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Re: Cepaea snail mapping

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Frederick W. Schueler

Dec 2, 2024, 12:02:06 PM12/2/24
to Eastern Ontario Natural History listserve, wmcilveen wmcilveen
On 23-Nov-24 8:27 a.m., Bill McIlveen wrote:
> I decided I ought to get moving to write up some information about the
> spread of Cepaea in Ontario. Between specimens (ca 200) and visual
> observations (300+), I have a fairly decent distribution information for
> the areas I have travelled over 40 or more years. The problem is that
> virtually every record lies west of Toronto. Everything east of Toronto
> is missing in action. That is why I am asking you if you have any
> records for the eastern area????

* I've sent Bill the 399 records I have (more than 1 km from our
introduction at home here), and I'm about to scoop up the records I have
by other observers, but I wonder if we can't have a bit of a Cepaea
festival on the list, and everyone who has seen them, send in species
(or just genus - leads to
identification guidelines), location, and notes. With the locations
latitude & longitude would be easiest, but this is to be a map of the
whole province, so even vague records will be helpful.

If you've got a lot of records, you could send them to Bill directly.

---------Frederick W. Schueler & Aleta Karstad ------------ Fragile
Inheritance Natural History - 6
St-Lawrence Street Bishops Mills, RR#2 Oxford Station, Ontario K0G 1T0
on the Smiths Falls Limestone Plain 44.87156° N 75.70095° W

Michael Oldham

Dec 2, 2024, 12:50:49 PM12/2/24
to, wmcilveen wmcilveen
My 137 databased Ontario Cepaea observations are all on iNaturalist where they can be viewed and downloaded. In total there are 12,666 Ontario Cepaea observations on iNaturalist, 12,477 of which have photo documentation.

Mike Oldham

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