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Monthly meeting to discuss The Adventure of the Crooked Man

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Glen Link

Oct 13, 2023, 2:46:10 PM10/13/23
to Notorious Canary Trainers
The first important thing to announce is that we will be meeting at the Memorial United Church of Christ, our summer meeting location. The church is located at 5705 Lacy Road. There was some confusion, and we are unable to meet at the Fitchburg Library due to other events being held there.

This Sunday, October 15th,  we will be discussing The Adventure of the Crooked Man. This adventure was first published in July of 1893 in both The Strand Magazine in England and Harper's Weekly in the U.S. It has been used to make 2 movies. A silent short movie in 1923 and the Granada TV version in 1984. The Granada TV version is of note because it is considered to be very faithful to the original story. There have also been many radio versions of the story between 1930 and 2015.

Sometimes members remark about remembering the story just by the name. I have to confess that I thought I knew the story right away. Unfortunately, as I read the story, I was thinking about the Adventure of the Man with a Twisted Lip. I guess that I am deserving of demerit points.

One thing I found interesting about the history of this story was that it was published as a comic strip by The Boston Globe in February 1931. I am not an expert about comics, but perhaps Johanna can let know about Sherlock's history in comic strips.

We will meet from 3:00 pm until 4:30 pm. As I said in the beginning of this message is that our meeting will be at the Memorial United Chruch of Christ located at 5705 Lacy Road.

I hope to see you there.

Hansom Cab
a.k.a. Glen Link

Max Magee

Oct 13, 2023, 3:47:20 PM10/13/23
to Glen Link, Notorious Canary Trainers
A Glen-inspired title-quiz:

It IS hard to keep track of the crooked, twisted, blanched, retired, noble, illustrious, and red-headed men who grace the title of the Canonical tales.

1.) Can you name the only men whose names appear in the title of the Canonical tales? Two are fairly easy, one is somewhat sneaky.

2.) As far as I know, only one woman is named by name in the Canonical titles, and one by nickname. Can you name them (and any I may have forgotten)?

3.) Speaking of Canonical tails, can you name all of the titles featuring an animal in their name?

4.) Less quiz question, more discussion prompt: Which stories would you think you're most likely to confuse for this one—either because of plot similarities, character names, title, or some other reason?
I think TWIST is a great start—I'll also say I get CREE confused with BLAN, I think because of Dorr-Steele drawings:



Group efforts are allowed.


Max "Magic Jezail Bullet" Magee

"I would sooner face a Martini bullet myself. Are you game for a six-mile trudge, Watson?...Your leg will stand it?"

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John Hudson

Oct 15, 2023, 1:41:01 PM10/15/23
to Glen Link, Notorious Canary Trainers
Greetings all,

I will be skipping today's meeting, as I am not feeling well today. This 
makes me feel sad, as I really enjoy our sessions—especially when 
there are interesting differences of viewpoint.

Just to put my vote in, this is possibly my favorite of the "the real story 
happened in an exotic land far, far away" adventures in the cannon. The 
story of the original betrayal, and the protagonist's struggle to get back 
home and seek vengeance is remarkable, as is the scene charity clothing 

Have a great meeting, and I'll see you all next month!

John Hudson
 aka Calabash (from the mantelpiece, with all the plugs and dottles)

From: <> on behalf of Glen Link <>
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2023 1:46 PM
To: Notorious Canary Trainers <>
Subject: Monthly meeting to discuss The Adventure of the Crooked Man

Max Magee

Oct 15, 2023, 2:02:43 PM10/15/23
to John Hudson, Glen Link, Notorious Canary Trainers
Sorry to hear that, John. Feel better. We'll miss you.

As a last-minute replacement, my daughter Kate is almost certainly joining us today!


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