Psyching myself up for the 400, I've "consulted" some previous successful experiences

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Martin Shipp

Apr 22, 2024, 12:54:09 PMApr 22
to NC Rando
Psyching myself up  &  perhaps a useful lesson for new members -- be sure to check out the comment from Branson at the end. 
May 10, 2010 at 5:27 PM 

When I was at the turn-around control, with Byron there abandoning, someone mentioned that Branson was having trouble.
I commented "in that case, Branson and I each faked smiles when we crossed paths a bit ago. I doubt mine looked as effective as his."

I had no energy on Saturday.
If I had ridden "Irregularly" on Saturday, I might well have bailed early.
I rode from Snow Camp to the turn-around, pausing every 10 to 12 miles to nibble, drink, get both feet on the ground.
I spent a lot of time at the controls.

I went into Uwharrie (8 miles after the U-turn), coming close to coasting into Vance with a left calf that cramped when I tried to "click-out" for the stop sign there. Thank goodness there were no cars around.
I spent about 20 minutes sitting in a rocking chair inside the convenience store / gas station in Uwharrie watching the "cramplet thunder-storm" in my left calf, and the lesser "storm" going on in my right calf.
I was trying to figure if I should pull a Byron and recognize defeated legs/body.
But I couldn't figure out how I could abandon.
Who could I call?
Maria, et al, were already dealing with Byron. (And one or two others, by what Alan said at the end.)
I probably couldn't have gotten a cell signal in Uwharrie anyway.
I knew I would be disappointed if I gave up. I might never try again, I thought.
I knew that at least some of the "Irregulars" would be disappointed.

I recalled finishing my Sep-19-2009 ride despite some noticeable pain and the two dislocated fingers (I think I popped the two fingers back in place before any of the others saw them).
And then I remembered what it says in the handbook: "try riding to the next control and see what happens".

So ... that's what I set out to do. Try to ride to Seagrove, and see what happens.

Somewhere on Ophir Rd, just after cresting a hill, I cramped again.
I was worried because I knew the hills on Flint Hill Rd would be worse, but I knew there was no option other than to keep trying to ride to Seagrove and the next control.
Turned out that was my last cramp (I think). They weren't bad cramps, anyway.
I was very worried riding up that "40 mph downslope" hill on Flint Hill Rd. If I had cramped going up that sucker -- splat!
But 4.5 mph up that hill in the 30 / 25, pushing / pulling hard on the pedals, I got to the top, and ...
I knew I could make it to Seagrove.

Gary and Sara caught me about 10 km before Seagrove as I was changing out batteries.
Gary asked how I was doing.
I responded, "well, earlier, I was riding cramp to cramp, but that seems to have passed."

Gary and Sara got me through the last 160 km. Nice folks. Sara always with a smile. Gary always serene.

Byron invited me to join the L-L-L permanent ride this coming weekend, but I have to give it a miss ...
I'm previously committed to a mini-3-hump ride with some of the "Irregulars".
I think I'll skip riding up Pilot. My excuse will be "hey, I rode 400 km last week, and I'm riding 600 km next week."
(Byron and Geof combined to tell me a funny story when I told them that line.)

May 10, 2010 at 10:16 PM 
Congratulations, Martin. Way to hang in there and finish.

Yep- I had some pretty bad cramps until Chet taught me something new. He shared some Tums with me at the turnaround and they did the trick. My problem was too much intensity early in the ride and not enough training. I didn't have as much fun as I thought I would, but like you, I just kept riding. Like you said, how else were we to get home?

See you soon- Branson
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Branson K

Apr 22, 2024, 1:14:14 PMApr 22
to Martin Shipp, NC Rando
Yep Chet is a master of long rides! And that 400 was plenty of Type 2 fun. It’s still my favorite route around here. As Paul Pavlides once said,“Emmer? Emmer some big damn hills!”

Hate I can’t join in the fun this year but wishing everyone smooth roads and tail winds.

And thank you Martin for organizing!

Bon route,


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