RESPECT in the Workplace

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Q Miles

Aug 15, 2016, 1:53:57 PM8/15/16

Respect Campaign

August 12, 2016   ATO COO Teri Bristol

Hi everyone.  People are at the heart of everything we do.  And I believe that when we take care of our people, they’ll care of the operation.  The things we say, and the things we do, have an impact on our co-workers, and ultimately affect our mission.  With that in mind, the FAA and our labor partners are developing a new campaign called RESPECT.  Our goal is to establish and maintain a work environment of mutual dignity, support and respect between all individuals that work to protect the National Airspace System.

When we treat each other warmly and equally, people appreciate it, and that sets a positive tone for the rest of the day.  When we include and consider the needs of others, we can forge strong bonds.  When we have empathy for others – in other words, when we put ourselves in another person’s shoes – we can understand where they’re coming from, and figure out a win-win situation.  And when we talk openly about conflicts, we can reach a mutual understanding and find a way to move forward.   

The more we make efforts like these, the more we will reaffirm a respectful culture that upholds our high standard of professionalism.      

We’re in the process of determining how the campaign will be rolled out.  We’ll pilot at a few facilities initially, and then expand nationwide. 

Everyone should feel like they are a respected, valued and included member of the team.  And whatever our job title is, we’re all responsible for maintaining this kind of culture.  As we do that, we’ll have a more satisfying work place and we’ll be even more successful in carrying out the FAA’s mission.

So let’s choose RESPECT!

Thanks everyone,

Teri L. Bristol
ATO Chief Operating Officer

Quentin D. Miles

“Instead of making race-relations ‘issues of controversy’ awaiting adjudication and legal wins or losses, we need to make race-relations ‘opportunities of grace’ where we value one another as equals and adhere to the words of Christ – ‘In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.’” NASB Matthew 7:12. - qmiles

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