On 23-Nov-24 8:27 a.m., Bill McIlveen wrote:
> I decided I ought to get moving to write up some information about the
> spread of Cepaea in Ontario. Between specimens (ca 200) and visual
> observations (300+), I have a fairly decent distribution information for
> the areas I have travelled over 40 or more years. The problem is that
> virtually every record lies west of Toronto. Everything east of Toronto
> is missing in action. That is why I am asking you if you have any
> records for the eastern area????
* I've sent Bill the 399 records I have (more than 1 km from our
introduction at home here), and I'm about to scoop up the records I have
by other observers, but I wonder if we can't have a bit of a Cepaea
festival on the list, and everyone who has seen them, send in species
(or just genus -
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cepaea leads to
identification guidelines), location, and notes. With the locations
latitude & longitude would be easiest, but this is to be a map of the
whole province, so even vague records will be helpful.
If you've got a lot of records, you could send them to Bill directly.
---------Frederick W. Schueler & Aleta Karstad ------------ Fragile
Inheritance Natural History -
https://fragileinheritance.ca/ 6
St-Lawrence Street Bishops Mills, RR#2 Oxford Station, Ontario K0G 1T0
on the Smiths Falls Limestone Plain 44.87156° N 75.70095° W