If the sap runs as poorly as it did these past 2 springs they won't
get much revenue. 2 springs ago I saw my neighbours put up more
buckets than in the previous year, and I put up a couple pails, it was
a piddly return. Last spring I didn't bother, saw the neighbour's
pails up and then they came down about 6 days later which told me they
weren't getting anything. We had an El Nino year which is supposed to
end, I'm hoping that this year it will be a bit more "normal". When I
a kid back in the '60s several neighbours set up the tapping, and it
was around the time of March break at the end of March. Now the
darned trees are starting in February or early March, then it warms up
so fast it's over before you know it. I'll have to keep an eye out
and get some taps in early.
Speaking of freezing, my thermometer showed -6 C here this morning,
and it's the first time our little lake has frozen over, except for
one band along the western shore where is deeper water. There are
about 8 common mergansers in the open water. The birds (bluejays,
juncos, doves, chickadees, nuthatches) are busy at the feeders.
Haven't seen the tufted titmouse yet but he was there yesterday, and
there are woodpeckers hammering at the dead white pine tree near the
house. No sign of Baxter the Bunny or the deer that wander through
this morning.
uoting "Frederick W. Schueler" <