a memorial service will be held at Osterville Baptist Church,
Osterville, Massachusetts, an announcement will be made soon. Troy was

For years, Troy hauled in tons of fish and shellfish, now Jesus upon
Gods instructions has netted Troy. Game 3 of the Vancouver Canucks vs. the
Boston Bruins for the Stanley Cup was awesome for Troy and the Bruins worked
together in spirit, blowing the competition away 8-1. Troy led the team
after a head and neck injury almost paralyzed a Bruin.

If your car was down, Troy fixed it. If you were hungry, Troy not only
cooked you a meal, he cooked up a smile and happy thoughts. If you had a
home to paint, Troy kept life’s tapestry going with the stroke of a brush
and he sanded away the pain. Troy was a person who always stuck up for the
down and out, the hurt and depressed, he was a champion for those who had no
one, he always was and always will be. Troy was the catalyst for me, I was
he, he was me, my best friend for life and always will be, no one, no how
will ever be in the same league as Troy, but Troy would say, he is
surrounded by loving caring people who propped him up to live another day.

Back in March, I met Jamie & Jodie Audet of Hyannis, MA. Jodie is my
girlfriend now. Troy must’ve worked a bargain with God, for now, I have a
“Pat Benetar and Ronnie (Hobbit) James Dio” nick named “Dia”, a “Nutmeg,
Cape River Female French Portuguese Hawk”. Troy and Jodi met each other for
a few hours, while Troy was doing okay, all things considered and they are
much alike. If not for Jamie, Jodi’s brother and especially Jodi along with
Monica, my friend and landlord whom resides with me in her home, I wouldn’t
make it right now. Jodi was the last person I spoke with Troy about, in our
last conversation over the phone almost a few days before Troy’s death in
his South Yarmouth home. I wanted an apology from him, little did I know he
was spiritually responsible for introducing Jodi Ann Audet to me. No
apology is needed, I love you so much Troy, please come back when you are
ready, I, we need you here bro.

“Easy Thing” by Kiss Peter Criss
I put your picture away
Sat down and cried today...
“Picture” Kid Rock & Sheryl Crow.
“Fractured Mirror” Kiss Ace Frehley
“Always Near You / Nowhere To Hide” Kiss Gene Simmons
“I Can’t Stop The Rain” Kiss Peter Criss
“Goodbye” Kiss Paul Stanley
“Got Me World Wide” by William K. Mahler

Yesterday, June 9, 2011, upon entering Station Avenue south of Route 6,
Mid Cape Cod exit 8, the rain came down in tears to Long Pond Road & Station
Avenue to Winslow Grey Road& Forest Road and from the rail road tracks at
Yarmouth Road & Route 28 to General Patton Drive & Bearse’s Way two separate
occasions and there was plenty of lightning. Troy lived by the corner of
Station Avenue & Long Pond Drive.

Days ago, I raised Troy’s right eyelid and gave him my puffy breath and
his nerve twitched under my thumb perched to his lid and crease to eyebrow..
I cleaned out the wax upon his right ear and wiped it on my shirt and kissed
him all over his face except his mouth where a breathing tube was between
his lips. Kelley, Vanessa, Brandon, Cameron, Jill, Mom, Dave, Mom, Terry,
Peter, Monica, Jill, Bruce, Tommy, Bob, Jamie, countless other beautiful
people, Jodi & I, Billy are devastated.

“Where Eagles Fly” Sammy Hagar

Troy was my inspiration for singing for 41 years, he played hockey,
baseball, football, soccer, wrestling, autos, dirt bikes, carpenter,
painter, fisherman and shell fisherman, beloved son, friend, father, cousin,
boyfriend and brother and most importantly, alive as always.

William K. Mahler
17 General Patton Drive
Hyannis, MA. 02601

Got Me World Wide

August 29, 2001

Sometime not too long ago
I was not too alone
I picked up the phone
Found this place
Just sat down
Saw the friendliest smile
Kind of nervous
But man it was
Still is
Forever always will be
Completely worthwhile
So individual
I'm looking forward
Where I may be
Rock and roll
Soul, country, blues
Bred into my body, mind and soul
I think that means you too
Has been my friend
The lord above
I know I can depend on
These very souls
Have gotten me here
These very clothes
I found somewhere
(*Spoken): "And that's no kidding; it was in somebody’s closet they left
behind, became mine"
So sometime soon
I'm traveling on
I'll leave a trail
You can depend on
To say I love you
And all that you do
Can be relied on as true
Directly to you
Copyright 2001 W. K. Mahler Music Publishing Co. ASCAP

Please write something on my Facebook page

March 29, 1970 – June 4, 2011
I love you Troy, please come back ;-(

W. K. Mahler

W. K. Mahler

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