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Jan 22, 2007, 3:14:38 AM1/22/07


I have an AUSTRALIAN stamps collection (almost all mint) from 1913
until 1982 for sale.

You can see the scans of some of the stamps from my AUSTRALIAN
Collection at . After
getting to this web site, place your curser on “my shots/albums”
and left click the word “albums” on the drop down menu. Then scroll
down to “AUSTRALIAN” and left click again. Click on any album page
to enlarge the image.

There are over 170 mint stamps. Mint highlights include Stanley Gibbons
#1, 2, 6, 8, 19, 22, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 51, 62, 64, 64, 92, 128, 130,
131, 133, 140, 143, 146, 149, 152, 155, 158, 178, 186, 224b, 224c, 224d
and many additional stamps. The condition is mostly F-VF, mint OG with
mostly NH.

There are also Air Post Stamps, Air Post Official Stamps, Postage Due
Stamps, Military Stamps and Official Stamps.

I have, as of this date, inventoried my AUSTRALIAN stamps that include
most issues from Stanley Gibbon’s #1 to Stanley Gibbon’s #224d.
This includes only part of my collection. These stamps are valued using
the Stanley Gibbons On-Line Catalog (2007 values) at about United
States Dollars 3,146.12 or at the exchange rate on January 22, 2007 of
United Kingdom Pounds of about 1593.84 or the Euro at about 2426.49 or
the Australian Dollar at about 3983.69.

If you desire a Microsoft Excel inventory spreadsheet of this
collection please send me an e-mail and I will forward it to you.

I also have stamps from Australian Antarctic Territory, Christmas
Island, Cocos (Keeling)Islands, New Britain, New Guinea, New South
Wales, Norfolk Island, North West Pacific Islands, Papua New Guinea,
Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia.
The URL to view the jpg images of these stamps is at

In addition to posting any reply to this discussion group, can you
please e-mail your reply directly to me?

The inventory will be accurate to the best of my ability. Before anyone
purchases this collection, I will send scans of any of the high value
stamps for their review.

I am willing to sell this complete country or any complete country
collection (see list below) at 38% of either the most current Scott or
Stanley Gibbons catalog prices.

I am willing to sell most any single stamp or set of stamps at 47% of
either the most current Scott or Stanley Gibbons catalog prices.

All sales are to be paid in US Dollars. The buyer is responsible for
packing, shipping, insurance and any customs duty.

If you have an interest in the AUSTRALIAN collection or any other
country’s collection (see list below), please contact me. I can send
you a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet of the collection.

 My name is Larry Schenker and I am from Los Angeles, California in
the United States.

 I want to start selling my stamp collection.

 I am a collector not a dealer.

 In the year 1942, when I was nine (9) years old, I started
collecting stamps. My uncle used to give me $10 a month for the buying
of stamps. He was a personal friend of the legendary Jacques Minkus,
who owned the Stamp Concession at Gimbel’s Herald Square Department
Store in New York City.

 Now it is 2007 and I am 74 years old. I have been collecting
stamps, off and on, for over sixty-five (65) years. None of my children
or grandchildren has any desire to collect stamps.

 A few years ago, I retired, sold my home and now live in Los
Angeles, California, USA.

 I no longer have good eye sight or have the dexterity to handle
these valuable stamps with my tweezers.

 It is time for me to start selling off my private collection.

 I want to sell individual stamps, sets or complete country

 All of the stamps that I will be selling are from my private
collection and to the best of my knowledge accurate in their

Below are several URL’s that contain pictures and information about
my collection. I am in the process of scanning more and more of the
collection and adding additional jpg files to the web sites.

I am willing to sell any complete country collection (see list below)
at 38% of either the most current Scott or Stanley Gibbons catalog

I am willing to sell most any single stamp or set of stamps at 47% of
either the most current Scott or Stanley Gibbons catalog prices.

All sales are to be paid in US Dollars. The buyer is responsible for
packing, shipping, insurance and customs duty.
The above URL contains pictures of stamps from:
 Aden – High value stamps, including Scott #11, 16-27, 30, 31.
 Antigua – High value stamps, including Scott #95, 98, 99.
 Ascension – Album of 14 pages, including Scott #40, 41a, 43, 44.
 Australia – Album of 9 pages, including SG #19, 38, 65, 131, 143.
 Bermuda – Album of 7 pages, including SG #10, 11, 17, 25, 52b.
 British Honduras – Album of 1 page
 Burma – Album of 2 pages
 Canada – High value stamps
 Cape of Good Hope – Album of 1 page
 Cape Verde – High value stamps
 Falkland Islands - Album of 9 pages
 Gibraltar - Album of 69 pages -
 Montserrat - Album of 20 pages
 Natal – Album of 1 page
 Orange Free State (Orange River Colony) – Album of 1 page
 Rhodesia – Album of over 100 pages
 Seychelles – Album of 29 pages
 Sierra Leone – Album of 11 pages
 Solomon Islands – Album of 28 pages
 St. Kitts – Nevis – High value stamps and large sheets
 Transvaal – Album of 1 page
The above URL contains pictures of stamps from:
 German
 Hong Kong
 Spain
 United States
 Gambia
 Rhodesia
The above URL contains pictures of stamps from:
 Aitutaki – Rare block of 15 mint stamps
 Australia – Album of 59 pages
 Australian Antarctic Territory – Album of 4 pages
 Christmas Island – Album of 13 pages
 Cocos (Keeling)Islands – Album of 6 pages
 New Britain – Album of 3 pages
 New Guinea – Album of 7 pages
 New South Wales – Album of 9 pages
 Norfolk Island – Album of 21 pages
 North West Pacific Islands – Album of 2 pages
 Papua New Guinea – Album of 42 pages
 Queensland – Album of 7 pages
 South Australia – Album of 9 pages
 Tasmania – Album of 5 pages
 Victoria – Album of 11 pages
 Western Australia – Album of 4 pages
The above URL contains pictures of stamps from:
 Malta – Album of 64 pages
The above URL contains pictures of stamps from:
 Great Britain – Album of 123 pages

I also have collections that have not yet been scanned from:
 Alaquoites
 Austria
 Azores
 Bahamas
 Bahrain
 Barbados
 Basutoland
 Bechuanaland Protectorate
 Belgium
 Botswana
 British Bechuanaland
 British Solomon Islands
 Brunei
 Bulgaria
 Cayman Islands
 Ceylon
 China
 Cyprus
 Dominica
 East Africa and Uganda Protectorates
 Federated Malay States
 France
 German East Africa
 Germany
 Gibraltar
 Gilbert & Elice Islands
 Gold Coast
 Hong Kong
 Honduras
 India
 Indian States
 Iran
 Irish Free State
 Ireland
 Israel
 Italy
 Jamaica
 Japan
 Johore
 Kenya and Uganda
 Kuwait
 Leeward Islands
 Malaya Trengganu
 Mauritius
 Mexico
 Montserrat
 Natal
 New Britain
 New Guinea
 New Zealand
 Newfoundland
 Nigeria
 Nyasaland Protectorate
 Pakistan
 Palestine
 Republic of China
 Rhodesia
 Saar
 South Africa
 South Australia
 South West Africa
 Spain
 Straits Settlement
 Swaziland
 Syrie
 Tanganyika

In addition to posting any reply to this discussion group, can you
please e-mail your reply directly to me?

Larry Schenker
Los Angeles, California
United States of America

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