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Bike MS New Bern

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Nicholas Bronson

Aug 19, 2024, 3:56:22 PM8/19/24
to NC Rando Cyclists
Hey friends!

Is anyone else planning to ride in this years Bike MS down in New Bern? I'm registered to ride with Team CBC and would love to meet up with any of us that are riding. I'll be wearing all the RUSA gear I can over the weekend to try to promote some more visibility of randonneuring in our area.

Here's a link to my page if you would like to join us, or donate or are just interested in more information.


Michael O'Connor

Sep 6, 2024, 12:49:35 PM9/6/24
to NC Rando Cyclists
I'll be there as well, we're heading out in about an hour. I'm riding with Missing Spokes these days. Their tent is near the bridge underpass to the convention center.  I'll look for a RUSA jersey, Spokes have new jerseys this year. I haven't seen them in person, but they appear to a bright splash of pink and other colors. 

Mike O. 

Steven Hardy-Braz

Sep 10, 2024, 9:14:25 AM9/10/24
to Michael O'Connor,

As I have done almost every year for the past 18, I'll be there.  Most likely you'll never see me or you'll pass by quickly.  I'll be a Ride Marshall on the century loops both days there and also at the Tour to Tanglewood in two weeks.  I'll be the first rider out early-to make sure the bridge and the first 10-15 miles are clean and good for everyone to be released and then I'll drift/ride to the back and sweep the last rider(s) in at the end of the day.  I'll be in a red MSRide Marshall jersey so if you see me as you go past, please feel free to say 'hi'.




PS Please save some beer on Saturday-being the last one in can be a thirsty task ;)




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