Fw: Ndatod bylaws

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Patrick Nyuga

Apr 15, 2018, 6:53:18 AM4/15/18
to ndatodm...@yahoogroup.com, Ndatod Minnesota

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Patrick Nyuga <patn...@yahoo.com>


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                            Ndatod Minnesota Constitution and Bylaws
I.                                                                                                      Name
                                The name of the Organization shall be Ndatod Minnesota
II.                                                                                                      Our Mission
The mission of this Organization is to establish awareness and cater to the needs of the people of Bali
Chamba identity ‐ past, present and future within the State of Minnesota and beyond. Tied to this mission
is the goal to create a network of its members through self‐help, education, information sharing/dissemination, and charitable outreach.
III.                                                                                            Membership Eligibility
Membership shall be open to anyone residing in the state of Minnesota who subscribes to the mission of the organization and MUST comply with federal laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, sex, handicap, age
, sexual orientation, and religious affiliation. Compliance with these laws means that membership; benefits and the elections of the officers will not be made on the basis of these factors.
IV.                                                                                                      Officers
The Officers of the group shall be known as The Executive Council and will consist of a Coordinator, Vice Coordinator, Secretary, Vice Secretary, Treasurer, financial secretary, Chief Whip, Vice Chief Whip, and a public relation officer. We shall also have a cultural head nominated and approved by the house. A member in The Executive Council shall be one in good standing, nominated by the house and voted for by a simple majority.
- Each members of the group in good standing (timely payment of membership dues and committed to the
    goals/mission of the group) shall be eligible to be elected into any of the offices of The Executive Council.
-  Elected officers will serve a term of two years.
-  The Executive Council shall be audited by a 3‐man‐audit committee at the end of their two years term.
- Each session/meeting shall be presided over by a Moderator who will be nominated by the house at the
           commencement of each meeting.  He/she is expected to follow parliamentary procedures, adhere to the
           agenda and ensure that the meeting progresses in a timely manner.
-  In alignment with the group’s mission, members of The Executive Council shall serve without pay.
-  Vacancies within The Executive Council shall be filled through nomination and voting by the house.
- Any member of the Executive Council who fails to execute their duties as outlined shall be dismissed by the
            House and/or face a disciplinary committee.
-  A member of The Executive Council may resign by tabling a resignation letter to the house through the
Secretary. The house will deliberate and decide whether to accept or decline the resignation.
                                                                 Responsibilities of Officers
 Coordinator: Oversees the overall activities of the group, represents the group at as designated by the house, makes     recommendations to actions that aligns with the goals of the group, prepares meeting agenda in consultation with other members of the Executive Council.
Vice Coordinator: Fulfils the roles of the Coordinator when the Coordinator is absent, assists the
Coordinator as needed.
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Secretary: keeps meeting records, handles all correspondences of the group, prepares and presents minutes

