Dave Akerman's Apollo 11 flight

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Paul Lowell

Jul 18, 2019, 10:18:34 PM7/18/19
to NC Near Space Research


Remember our Star Wars flights?  Here is Mr. Akerman's write-up on his recent Apollo 11 flight:  http://www.daveakerman.com/?p=2596

Aurora Toennisson

Jul 19, 2019, 9:22:44 AM7/19/19
to ncnea...@googlegroups.com
This delights me to no end!

On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 10:18 PM Paul Lowell <pa...@lowell.to> wrote:


Remember our Star Wars flights?  Here is Mr. Akerman's write-up on his recent Apollo 11 flight:  http://www.daveakerman.com/?p=2596

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Aurora Toennisson

Research Associate
Specialty Crops Lab
Department of Entomology
North Carolina State University
Email:  tato...@ncsu.edu
Office Phone: 919-513-4344
Cell Phone: 336-212-3964
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