  Vice Secretary: Fulfills the roles of the Secretary as needed.
  Treasurer: Keeps a record of the groups finances and issue receipts as required, prepares and presents quarterly
   Financial statements to the house or as needed.
   Financial Secretary: Assumes the roles of the Treasurer when the Treasurer is absent, assists the Treasurer as needed and
    Keep financial records.
   Chief Whip: Disciplines members for offences committed during deliberation and ensures that orderliness reign.
   Cultural head: Shall organize and be responsible for cultural activities, working in collaborations with the executives and
   the advisers in the house.
   Vice Chief Whip: Assumes the roles of the Chief Whip when the Chief Whip is absent, assists the Chief whip as needed.
    Public Relation officer: organizes and maintains a social committee then helps with publicity during events etc.
V.                                                                                    Committees
The house shall appoint standing and ad hoc committees as needed.
VI.                                                                                             Meetings
-  Regular meetings shall be held once a month at a time and venue agreed upon by the house.
                     Special meetings may be held at any time when called for by the Executive Council.
-  Meeting agendas shall be prepared by the Coordinator in consultation with other members of the
Executive Council shall be circulated at least three days in advance of the meeting by the Coordinator.
VII.                                                                                             Voting
Fifty percent of the members of the executive council constitute a quorum. In absence of a quorum, no formal action shall be taken except to adjourn the meeting to a subsequent date.
Passage of a motion requires a simple majority (i.e., one more than half the members present). A member is entitled to one vote on any given motion. Effective January 2009, voting rights will be limited to individuals with regularized membership as specified in section IX.
VIII.                                                                                               Conflict of Interest
Any member of the Executive Council or Committee (be it an ad hoc or a standing committee) who has a financial, personal, or official interest in, or any form of conflict with any matter pending before the house of such nature that it prevents or may prevent that member from acting on the matter in an impartial manner will offer to the
House to voluntarily excuse him/herself and will vacate his office/seat and refrain from discussion and voting on the said item.
IX.                                                                                                Membership Dues
Membership dues shall be $75 per married couple (household), while others (singles and associate members) shall be
$50.There shall be no membership dues for children under 18 years. Payments are due by the second Saturday in December. Members have until March of the following year to pay for the New Year. Individuals who fail to pay their dues by the deadline shall be stripped of their voting rights and other benefits commencing with the April meeting and will remain so until they regularize their membership. Paid dues will become part of an endowment and expended on projects that aligns with the mission of the group and agreed upon by the house.
X.                                                                                           Member Responsibilities
Members are expected to; be on time for meetings, attend meetings regularly and be up‐to‐date on issues, timely payment of membership dues, familiarize themselves with meeting procedures and follow the rules, understand issues/motions before voting on them, and be willing to volunteer when called upon to do so or as needed.
XI.                                                                                Member support and projects (charitable)
             All registered member support and charitable endeavors shall be determined by the Executive Council and ratified by
            the house.
All efforts shall be made to ensure that Registered members in need (as determined by The Executive Council and/or the house)
are supported in a timely fashion to a level determined by the Executive Council and/or the house. Members may table
worthy projects to the house for consideration.
                                                   Member Support Standard
• Demise of a member: The heir shall be supported with a donation of $2,500 towards funeral expenses or other
Pressing needs. $2000 shall be contributed by members by dividing 2000 by the number of registered members at the time of the loss. $500 shall come from the coffers to give a total of $2500.The treasurer shall issue a check to the bereaved family while waiting for members to contribute. A proof of relationship may be required when Ndatod is in doubt. This applies to all areas of eligibilities for the support of family members and couples.
• Bereaved Members: Members who experience the loss of an immediate family (spouse, child) member shall be
Supported with a $250 donation and a card. Members who experience the loss of a close relative (parent, sibling) shall be supported with a donation of $250 and a card. Support for a close relative is limited to two per
Fiscal year, but unlimited for an immediate family member.
• Marriage: Member(s) who is getting married shall be supported with a donation of $250 and a card.( for  wedding).
Child birth: Member(s) who welcome the birth of a child or children shall be supported with a $100 donation and a
 Card. If you have triplets the amount remains the same.
            Graduation: A graduating member or child from an accredited institution (High School and above) shall be
Supported with a donation of $50 and a card. Ndatod shall be represented at the graduation if there is a ceremony.
• Members in need: Registered Members experiencing any form of hardship shall table their needs to the Executive Council for a support consideration.
Illness/Hospitalization: A sick/hospitalized member shall be supported with a donation of $100 and a card. The
House may decide to set up a committee to determine the level of assistance/support for cases considered by
the house (through a motion) to be peculiar.
XII. Fiscal Policies
The fiscal year of the group shall run from January to December, with a three months lap for members to complete their membership. Registered members shall have January February and march to regularize or lose their memberships. New members and members making a comeback are welcomed at any time. A disciplinary committee shall be set up to look into the cases of members who paid their membership dues but did not attend meetings or participate in Ndatod activities.
XIII. Discipline
All members are expected to be of exemplary character. Members who defraud and/or misrepresent the group shall
Face a disciplinary committee.
XIV. Amendments
This bylaws may be amended by a two‐third vote of members present at any meeting, provided a quorum is present and a copy of the proposed amendment(s) are provided to each member at least one week prior to said meeting.
            Membership Eligibility.
            1) NONE REGISTERED MEMBER – is an individual who has not paid his or her yearly dues in full.
2) REGISTERED MEMBER – is an individual who has paid his or her yearly dues in full.
a) Volunteer to host meetings at least once per fiscal year
b) Participate in organization’s activities DEVOID OF FUNDING IMPLICATIONS
c) NOT BE eligible under article IV, IX and XI (i.e. will not benefit from financial support)
            d) Voluntarily participate in ad-hoc funding efforts.
            2) A “REGISTERED MEMBER” shall:
a) Volunteer to host meetings at least once per fiscal year.
b) Participate in organization’s activities.
c) Be eligible under ALL articles. d) Voluntarily participate in ad-hoc funding efforts.
Article XI – is henceforth amended as follows:
A “NONE REGISTERED MEMBER” is not eligible under article XI unless he/she has complied with article IX. This means that you cannot receive a "Financial Support" until you have paid your yearly dues in full.
Amended March 6, 2013 approved by majority membership.
          Correspondences to the Organization shall be addressed to the Coordinator’s home address or the Organization’s            
P.O. Box number.
Constitution and Bylaws Committee
           Ni Patrick Nyuga
           Ni Ernest Walah
           Ni Hycent Ngu
           Ni Chris Fokumlah
           Done: March 2013

Ndatod Bylaws.docx
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